322 Missing Persons Flashcards
According to the Missing Persons order,
After the initial response to the area, neighborhood canvass, and contact with relatives and friends has been conducted by patrol personnel, an on-call Missing Persons detective and supervisor shall be notified by the responding Patrol supervisor, for the following criteria:
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
Children 11 years of age or younger
Any person identified as autistic or suffering from dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease
Mentally incompetent individuals
Elderly persons (60 years of age or older) who are out of character; or medically and/or mentally at risk of death
According to the Missing Persons order,
Immediately upon patrol personnel identifying and verifying that there is clear evidence of foul play (any aged person), an on-call Missing Persons detective/supervisor shall be notified by the responding _______.
Patrol supervisor
According to the Missing Persons order,
A missing/runaway juvenile is a person who is:
A. ________
B. ________
C. ________
12-17 years of age
Has been previously reported as missing at least one or more times; and
there is no clear and present endangerment for the child exists
According to the Missing Persons order,
Scent preservation kits are supplied and coordinated through the Missing Persons Unit. Individuals for whom the scent preservation kits shall be utilized include missing persons who have:
A. __________
B. __________
C. __________
D. __________
Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia
A debilitating disease; and
Eloped (ran) more than once
According to the Missing Persons order,
Search procedures are categorized as either:
- ____
- ____
- ____
- ____
Initial response
Immediate search
MEPSAR Phase 1
MEPSAR Phase 2
According to the Missing Persons order,
When initial response efforts are exhausted and a more extensive search is to be conducted for missing persons, officers shall notify a _____________, who shall respond to coordinate the immediate search. Officers on the scene shall continue to coordinate the immediate search until relieved by the on-scene supervisor.
Sector sergeant
According to the Missing Persons order,
Prior to initiating a MEPSAR Phase 1 search, the on scene Patrol supervisor shall consult with the _________________________ to ensure the initial response and immediate search efforts have been exhausted.
Supervisor of Missing Persons Unit
According to the Missing Persons order,
Per F.S.S. 937.021, Patrol officers shall broadcast a ___________________ to notify all on-duty law enforcement officers of the existence of a missing child.
“Be on the Lookout” (BOLO)
According to the Missing Persons order,
The investigating officer shall obtain the information required for entry into the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC)/NCIC and document the time the information was obtained in the narrative of the report. NCIC shall be contacted within _____ hours, via the phone, for a BOLO on all missing persons (adult of juvenile).
According to the Missing Persons order,
The use of the “Missing Child Alert” program can be activated by the _________________________. Anytime this system is utilized, the PIO, and a Communications supervisor shall be notified.
Supervisor of the Missing Persons Unit
According to the Missing Persons order,
The use of the Silver Alert and Purple Alert programs can be activated by the Supervisor of Missing Persons Unit. Anytime this system is utilized the PIO, and a _________________________ shall be notified.
Communications supervisor
According to the Missing Persons order,
The use of any other in-house tele-notification system shall be utilized only with the approval of the Supervisor of Missing Persons Unit and the __________. Any time one of these systems is utilized, a Communications supervisor shall be notified.
According to the Missing Persons order,
When there is clear evidence of foul play or there is a kidnapping incident who shall be notified?
Homicide Unit or Cold Case Unit Supervisor
According to the Missing Persons order,
Officers shall complete a _______ incident report for each missing person reported.
According to the Missing Persons order,
If a missing person, adult or child, has an active warrant and is actively avoiding contact with the police, or if a warrant is being sought for a missing person due to criminal activity and that individual has knowledge of the warrant, a Missing Person report shall not be completed. In that circumstance, the person is a ____________, not a missing person.
fugitive from justice
According to the Missing Persons order,
No other reports (e.g., incident, information, etc.) shall be written under the same Central Communications Report (CCR) number as the _______________.
missing persons report
According to the Missing Persons order,
The F.S.S. 937.021 states entry into the FCIC/NCIC systems of all missing persons shall be completed within two hours after “____________________.”
receipt of the report
According to the Missing Persons order,
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has defined this to mean the responding officer has completed his assignment on location and the minimum criteria for entry into FCIC/NCIC has been met.
