551 Response to Resistance Flashcards
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
It is the policy of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) to allow officers to use only a degree of force which is reasonable and necessary to effect an arrest or to protect themselves or others from personal attack, physical resistance, harm, or death.
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When the situation allows, supervisors and officers shall ensure a plan is developed and discussed prior to officers taking any action that could lead to what?
a response to resistance
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Any officer who observes another officer, to include those from other agencies, using force that is beyond that which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances shall safely intervene, within his scope of authority and training, to prevent the further use of such ____________________.
unnecessary force
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
All RTR incidents are reviewed by the Professional Oversight Unit and are subject to further review by who?
Director of Personnel & Professional Standards, the RTR Review Board, and/or the Internal Affairs Unit
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Physically evasive movements used by a subject to defeat an officer’s attempt to control him/her is known as what?
Active Physical Resistance
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
What may be used to effect arrests or to protect officers or others from personal attack, physical resistance, or injury, provided the force chosen is reasonable based upon the immediate circumstances of the confrontation?
Less-lethal force
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
What is only permitted when de-escalation techniques or less-lethal force options would not be reasonable?
deadly force
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When the situation allows, who shall ensure a plan is developed and discussed prior to officers taking any action that could lead to a response to resistance?
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
If a supervisor is at the scene when a response to resistance is required, he shall be held accountable for controlling the actions of the officers engaged in the ___________.
application of force
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When an officer uses any force that requires the completion of an RTR Report, he shall request a supervisor to respond to the scene. All RTR Reports shall be submitted to who?
the responding supervisor
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The responding supervisor shall ensure a RTR Report is completed by any member who?
used force during the incident
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The involved officer’s supervisor shall notify the Professional Oversight Unit of notable training opportunities and/or minor misconduct prior to forwarding the RTR Report to who for review?
Professional Oversight Unit
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Who shall notify the Professional Oversight Unit of any corrective action(s) taken in accordance with Orders 501 (Code of Conduct) and 502 (Direction and Supervision)?
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Consistent with training, officers shall not intentionally strike anyone with an intermediate weapon on the head, neck, or clavicle unless the circumstances justifies what?
the use of deadly force
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When an officer uses an intermediate weapon on or against an individual, he shall check back on the original call for service using the disposition code ______ in the primary disposition block and any other applicable codes in the subsequent disposition blocks.
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The officer shall complete an RTR Report in ARMS and submit it to who?
the responding supervisor
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Only under extreme conditions should a handheld aerosol chemical munition be used at less than ___ feet for the MK-3 and ____ feet for the MK-9.
3 & 9
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
A person who has been contaminated by a chemical agent shall be monitored throughout the decontamination period by who?
JSO personnel
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Personnel utilizing a handheld aerosol chemical munition shall notify who as soon as it is safe to do so?
their immediate supervisor or on-duty area supervisor
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When an officer uses a specialty impact weapon, other than for training purposes, he shall check back on the original call for service using the disposition code _______ in the primary disposition block and any other applicable codes in the subsequent disposition blocks.
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The officer deploying the CEW has the responsibility to reasonably visually and physically confirm that the response to resistance tool selected is in fact a CEW and not a firearm in order to avoid confusion about which weapon he intends to deploy, at what point in time?
prior to the deployment of a CEW
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Officers shall not arm themselves with what simultaneously?
firearm and CEW
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The X26P CEW in Probe Deployment mode has a normal effective range of what distance with a 21-foot cartridge?
19 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
What is the optimal range for the X26P in Probe Deployment mode?
seven to 10 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The Taser 7 CEW in probe deployment mode has an effective range of what distance with the 12-degree cartridge?
22 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
What is the optimal range for the Taser 7 in Probe Deployment mode with the 12-degree cartridge?
4 to 10 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Once the person who has been impacted by the CEW is handcuffed and in custody, the officer shall advise who to respond to the scene?
his immediate supervisor, or on-duty supervisor
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Who shall remove probes located in sensitive areas such as the face, neck, groin, female’s breast, and tops of the hands and feet?
medical personnel
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Removal of probes in non-sensitive areas may be done by who?
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
When an officer unintentionally deploys a CEW air cartridge outside of approved training, he shall notify who of the unintentional deployment?
his supervisor
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
An unintentional discharge of a CEW that occurs during approved training shall be handled by who?
training personnel
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Specialty weapons may be returned prior to the conclusion of the investigation, at the discretion of who?
Commander of Specialized Investigations
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
An unintentional discharge of a firearm that results in a person being shot shall be investigated as what?
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
An unintentional discharge of a firearm that occurs during approved training at the JSO Gun Range shall be handled by who?
JSO Gun Range personnel
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Who shall respond to the scene of unintentional discharge of firearms to conduct the administrative review?
Supervisor of Professional Oversight
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Due to the extreme difficulty in hitting a small, fast moving target with both probes from a CEW, the CEW shall not be deployed against an animal, except when?
during a preplanned tactical situation
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
After an officer uses deadly force on an animal, who shall immediately respond to the scene and conduct an administrative investigation?
the lieutenant who authorized the use of deadly force or the most appropriate Patrol lieutenant
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Animal RTR incidents
After all evidence has been collected and all witnesses have been interviewed, who shall interview the involved officer in accordance with the provisions for administrative investigations outlined in Order 571 (Internal Affairs)?
investigating lieutenant
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Animal RTR incidents
Using the original CCR number, the lieutenant shall complete an RTR Report and submit it to the appropriate commander, within how many days of the incident?
30 days
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
Members shall submit all RTR Reports to the responding supervisor within how many hours of the RTR incident?
24 hours
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The X26P CEW in Probe Deployment mode has a normal effective range of what distance with a 25-foot cartridge?
21 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
What is the optimal range for the Taser 7 in Probe Deployment mode with the 3.5-degree cartridge?
10 to 20 feet
According to the Response to Resistance Order,
The Taser 7 CEW in probe deployment mode has an effective range of what distance with the 3.5-degree cartridge?
24 feet