🌆CASE STUDY - Olympic Park, London Flashcards
Where is the Olympic development located?
Stratford, East London
What does the Olympic park house?
The velodrome, aquatics centre, Copper Box and Riverbank Arena
What was the site used for formerly?
An industrial/commercial development as a depository for building rubble from properties demolished during the Second World War
Why was infiltration previously reduced?
Due to high levels of contamination
What was employed around pedestrianised areas?
Porous asphalt strips to collect run off
Where was water taken from the asphalt strips?
Into granular trenches below which contain perforated pipes, then draining into catchpits and finally watercourses
What was the main feature of the park in terms of SUDS?
The wetlands area
What other strategies were employed?
Swales, filter strips and small volume balancing ponds
Where was rainwater harvesting employed?
The velodrome and Copper Box
What was intended for the wetlands?
To be a wildlife haven for plants and animals, with habitats crated for otters, herons and water voles
What was taken into account when the SUDS were designed?
The potential impacts of climate change
What was given appropriate methods of treatment?
Sources of surface water contamination
How could the SUDS system be improved?
By considering elements such as meltwater form snow or ice
What was ensured during the construction of the system?
The safe operation and maintenance of the system
Brownfield site
Refers to buildings that have become dilapadated after being abandoned