BIOL G220: Ch. 26 Flashcards
Terms and concepts from Ch. 26: Digestive System
The digestive system includes organs that.. (5)
- ingest the food
- transport the ingested material
- digest the material into smaller usable components
- absorb the necessary digested nutrients into the blood stream
- expel waste products from the body
accessory digestive organs
not part of long GI tube, but often develop as outgrowths of that tube
accessory digestive organs (6)
teeth tongue salivary glands liver gall bladder pancreas
digestive system functions (6)
ingestion digestion propulsion secretion absorption elimination
involves peristalsis and segmentation
ripple-like wave of muscular contraction that forces material to move further along the GI tract
churning and mixing of material helping to disperse the material and mix it and combine it with digestive organ secretions
oral cavity contains… (4)
cheeps, lip, and palate
salivary glands
form the lateral wall of the oral cavity and are comprised mainly of the buccinator muscles
cheeks end anteriorly as..
cover the alveolar processes of the teeth
labial frenulum
thin, midline mucosa on the internal surface of the upper and lower lips that are attached to the gingivae
forms the roof of the oral cvity
hard palate
anterior two-thirds of the palate comprised of bone
soft palate
posterior one-third of palate; soft and muscular
extending from the soft palate posteriorly, it elevates during swallowing and closes off the posterior entrance to the nasopharynx
represent the opening from the oral cavity to the oropharynx
fauces are bounded laterally by paired muscular folds: (2)
palatoglossal arch
palatopharyngeal arch
palatine tonsils
housed by the two arches that bound fauces
manipulates and mixes ingested materials during chewing and helps compress the partially digested materials into a bolus
globular mass of ingested materials that can be more easily dwallowed
lingual frenulum
thin, midline mucous membrane that attaches the inferior surface of the tongue and the floor of the oral cavity
salivary glands
produce and secrete saliva into the oral cavity
saliva functions (5)
- moistens ingested materials to become a slick bolus
- moistens, cleanses, and lubricates the structures of the oral cavity
- chemical digestion of ingested materials
- antibacterial action
- dissolves materials so that taste receptors on the tongue can be stimulated
saliva production rate
1-1.5 L/day
saliva solute components (3)
immunoglobin A
immunoglobin A
helps decrease bacterial infections
antibacterial enzyme
salivary glands are located..
external to the oral cavity
pairs of salivary glands (3)
- parotid glands
- submandibular glands
- sublingual glands
parotid salivary glands are the __ of the three
parotid salivary glands secrete -% of total saliva
parotid salivary glands include a __ ___ that runs parallel to the zygomatic arch and pierces the ___ muscle
parotid duct; buccinator
parotid salivary glands also secrete..
submandibular salivary glands produce the __ of the saliva (-%)
majority; 60-70%
submandibular salivary glands contain a __ ___ that transports saliva from each gland through a papilla in the floor of the mouth
submandibular duct
sublingual salivary glands contribute -% of total saliva
sublingual salivary glands contain multiple, tiny __ ___ that open into the inferior surface of the oral cavity
sublingual ducts
types of secretory cells found in salivary glands (2)
mucous cells
serous cells
mucous cells
secrete mucin, which forms mucus upon hydration
serous cells
secrete a watery fluid containing ions, lysozyme, and salivary amylase
parotid (type of secretion)
only serous
submandibular (type of secretion)
both mucus and serous
sublingual (type of secretion)
both mucus and serous
teeth are collectively known as
a tooth has an exposed ___, a constricted __, and one or more ___ that fit into __ ___
crown; neck; roots; dental alveoli
forms the primary mass of the tooth; harder than bone
each root of a tooth is covered with..
covers the external surface of the dentin and forms the crown of the tooth
pulp cavity
center of the tooth
connective tissue contained in the pulp cavity of a tooth
root canal
opens into the connective tissue (pulp) of the tooth
apical foramen
opening throughwhich a root canal opens into the connective tissue
apical foramen has.. which are housed by the ___
blood vessels and nerves passing through; pulp
teeth surfaces (6)
mesial distal buccal labial lingual occlusal
sets of teeth (2)
- deciduous
2. permanent
deciduous teeth
erupt between 6-30 months, are 20 in numbers, and are often called milk teeth
permanent teeth
replace the deciduous teeth and are 32 in number
permanent teeth types (4)
most anteriorly placed, shaped like chisels, and have a single root
posterolateral to the incisors, pointed tips for puncturing and tearing
posterolateral to canines, have flat crowns with prominent ridges called cusps for crushing and grinding
cusps (premolars)
prominent ridges for crushing and grinding
thickest and most posterior teeth, also adapted for rushing and grinding of ingested materials
gingivae composed of..
dense irregular connective tissue and nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
gingivae function
surrounds necks of teeth and cover alveolar processes
hard plate composed of..
bony shelf covered by dense CT and nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
lips are covered with..
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
lips function to..
close oral cavity during chewing
soft palate is covered with..
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
teeth are..
hard structures projecting from the alveolar processes of the maxillae and mandible
teeth function
masticate (chew food)
tongue is
primarily skeletal muscle and covered by stratified squamous epithelium; surface covered in papillae