571 Internal Affairs Flashcards
What is a complaint made against a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) member alleging a violation of law or policy?
allegation of misconduct
The conclusion of fact based on all known evidence for a specific allegation of misconduct is known as what?
charge disposition
The four punitive steps of the JSO Progressive Disciplinary System is:
Form P-1711e (Written Reprimand Level One) (Step 1)
Written Reprimand Level Two (Step 2)
Written Reprimand Level Two with Loss of Pay (Step 3)
Termination (Step 4)
The hierarchy of corrective actions to be applied in response to a violation of law, or training is known as what? The system is outlined in detail in Order 501 (Code of Conduct).
JSO Progressive Disciplinary System
Policy violation(s) committed by a member for which remedial training, counseling, and/or minor disciplinary action (Steps 1 and 2 of the JSO Progressive Disciplinary System) are appropriate is known as what?
Minor misconduct
The corrective actions in the JSO Progressive Disciplinary System, as established in Order 501 (Code of Conduct), that are not considered discipline and are taken to prevent the need for future disciplinary action are:
Informal Counseling
Formal Counseling
Loss of Privileges; and
Transfer from a permanent or ancillary assignment
The burden of proof required in administrative investigations that establishes a fact to be proven is more probable than not is known as what?
Preponderance of Evidence
Any complaint received by mail, electronic mail, or any other form of correspondence shall be forwarded to who?
Internal Affairs Unit
Anonymous complaints will be evaluated before an assignment is made to investigate the allegation and will be accepted and forwarded to who?
Supervisor of Internal Affairs Unit
The Lieutenant of Internal Affairs Unit shall notify who of all allegations of serious misconduct?
All members are required to report any improper disclosure of confidential information to who?
Lieutenant Affairs Unit
Members received ______________ records from the Internal Affairs Unit are responsible for the security and/or dissemination of information that is confidential and/or exempt, as established by public records laws.
Field administrative investigations, which are intended to address allegations of minor misconduct, may be initiated by the member’s lieutenant, upon receipt of a complaint or observation of a policy violation; or the Internal Affairs Unit, upon receipt of a complaint, which then assign wo to complete the investigation?
member’s lieutenant
Field administrative investigations are to be completed using one of two formats based upon the severity of the allegation. What are the two formats of field administrative Investigations?
Informal Field Investigation
Formal Field Investigation
This field investigation is used for allegations of misconduct that could result in Informal Counseling, Formal Counseling, or Form P-1711e (Written Reprimand Level One)?
Informal Field Investigation