CB Coordinators will be responsible for the following
- Meeting attendance is maintained
- Reports are forwarded as necessary and records are maintained
- Continuity of this policy is upheld
CB Battalion Coordinators shall maintain a supply of
Official business cards to be used for distribution at DSC and CB meetings. The BC’s title on such card shall be Community Board Coordinator
In order to facilitate and institutionalize a stronger relationship between the Department and the Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) throughout the city, the CB Battalion Coordinator will also serve as a
Liaison to the CERTs located within the CB to which the BC is assigned
DSC meetings are generally conducted in the
Morning or early afternoon. Most other public CB meetings are conducted in the evening
Division Commanders and Battalion Commanders should make every effort to have the
CB Battalion Coordinator or alternate attend the DSC meetings and any other CB meetings as necessary, if available the CB Battalion Coordinator or alternate shall attend such meetings on a COMP TIME basis
The attending BC is expected to remain present during the
ENTIRE DSC meeting
Off duty BC’s will attend this meeting in
Class A uniforms
On duty BC’s will attend this meeting in
Work duty uniform and will remain OOS for the duration of such meetings unless the Supervising Dispatcher determines that circumstances necessitate their response
On duty BC’s scheduled for a DSC or CB meeting shall notify their respective Divisions and Dispatchers at the
Start and conclusion of the meetings. Such notifications shall include the meeting location and the expected duration
If NO BC is available to attend a DSC or CB meeting, a regularly assigned BC should
Notify the DM by phone prior to the meeting, if possible. The Battalion Commander shall endure a follow up call is made following the meeting
DSC meetings are generally held
Once a month from September through June. However, DMs have the discretion to call a meeting during July and August.
The JUNE meetings are usually
District Budget Consultations held in preparation for the fall citywide budget consultations. The FDNY Community Affairs Unit (CAU) staff attends these meetings when available
Most DSC meetings are scheduled on the
Same day of each month
Ex: Every second Monday
CB Coordinators or alternate shall notify the DM
At least one week prior to date of the regularly scheduled meeting to confirm the date, time and location of the meeting and to request that the FDNY be included on the agenda
Following all meetings the attending BC is required to
Forward a District Cabinet & Public Community Board Meeting Report form through the chain of command to the Chief of Operations
If an issue is raised that requires the attention of another FDNY Bureau, the BC shall make the
Appropriate referral
Copies of all reports with an associated index shall be kept
On file in the UFS in the Battalion office
The attending BC is expected to remain present during
The ENTIRE DSC meeting. Also CB Public Meetings if an issue relating to the FDNY is on the agenda
If the CB Battalion Coordinator or alternate is unable to attend on COMP TIME, the Battalion Commander shall have a
REGULARLY ASSIGNED BC attend such meeting while ON DUTY. For the purpose of this AUC, a regularly assigned BC is a CHIEF Officer working in the Battalion for MORE than a vacation period
Any procedural questions regarding CB’s and CB Battalion Coordinators should be directed to
Regarding policy issues that arise in the meetings who do you consult
Borough Commander via the Chain of Command
Any procedural questions regarding CB’s and CB Battalion Coordinators should be directed to
Regarding policy issues that arise in the meetings who do you consult
Borough Commander via the Chain of Command
The CB Battalion Coordinators or their Alternate are also responsible for
Matters that require additional research or further action