502 Direction and Supervision Flashcards
What is the formal line of authority, communication, and responsibility, as established in Order 101 (Organization) and depicted in the Employee Information System (EIS), from the Sheriff down to every member of JSO?
Chain of Command
The number of individuals directly reporting to a supervisor is known as what?
Span of Control
A member who has been given supervisory responsibility over members of a lower rank or classification?
The organizational principle used by JSO that provides that an individual reports to only one direct supervisor, who in turn is responsible to one direct supervisor, and so on up the organizational hierarchy, is known as what?
unity of command
As established by the Florida Constitution, Florida law, and the City of Jacksonville (COJ) Ordinance Code, who has the authority and responsibility for managing the personnel and resources of JSO?
To achieve effective direction, coordination, and control, supervisors shall have no more how many direct reports when feasible based on the immediate circumstances?
no more than 12 directly reporting
Police officers are eligible to serve as a police-officer-in-charge (PIC) or detective-in-charge (DIC) if they have:
- ________
- _______
Completed the 20-hour PIC Development Course; and
Been approved to work in that capacity by their supervisor and lieutenant
Certified PICs/DICs who receive a Written Reprimand Level Two or higher disciplinary action shall not serve as a PIC/DIC for how long following the date the discipline was issued?
one year
In situations where a qualified PIC/DIC is not available for assignment, temporary supervisory authority and responsibility for the squad shall be assigned to who?
another sergeant