BIOL G220: Ch. 15 Flashcards
Terms and concepts from Ch. 15: Brain and Cranial Nerves
four major regions of the brain
brain features include (2)
directional terms of brain includes (2)
rostral (anterior)
caudal (posterior)
the human brain is divided into ___ lobes with the ___ lobe buried inside, called the _____
5; 5th; insula
cerebrum includes (3)
frontal lobe
temporal lobe
occipital lobe
brainstem includes (3)
medulla oblogata
olfactory bulbs runs into olfactory ____
pituitary gland sits in ___ of sphenoid bone
sella turcica
optic nerves cross optic chiasms and become ______ tracts
pituitary gland aka
diencephalon includes (4)
corpus callosum
interthalamic adhesion
bundles of myelinated axons (white matter) are called _____
tracts compose the ____ and _____ of the diencephalon
corpus callosum, interthalamic adhesion
corpus callosum is the
main structure for communication between L and R brain hemisphere
interthalamic adhesion is
structure for communication between L and R thalamus
most basic part of the brain is the
brain stem (pons and medulla oblongata)
gray matter
houses motor neuron and interneuron cell bodies, dendrites, telodendria, unmyelinated axons
gray matter forms .. (2)
the cortex (upper layer), which covers the surface of most of the adult brain and discrete internal clusters called cerebral nuclei
white matter
made up of myelinated axons and is deep to the gray matter of the cortex
cluster of neuron cell bodies within the PNS
group of CNS neuron cell bodies with a common function
center in the CNS that displays discrete anatomic boundaries
axon bundle extending through the PNS
nerve plexus
network of nerves in PNS
CNS axon bundle in which the axons have a similar function and share a common origin and destination
group of tracts in a specific area of the spinal cord
centers and tracts that connect he CNS with body organs and systems
outer layer of gray matter in cerebrum and cerebellum; consists of densely packed neuron cell bodies
cerebral hemisphere
either of two symmetrical halves of the cerebrum, separated by the longitudinal fissure
supports and protects the brain (4)
bony cranium
protective connective tissue (meninges)
blood-brain barrier
cranial meninges are three CT layers that.. (4 functions)
- separate soft tissue of the brain from bones of cranium
- enclose and protect blood vessels that supply the brain
- contain and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
- form some of the brains that drain blood from the brain
layers of cranial meninges include (3)
pia mater
arachnoid mater
dura mater
from superior to inferior in skull and posterior to anterior on spinal cord, the cranial meninges are arranged..
dura mater
arachnoid mater
pia mater
the space between arachnoid mater and pia mater is called
subarachnoid space (contains CSF)
the dura mater is composed of two layers called the …
periosteal layer (superior) meningeal layer (inferior)
the potential space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater is called
subdural space
subdural space normally has ___ space, but the layers can separate and fluid may ____
no; build
small grooves in between gyri
large grooves in the brain
sit in between fissures to connect the brain; created by the meningeal layer of the dura mater
inside the septa are spaces called…
dural venous sinus
dural venous sinus helps to drain ___ out of the brain. it is also how CSF ___ the arachnoid mater from the brain
blood; leaves
providing stabilization and support, the four cranial dural septa are…
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebelli
diphragma selae
falx cerebri
projects into longitudinal fissure and separates left and right cerebral hemispheres
tentorium cerebelli
horizontal fold that separates cerebrum from cerebellum
falx cerebelli
separate left and right cerebellar hemispheres
diaphragma selae
small septum between pituitary and hypothalamus
running within the margins of dural septa, the four dural venous sinuses are…
superior sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus
transverse sinuses
occipital sinus
superior sagittal sinus
runs within the superior margin of the falx cerebri
inferior sagittal sinus
runs within the inferior margin of the falx cerebri
transverse sinuses
run within the posterior border of the tentorium cerebelli
occipital sinus
runs in the posterior vertical border of the falx cerebelli
dural venous sinous is made of the ____ layer of the ____ mater
meningeal; dura
arachnoid granulation functions to allow ______ to enter ____ and drain
CSF; dura mater
confluence of sinuses
connecting point of sinuses
cavities within the brain that contain cerebral spinal fluid
lateral ventricles
one in each hemisphere of cerebrum
septum pellucidum
separates the two lateral ventricles
third ventricle is found in
fourth ventricle is found between
pons and cerebellum
cerebral aqueduct
where csf drains from third ventricle and through to fourth ventricle
the interthalamic adhesion runs across one lobe across the ___ ventricle and into the other lobe
cerebral spinal fluid
clear, colorless liquid that circulates in the ventricles and subarachnoid space
cerebral spinal fluid functions (3)
environmental stability
buoyancy (csf)
brain floats in the CSF
protection (csf)
provides liquid cushion
environmental stability (csf)
transports nutrients and removes waste from brain
choroid plexus
mass of blood cell structures inside the brain that create the CSF; made from ependymal cells
steps of production and circulation of CSF (5)
- CSF produced by the choroid plexus in the ventricles
- CSF flows form the third ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct into the fourth ventricle
- CSF in the fourth ventricle flows into the subarachnoid space and into the central canal of the spinal cord
- As the CSF flows through the subarachnoid space, it removes waste products and provide buoyancy to support the brain
- excess CSF flows into arachnoid villi, then drains into the dural venous sinuses. The greater pressure on the CSF in the subarachnoid space ensures that CSF moves into the venous sinuses without permitted venous blood to enter the subarachnoid space
blood-brain barrier
regulates what substances can enter interstitial fluid of brain
capillary endothelial cells and astrocyte ____ _____ contribute to the BBB
perivascular feet
BBB is missing or reduced in three distinct locations of CNS:
- choroid plexus (CSF production, high flow rate)
- hypothalamus (endocrine system needing circulatory access for hormone distribution)
- pineal gland (circadian rhythm)
CNS contains ___ ___ in capillaries to prevent any leakage
tight junctions
through through astrocyte provides more ______
location of conscious thought processes and origin of intellectual functions
cerebrum contains a large number of ____ that are needed for complex analytical and integrative functions
cerebrum contains.. (3)
outer cortex
inner white matter
cerebral nuclei (deep regions of gray matter)
surface of cerebrum is marked by.. (3)
fissures (deep groove)
cerebral hemispheres
two halves composing the cerebrum
the paired cerebral hemispheres are divided by a _____ _________ the extends along the midsagittal place
longitudinal fissure
the hemispheres are separate from one another, except at a few locations where bundles of axons called _____
form white matter regions that allow for communication between the two hemispheres
corpus callosum
largest tract and main tract that connects the two hemispheres