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> 9. embryology: foetal growth and development (lecture) > Flashcards
9. embryology: foetal growth and development (lecture) Flashcards
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(78 decks)
1.1 Development of the reproductive system
1.1 development of the reproductive system - 2
1.1 development of the reproductive system - descent of the gonads
1.2 - Origin of the gametes - females
1.1 development of the reproductive system - abnormal development
1.2 - origin of the gametes - males
2.1 - hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
2.1 - hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: androgens, testes, ovary
2.2 - the menstrual cycle
2.2 - the menstrual cycle: effects of hormonal changes
2.2 the menstrual cycle: control of the menstrual cycle
week 1 - histology of the male reproductive system
Histology of female reproductive system (week 2)
2.1 hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: lecture
2.1 HPG axis lecture: males
2.1 HPG axis lecture: females
2.2 - the menstrual cycle: lecture
2.2 - the menstrual cycle: lecture - fertilisation occured
Histology of male reproductive system (basic)
Histology of female reproductive system (basic)
Histology of female reproductive system (basic) - cervix, vagina
Histology of female reproductive system (basic) - breast
3.1: puberty (workbook)
3.1: menopause (workbook)
3.1 lecture: endocrinology 'Puberty and Menopause'
3.1 lecture: endocrinology (part 2)
3.1 lecture: endocrinology: pubertal disorders
3.1 lecture: endocrinology, menopause
3.2 lecture: menstruation
3.2 lecture: abnormalities of menstruation
4.1 testis and scrotum (workbook)
4.1 testis and scrotum (workbook): clinical (page 57)
4.1 the duct system & spermatic cord (workbook)
4 seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
4 penis (workbook) p,65
5 female reproductive tract anatomy (lecture)
5 Clinical anatomy of the female reproductive system (workbook)
5 Clinical anatomy, female repro: uterine tubes (workbook)
5 anatomy of female repro: uterus + cervix (TBC)
6 Sexually transmitted infections (workbook)
6 STIs: chlamydia
6. Chlamydia diagnosis & treatment
6. Gonorrhoea
6. STIs: Human papilloma virus (HPV)
7. Coitus & Conception (workbook)
7. Coitus & Conception: from ovulation
7. Coitus & fertilisation (lecture)
7. phases of coitus - males (lecture)
7. female sexual response (lecture)
7. Sexual dysfunction (lecture)
7. fertilisation & sperm components (lecture)
7. fertilisation & oocyte maturation (lecture)
7. sperm-oolemma binding and fusion (lecture)
7. ectopic pregnancy (lecture)
6. Pelvic inflammatory disease (lecture)
7. Contraception (lecture)
7. Contraception 2 (lecture)
7. Infertility (lecture)
7. infertility investigations & management
Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
8. Placental function and dysfunction (workbook)
8. Glucose metabolism in pregnancy (workbook)
8. Cardiovascular changes, respiration & renal function
8.1: Reproductive system (embryo, lecture) 1
8.1 Reproductive system (embryology) 2
8.1: Reproductive system (embryology) 3
8.2 Maternal problems in pregnancy (lecture)
8.2 Maternal problems in pregnancy (2)
9. The foetal circulation (workbook)
9. foetal growth and development (workbook)
9. foetal growth and development 2 (workbook)
9. foetal growth and development 3 (workbook)
9. foetal physiology (lecture)
9. foetal physiology (foetal growth - lecture)
9. embryology: foetal growth and development (lecture)
SGW - 8 (pregnancy)
Causes of precocious puberty