571 internal affairs Flashcards
The Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs shall be notified, via the Investigative Police
Emergency Communications Officer (PECO), when:
a. An allegation of serious misconduct has been made against a member;
b. A member has been arrested in any jurisdiction; or
c. An extraordinary situation occurs, as established in this order, that could require a
member to be placed in an Immediate Suspension without Pay status.
The Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs Unit shall notify the _________ of all
allegations of serious misconduct.
Any person may file a complaint with JSO if they feel they have been stopped or searched
due to bias-based profiling, and no person shall be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced
from filing such a complaint, or discriminated against because they have filed such a
2. Any member contacted by a person who wishes to file such a complaint, shall contact a
supervisor who shall:
a. Contact the complainant, preferably in person;
b. Provide the complainant with a Form P-0235 (Member Complaint), as well as the other
options for making a complaint, as outlined in this order; and
c. By the end of the shift__________.
, notify his commanding officer and forward the details of the
complaint information, including the complainant’s contact information, to the Internal
Affairs Unit.
Records from an active administrative investigation will not be released to anyone without
approval of the___________. All records released from active
investigative case files will be acknowledged by the recipient in writing on a document
Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs Unit
Informal Field Investigation – Used for allegations of misconduct that could result in an
Informal Counseling, Formal Counseling, or Form P-1711e (Written Reprimand Level
One). [CALEA 26.3.1]
(1) An Informal Case Summation is completed using a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental
Formal Field Investigation – Used for allegations of misconduct that could result in a
_______ or higher disciplinary action.
Written Reprimand Level Two
A field administrative investigation shall be completed by a member’s commanding officer
within______ of the investigation being initiated, unless extenuating circumstances require
an extension. All extension requests must be made in writing and must be approved by the
Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs Unit.
60 days
Upon approval from the ___________, a field investigation
involving an allegation of serious misconduct may be forwarded to the member’s
commanding officer for completion. These cases are generally simple in scope, but qualify as serious misconduct (e.g., previous repeated minor policy violations now render a principal
eligible for disciplinary actions involving a loss of pay).
Assistant Chief of Public Accountability
Formal Investigation: If the case could result in any disciplinary action, obtain audio-recorded sworn
statements from all complainants, witnesses, and principals, ensuring each interviewee
acknowledges and signs the following forms: [CALEA 26.3.5]
(1) A Form P-1757 (Internal Affairs Sworn Statement Affidavit), with the interviewee
being placed under oath prior to signing;
(2) For all JSO members, a Form P-1550 (Administrative Proceedings Rights); and
(3) For all police, correctional, and judicial officers who are principals in the case, a
Form P-0539 (Florida Law Enforcement Officers and Correctional Officers Bill of
Rights Notification); [CALEA 4.2.3, CFA 7.04]
The Internal Affairs Unit shall complete all investigations within_____ of the agency
receiving the complaint, unless extenuating circumstances require an extension. All
extension requests must be made in writing and must be approved by the Commanding
Officer of Internal Affairs Unit.
120 days
Notice of any disciplinary action must be given to the principal within________ of the date
the agency was officially notified of the allegation(s) of misconduct. The only exceptions to
this time limit are when the administrative investigation was tolled or reopened in
accordance with the criteria established in F.S.S. 112.532.
180 days
Prior to implementing any suspension, reduction of pay, demotion, or termination of a nonprobationary
police, correctional, or judicial officer, the Internal Affairs Unit shall ensure a
_________ is empaneled as expeditiously as possible to review the
charges and make a formal recommendation to the Sheriff
Disciplinary Hearing Board (DHB)
Prior to implementing any suspension, reduction of pay, demotion, or termination of a
civilian member, the Internal Affairs Unit shall ensure a _____________ to review the charges and make a formal
recommendation to the Sheriff.
Pre-Disciplinary Conference Hearing
is scheduled with the Undersheriff or designee
If an administrative investigation results in the termination of a member’s employment, the
following shall be provided to the member:
a. A statement citing the reason for dismissal;
b. The effective date of the dismissal;
c. A statement informing the member of their appeal process in accordance with Civil
Service Rules and Personnel Rules and Regulations and employee contracts; and
d. A statement of the status of fringe and retirement benefits after dismissal will be
provided by the COJ’s Department of Administration and Finance – Employee Benefits.
The City of Jacksonville’s (COJ) Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Coordinator will be
notified of the findings and charge dispositions if:
(1) The complaint was received by the COJ Office of Disabled Services; or
(2) The complaint is related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
As established in the COJ Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, in extraordinary
situations, a member may be immediately suspended without pay for up to _______.
20 working
When it is believed that an extraordinary situation has occurred, the Internal Affairs Unit
shall be notified immediately. Upon gathering all details related to the extraordinary
situation, the Internal Affairs Unit shall seek a decision from the______ or
designee regarding the Immediate Suspension without Pay.
Within three working days of a member being placed on Immediate Suspension without
Pay, the Internal Affairs Unit shall provide the completed Notice of Immediate
Suspension without Pay to the:
(1) Member who was placed in an Immediate Suspension without Pay status;
(2) COJ Head of Human Resources;
(3) JSO Chief of Human Resources;
(4) Chief of Professional Standards; and
(5) Civil Service Board, who shall reserve a hearing date no later than 20 working days
from the beginning of the Immediate Suspension without Pay, in case the member
elects to appeal the action.
administrative case file records
shall be retained for the following durations:
Cases that resulted in all charges being classified as Unfounded, Exonerated, Not
Sustained, or Information Only -
One year after final disposition.
after final disposition.In accordance with the State of Florida’s General Records Schedule (GS2) for Law
Enforcement Agencies and criteria for records retention, administrative case file records
shall be retained for the following durations: Cases that resulted in any sustained charge and no more than Step 2 disciplinary action
being taken (Written Reprimand Level Two with no enhanced penalties) -
Three years
after final disposition.
In accordance with the State of Florida’s General Records Schedule (GS2) for Law
Enforcement Agencies and criteria for records retention, administrative case file records
shall be retained for the following durations: Cases that resulted in any sustained charge and Step 3 or Step 4 disciplinary action
(suspension, demotion, reduction in pay, or termination) - ________.
Five years after final
Cases with a complaint that involved the use of physical force by a member -________.
Four years
from the date of the incident