410 Budget Flashcards
According to the Budget Order,
JSO is required by Chapter 122. of the COJ MC to submit an estimate of the capital improvement requirements for JSO for how long?
ensuing five years
According to the Budget Order,
Who approves requests for replenishments of funds?
Chief of Budget or designee
According to the Budget Order,
When should the safe combination be changed when an employee who was given the combination leaves the unit or whose job function changes and no longer requires access?
within 10 business days
According to the Budget Order,
Petty cash funds provide payment capability for expenditures of a nominal nature, typically less than what amount?
$1,000 per month
According to the Budget Order,
The COJ form Petty Cash/Imprest Fund Reimbursement must be submitted to the COJ Accounting Division no later than what?
10th day of the following month
According to the Budget Order,
In an emergency, who may authorize transfers between petty cash funds upon the request of a department director or higher authority?
Chief of Budget or designee
According to the Budget Order,
The Budget Division shall enter the requisition into the COJ’s Procurement System and shall route the requisition through the appropriate chain of command as follows:
$1 - $2,500
$2,501 - $10,000
$10,001 and up
$1 - $2,500 / commander or higher
$2,501 - $10,000 / chief or higher
$10,001 and up / director or higher
According to the Budget Order,
At least one budgetary quote is required for every purchase, except for blanket orders for services under how much?
under $10,000
According to the Budget Order,
Who has the authorization to deny requests if funds are not available?
Chief of Budget or designee
According to the Budget Order,
Any requests for uniforms must be submitted where for processing?
Supply Unit
According to the Budget Order,
Blanket order requests for services totaling under how much do not require the submission of a budgetary quote?
$10,000 or less
According to the Budget Order,
Who must be notified immediately of any changes in blanket order (requestor) ownership?
Budget Division
According to the Budget Order,
Any and all check requests for goods/services not listed herein shall require a written explanation to and approval from who?
COJ’s Chief of Procurement or his designee
According to the Budget Order,
A formal purchase is defined as any purchase of supplies and/or services in excess of what amount?
According to the Budget Order,
Who has the authorization to initiate change orders as deemed necessary?
Chief of Budget or designee
According to the Budget Order,
Who may initiate, change, or approve requests for emergency purchases as deemed necessary?
Chief of Budget or designee
According to the Budget Order,
Upon receipt of goods or services, a receipt transaction must be initiated in the COJ’s procurement system within how many days?
two days
According to the Budget Order,
Form P-0036e (Travel/Training Request) must be completed and approved through the chain of command no less than how many weeks prior to the date when any travel arrangements must be made, including the training registration deadline?
no less than four weeks
According to the Budget Order,
Upon their return, travelers have how many working days to complete the second portion of the Form P-0036e (Travel/Training Request) and submit it to the Budget Division?
five working days
According to the Budget Order,
Travelers requesting reimbursements shall complete all actions outlined in this section within how many days of their return?
14 days
According to the Budget Order,
Investigations requiring travel must be authorized and approved by the who?
requesting officer’s commander or designee
According to the Budget Order,
Upon return, the detective must repay a travel advance either in cash or through submission of receipts, or a combination of the two, within how many working days?
five working days
According to the Budget Order,
A request for a purchasing card shall be made by the employee through the chain of command to who?
his director or higher authority
According to the Budget Order,
Each purchasing card shall have a credit limit based upon the individual’s need for the purchasing card; however, in no circumstance shall a single purchase exceed how much?
According to the Budget Order,
Unless an exception is approved by Treasury, a purchasing card has a maximum amount of how much per month?