Red Cross Referral Slips
Distributed to all Battalions
Form BF-3
Shall be given to any person needing relocation or assistance as a result of fire. It will not be recognized by any agency as verification of fire, damage or residence. It is merely a referral
Red Cross will respond to all
2nd or greater alarms in occupied buildings
Form BF-3 Referral Slips info to be inputed on the slip and given to the victims
Box number
Time of box
Battalion responsible for fire report
Units will no longer use
Radio communications for relocations of victims of fire
The persons requiring assistance will
Make the necessary phone call to the Red Cross as per instructions on the Referral Slip. An exception to this procedure will be made if the victim has no access to a phone or when a severe language problem exists.
Referral slips need not be given if
Red Cross personnel are on the scene
Where do we obtain additional referral forms
Stationary stockroom by written request on letterhead
Referral slips need not be given if
Red Cross personnel are on the scene
Where do we obtain additional referral forms
Stationary stockroom by written request on letterhead