Pre-incident Guidelines are available on the
They are indexed by division
Who prepares the PIG
Administrative company and then emailed to the Battalion for verification and approval as a candidate for a PIG
The PIG template can be found in
Forms section of the intranet
A regularly assigned BC shall
Accompany the admin company to the site in question for review prior to approval
Not during BISP
When does the BC and the admin company go to the site
Not on BISP
Can be during daily drill period or MUD
Once finalized and approved by the Battalion it will be
Emailed to the Admin Division for examination and approval
When the Division approves they will then email it to
Fireops for final inclusion as well as posting to the FDNY intranet
PIG must be included in the
CIDS program
The FD designation
PG must be included at the beginning of the transmitted data section of the CIDS
The company officer in consultation with the BC must
Decide what portion of the vital information from the PG will be included in the transmitted data section of the CIDS
Each Division, Battalion and Company shall establish
2 pre-incident guideline binders for their respective admin as well as necessary response districts
Where are these 2 PIG binders stored
One binder on apparatus
One binder in company office
Chief officers receiving response tickets containing the FD designation PG in the CIDS message shall
Refer to such binders as necessary while responding to and managing incidents at these locations
Pre-incident Guideline familiarization drills
Division Commanders shall decide on the frequency and type of drills required
At a minimum how many times a year do we have a FAM drill at PIG sites
At least once a year
After completing the form online save a copy of the file
Renaming it using the letters PG followed be either the building address or the building address and name if applicable. Subject line of the email shall be formatted to contain the letters PG followed by either the building address or the building address and name if applicable