AUC 151 BRUSH FIRES Flashcards
What type of brush fires burn along the top of trees, extending by direct flame contact and heat waves.
Crown fires
These fires rarely occur in NYC
The most common type of brush fires encountered in NYC are
Surface fires burn grass, weeds, small trees, leaves on the ground, etc
What type of brush fires start on the surface and burn downward
Bog fires
Can last for days and weeks
Weather conditions for brush fires
- Low humidity
- Winds in excess of 15 mph
- Little or no rainfall for preceding 3 days or more
BFU staffing
- LT and 2 firefighters
- Never considered OOS
- After 1800 and before 0900 BFU’s will be unstaffed
- Chauffeur trained in off road driving
Correct use of winch on BFU’S
- Tow out similar weight vehicles
* Self-extrication
If apparatus placed OOS for a short time BC can use those members to
Activate the BFU while the repairs are being made
When staffed BFU’s will conduct a
Patrol. These patrols shall be conducted between the hours of 1030-1130 and again between 1530-1630
BFU’s shall always be designated by their
Assigned number on the department radio and HT’s
BFU 3 to command
If a BFU is damaged during operations the
OOD in the BFU is responsible for the report
BFU’s shall not cross water deeper than
1 1/2 Feet deep (18 inches)
Streams should be directed at the
- Burning brush
* Not at the flames above the burning brush
Fires burning on hillsides will burn rapidly toward the top. Have units positioned on
Streets at the top of the hill to protect exposures but attack the fire from the bottom of the hill and work upward
Initial attacks should concentrate on
Mobility. Avoid hooking up to hydrants except to protect exposures
Can a hose line be operated beneath a high voltage electric line
The NYPD helicopter can be used for the following
- Air Reconnaissance
- Implementation of fire ground strategy
- Control of field forces
- Water drops
What is the Primary use of the NYPD helicopter
Air Reconnaissance
The use of the Bambi bucket shall be under control of the
Bambi bucket has a capacity of
250 Gallons
Do not commit members to the drop area until
Advised by the ARC that the water drop operation has concluded
The helicopter will not fly in winds over
40 MPH
Engine companies on the initial alarm should concentrate on
Protections exposures
Ladder companies should anticipate operating in
Teams utilizing Indian Pumps and brooms unless otherwise directed
It may be necessary to position
Multiple FAST Units to operations over a wide spread area. An ATV can be assigned to work with the FAST Unit to remove injured members
Members can raise brooms in the air or operate streams into the air to
Verify their location to the IC
________ operate a hose line beneath a high voltage line as electric current may be transmitted via particles in the smoke
A Battalion Chief special called to a 3rd alarm brush fire as the ARC should be aware that
The responding BC should call the NYPD Aviation Base and inform them of the response