When activation requires the assembly of more than one task force
A Sector/Group Supervisor shall be assigned. The Sector/Group Supervisor shall supervise the task forces in the field.
When activated task force members shall
Secure their PPE and apparatus and await direction from the Chief officer designated as the IC, Operations Section Chief, or Sector/Group Supervisor
When more than 5 task forces are activated in one borough
A second Sector/Group Supervisor shall be assigned
The initial Task Force shall consist of
Officer (Task Force Leader)
4 firefighters
2 apparatus
The apparatus selected shall be
2 Rapid Response Vehicles (SSL) or
1 RRV and 1 Tac Unit
Con Edison
- Is encouraged to be a component of the Task Force
- Primary function is to assess electrical hazards
- Can provide a boom truck & an electrical trouble shooter
Each full task force shall be equipped with a minimum of
2 chain saws Spare chains Chain saw fuel Elevator keys 1 dewatering pump NFPA approved PPE Helmet, eye and ear, gloves Bunker boots and chaps
Communication via department radio should be
Limited to emergency transmissions or when established communications fail
Primary communications
Department Administrative Radio System (DARS) which is a 400 MHz UHF handheld radio. Task forces in each borough shall switch to the designated assigned frequency for that borough
Do DARS radios interfere with HT transmissions
Alternate communication if the DARS fails
800 MHz radios if DARS OOS
Contingency communications
Cell phones if both the DARS and the 800 MHz are OOS
Emergency communications
The department radio if all other systems are OOS. However the department radio may also be used when an emergency exists and direct communication to the borough dispatcher is necessary
Designations of the task force
Are required and are flexible. Consideration shall be given to identifying each task force using the designation of one of the assigned RRV’s in that task force
Members communicating to each other within the task force would
Use their assigned unit designations to identify themselves
EX: RRV 132 to BFU 2
The IC shall determine the individual
Responsible for documentation. The IC shall be responsible to conduct a Formal or Informal critique dependent upon the complexity of the incident.
An After Action Report is required whenever a
RRV Task Force Activation has occurred, regardless of whether the critique was formal or informal