“receipt of the report”
According to the Missing Persons order,
The minimum information for “receipt of the report” includes the person’s full name, race, sex, date of birth, height, weight, eye color, hair color, date of last contact, and CCR number. The birth city and birth county must be obtained for __________.
According to the Missing Persons order,
The time when the minimum entry criteria are met shall be noted in the ____________ of the report for audit purposes.
According to the Missing Persons order,
Officers shall contact _______, via the phone within two hours of the officer obtaining required information for entry. The two hours also includes the time NCIC needs to complete the entry.
According to the Missing Persons order,
When a child is reported missing, the response shall be determined after the child is deemed to be a ________________ or ____________.
missing child or runaway
According to the Missing Persons order,
Any runaway between the ages of 12 and 17 who is reported missing without foul play and has been reported missing previously on at least ____ occasion, shall be investigated as a Category “B” investigation unless exigent circumstances exist.
According to the Missing Persons order,
When a Tele-Serv Officer writes a runaway report that officer shall forward the report to the appropriate district based on the address used in the report. The designated district representative, assigned by the district lieutenant, shall forward the runaway report to an officer for follow-up for the first ____ calendar days.
According to the Missing Persons order,
If the runaway is not located within the 20th calendar day, the reporting officer shall submit a ____________________ detailing all efforts, suspend the case, and forward the report to the Missing Persons Unit for detective assignment; for follow-up investigation and search efforts.
supplemental report
According to the Missing Persons order,
Local missing children found by the police shall be returned to their homes or transported to _____________________.
Youth Crisis Center (YCC)
According to the Missing Persons order,
Runaways picked up through _______________ shall be transported to YCC, if there is no custody order.
Project Safe Place
According to the Missing Persons order,
All runaways from other jurisdictions shall be taken to the _____.
According to the Missing Persons order,
The _____________ offers runaways less than 18 years of age free bus passage to their hometown on Greyhound Bus Lines.
“Home Free” Program
According to the Missing Persons order,
The Florida Silver Alert Program has been implemented, by the use of dynamic message signs, in the State of Florida to assist law enforcement agencies in the search and recovery efforts in cases of missing persons ____ years of age or older who have a clear indication of irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties (e.g., dementia).
According to the Missing Persons order,
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) will issue ______________ to assist in locating missing adults who suffer from a mental, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disability, and who do not meet the criteria of a Silver Alert.
Purple Alerts
According to the Missing Persons order,
Who shall activate the Silver Alert or Purple Alert after receiving the approval of the Lieutenant of Missing Persons Unit?
Supervisor of Missing Persons Unit, or his designee
According to the Missing Persons order,
The Missing Persons Unit shall prepare the media release for Patrol, if needed.
According to the Missing Persons order,
If a recovered Juvenile is less than ____ years of age, contact the Florida Abuse Hotline Information System and request a DCF counselor respond to the scene of the incident or another specified location.
According to the Missing Persons order,
If a recovered juvenile is 10 years of age or over, transport the juvenile to _____.
According to the Missing Persons order,
These utilize one-time use scent jars that store DNA and skin cells of individuals at high-risk of going missing.
Scent preservation kits
According to the Missing Persons order,
Who shall issue a scent preservation kit to be stored at the individual’s residence and have a premise placed in MCAD for any potential calls to the individual’s residence?
Missing Persons Unit
According to the Missing Persons order,
Calls involving a missing individual and a corresponding scent preservation kit shall be immediately dispatched to Patrol and who shall be requested?
Canine Unit
According to the Missing Persons order,
Calls involving a missing individual with a Care Trak electronic tracker shall immediately be dispatched to Patrol and a Canine unit will be assigned. Patrol shall establish what upon arrival to limit the search area?
a perimeter
According to the Missing Persons order,
Who shall be notified upon Patrol being dispatched to the scene to coordinate response with the tracking equipment?
on-call Supervisor of Missing Persons Unit
According to the Missing Persons order,
Anyone with mental or physical disabilities to the point that they are unable to care for himself/herself or are prone to wandering/getting lost, can register for ___________.
According to the Missing Persons order,
___________ is maintained and updated by the Missing Persons Unit and the COJ Emergency Preparedness Unit.