Sections of the Transit system are equipped with mechanical ventilation system that utilizes
Large ventilation fans for air movement when natural ventilation is inadequate
Train movement accounts for
Most of the natural air circulation in the Transit System.
For the purpose of this addendum reference to IC is presumed to mean an
Officer above the rank of Captain
There are approximately 200 ventilation fan plants located throughout the Transit system, each fan plant having between
One and four fans. Most of the plants have a single fan. Plants serving under-river tubes may have up to 4 fans
With the exception of the Lenox-White Plains Tube, fans are located at
Both ends of ALL under river tubes
Not every subway station has
An associated fan plant. Fans are not universally distributed throughout the subway system
Each Fan Plant has a
- 4 digit ID number
- Fan Plant ID numbers and locations have been entered into CIDS and may appear as additional information on the teleprinter dispatch ticket
Individual fans have an air movement capacity of
Between 50,000 and 300,000 CFM
Most Transit System Fans operate in
- Exhaust mode
* A small number operate in supply mode
Ventilation fans associated with under-river tubes are
Reversible, as are replacement fans. On some older type fans the direction of the airflow can be changed by moving the dampers
Fans will not be affected by
Power removal ordered by the FD
TA will activate fans
Prior to FDNY Arrival, if in their judgement such activation will provide relief to exposed train passengers. This decision will be based on information received from TA employees at the incident.
In the event that fans have been activated prior to FDNY arrival the TA will
Notify the IC via the FDNY dispatcher of the location of the fans and the mode in which they are operating
When fans have been activated by the TA prior to FDNY arrival, control of the fans
Passes to the FDNY upon the arrival of the IC
The IC shall notify all FD Units on the scene of any
Fan activation or fan shut down. Units shall notify the IC of any adverse conditions resulting from the aforementioned
The IC can request via the dispatcher
Information regarding fan capability in the vicinity of the operation
All FDNY requests to the TA for fan activation or shutdown must be directed through
The IC to the FDNY dispatcher
The IC may opt to activate fans at
One end of the tube only or activate fans at both ends of the tube, one in exhaust mode and one in supply mode
The evacuation of passengers from under river tubes should take place
AWAY from any fan operated in exhaust mode.
In a smoke condition the
Track bed may be more comfortable for the passengers than the bench wall (AKA Catwalk) since the track bed may be below the smoke level. However BOTH the track bed AND bench wall are acceptable avenues of evacuation
If simultaneous operations are taking place at a major incident, a decision must be made early in the operations as to
Which borough will control the incident. Considerations should be given to having all units operate on the same borough frequency
A Command Post must
Be established at one end of the tube at a location determined by the IC. A Sector Supervisor or Branch Director if established can supervise operations on the other end of the tube
Nothing in this addendum should be construed to
Require or mandate the use of subway fans at FDNY subway operations. The decision to use or not to use the fans must be made by the IC after an assessment of the need for, and potential impact of such action