APUSH: Chapter 11 [DONE] Flashcards
what were some of the main beliefs of the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans?
agrarian (ppl who advocate distribution of land) purity, liberty, and states’ rights
what did the federalists accuse Thomas Jefferson of in the election of 1800?
stealing a widow and child’s trustfund
being the father of numerous children by his slave women
being an atheist
from what region of the country did Thomas Jefferson receive most of his support?
south and west virginia
what was so significant about Jefferson’s election and the “Revolution of 1800”
both powers accepted transfer of power peacefully
Jefferson won by the barest of margins
characterize how Jefferson and his administration utilized the office of the presidency - how did he lead the gov and nation?
alien and sedition acts expired
kept Hamiltonian system, except the excise tax
explain the main reason Jefferson opposed Adam’s last-minute appointment of federal judges to the bench
the Congress would be stacked high with federalists for life
as president, what did Jefferson do to the major Federalist economic programs?
kept all of them, except the excise tax
describe Marbury vs. Madison.
What was the constitutional question/issue of the case?
final authority to determine the meaning of the constitution, thanks to judicial review, supreme court had final say
as chief justice of the US, how did John Marshall transform the judicial branch of government?
he gave it more power
why did Jefferson end his opposition to the expansion of the navy?
pirates of northern African Barbary states plundered American merchant ships
what was Jefferson’s first major foreign-policy decision? (2)
“Peaceful coercion” - gave up military force
dispatched troops to Tripoli b/c of Pirates
why did Jefferson send two representatives to France in 1803?
to buy New Orleans b/c Spain withdrew the right of deposit
describe the British policy of impressment
forced enlistment of sailors
what did Jefferson do to deal with British and French violations of America’s neutrality?
embargo act - cut off ALL trade to EVERYONE
what arguments were used by the war hawks as a justification for a declaration of war against Britain?
to wipe out the Indian threat, which was supported by the British