3.1 lecture: endocrinology (part 2) Flashcards
what is pubertal development classified according to?
Tanner standard
how many stages are there in the tanner standard?
5 different stages
what are the features which fall under the 5 tanner stages within girls?
breast (B1-5)
pubic hair (Pu1-5)
axillary hair (A1-5)
what are the features which fall under the 5 tanner stages within boys?
testicular volume > 4ml (Te) penis enlargement (G1-5) pubic hair (Pu1-5) axillary hair (A1-5) spermarche (nocturnal erection, first ejaculation - LH/FSH)
describe the pubertal growth (rate)
growth velocity is 2-3 times > prepubertal
sexual dimorfism in pubertal growth (sexual organs develop)
what is the age range of puberty in girls?
9-13 years
what happens during puberty in girls?
breast bud (thelarche) --> adult breasts pubic hair growth --> pubic hair adult begins adrenarche (adrenal androgen secretion) growth spurt onset of menstrual - menarche (cycles)
what is the sequence of puberty development in girls?
height spurt –> breasts –> pubic hair
menarche at around peak height spurt (47kg)
what is the age range of puberty in boys?
10-14 years
what happens during puberty in boys?
genital development –> adult genitalia
pubic hair growth –> adult pubic hair
growth spurt
what is the sequence of puberty development in boys?
testicular volume –> genitalia size –> height spurt (same time as pubic hair)
what is the first sign of puberty in boys?
testicular volume up to 4ml (G2)
what is the first sign of puberty in girls?
B2 (breast bud development)
what is the growth velocity of boys? during when?
10.3cm/year (Tanner III-IV)
what is the growth velocity of girls? during when?
9cm/year (Tanner II-III)
what is the duration of puberty in boys? when does it end?
3.2 +/- 1.8 yrs
ends when adult size of testis
what is the duration of puberty in girls? when does it end?
2.4 +/- 1.1
ends at menarche
what initiates menarche in girls?
LH surge initiates 1st ovarian cycle
what are the hormonal changes surrounding menarche in girls?
LH surge usually not sufficient to cause ovulation during 1st cycle
brain + endocrine (adrenals) systems mature soon after
oestrogen levels in blood increase (from growing follicles)
what are the hormones like at the beginning of menarche? (HPG)
corpus luteum absent (low progesterone)
follicles only part developed (little oestrogen + inhibin)
little inhibition at hypothalamus / pituitary (little oestrogen from gonad follicles)
FSH increase (from increase GnRH, no inhibition)
what are the hormones like during mid-follicular phase of menarche?
oestrogen levels rising (developing follicle)
inhibin levels rising (selective inhibition of FSH, therefore no new follicles can develop)
oestrogen (high levels) exerts positive feedback on hypothalamus and pituitary
LH rise (to LH surge)
what happens during ovulation (affected by)?
precise timing of LH surge
therefore ovulation affected by environment
what are the hormonal changes after ovulation?
corpus luteum forms spontaneously
begins to secrete progesterone and oestrogen
maintains suppression of FSH (oestrogen negative feedback)
LH suppressed (progesterone feedback inhibition)
what happens to cause the start of a new cycle?
death of corpus luteum –> rapid fall in progesterone + oestrogen (steroid levels)
low P+O = stimulates menses (shedding of endometrial lining)
low P+O relieves inhibition on FSH (cycle begins again - follicle stimulated to develop –> oestrogen)