202 Detainee Transport Flashcards
According to the Detainee Transport order,
All JSO vehicles that may be used to transport detainees shall be searched by the transporting officer at the ____________ of each shift and prior to and after transporting detainees to ensure that no weapons, potential weapons, contraband, and/or evidence are present.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
All detainees shall be searched by the transporting officer ________ to being placed in the vehicle.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
All detainees shall be handcuffed or otherwise restrained during transport. Under no circumstances shall a detainee be handcuffed or manacled to the ________ of a vehicle.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
If the detainee is unable to be positively identified with an available State or U.S. Armed Forces ID, the officer shall ensure the detainee is positively identified via the ________________ prior to transfer.
JSO Identification Unit
According to the Detainee Transport order,
All citizens (non-suspects) shall be patted down for __________.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Who shall transport detainees or cause them to be transported directly to the booking point without delay?
Arresting Officers
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Generally, detainees shall not be accompanied, transported, or allowed access to their residences, rooms, or elsewhere except with the consent of who?
A supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
If a detainee is not in danger of escaping, hurting himself/herself, or damaging the vehicle, but the detainee needs to be removed, the officer shall obtain approval from who before removing the detainee?
A supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Supervisor’s approval is not needed, if a detainee is moved from where?
One vehicle to a transporting vehicle
According to the Detainee Transport order,
A juvenile detainee shall not be transported in a vehicle with an adult detainee unless they were arrested together for _____________.
The same offense or incident
According to the Detainee Transport order,
All juveniles under the age of _______ must be restrained by a safety belt or child restraint device.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
If the nature of a detainee’s handicap prevents the use of a patrol vehicle for transportation, the transporting officer shall request a supervisor’s assistance in determining an appropriate source of ______________________.
Alternate transportation
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Anytime an arrest is made of a wheelchair dependent person, the arresting officer shall ensure the wheelchair is transported to the ______ for use by the detainee.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Officers unable to transport both the wheelchair and the detainee shall immediately notify who?
PDF watch lieutenant
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Any police officer flying armed on a commercial aircraft must be on official business and must carry a letter on JSO official letterhead authorizing the armed travel. The letter must be signed by a __________.
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Normally, detainees shall be transported to UF Health Jacksonville for medical treatment; however, if the medical condition warrants transporting the detainee to a closer medical facility, the officer shall seek the closest facility. Transporting officers shall notify who about the action taken?
Their supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Detainees who are known to be contagious (e.g., tuberculosis [TB], Code Alpha, etc.) shall not be transported by patrol officers. Officers shall contact their immediate supervisor and arrangements shall be made with the _____________.
PDF watch lieutenant
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Detainee transport vans are available for use at the discretion of who?
The patrol supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Vans may be utilized as part of directed patrol activities whenever the _________________ determines that such utilization is the most effective deployment of available resources.
Patrol supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
When the van is deployed as a transport, the __________________ may direct the driver to patrol certain areas to increase manpower or visibility in that area.
Patrol supervisor
According to the Detainee Transport order,
Vans may be loaned to other units, sections, etc., at the discretion of the _______________ or higher authority.
Watch lieutenant
According to the Detainee Transport order,
When officers call for a transport van, they shall attempt to time their requests so that when the van arrives, all necessary paperwork is completed and approved by ___________.
A supervisor