504 Providing services for disabled individuals Flashcards
Providing Services for disabled individuals: Any modifications to this order shall be communicated to the ______.
City of Jacksonville’s (COJ)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.
Copies of all grievances regarding disability-related issues brought forward by the public
or inmates shall be forwarded to the_______.
JSO ADA Coordinator.
If an individual is arrested with a service dog or miniature horse, the on-duty PDF watch
lieutenant will immediately contact the_________.
Assistant Chief of PDF Operations and the CHSP
JSO is not required to provide a particular auxiliary aid or service if doing so would
fundamentally alter the nature of the law enforcement activity in question, or if it would
cause an undue administrative or financial burden. Only a ______ or his designee
may make this determination. If the decision is made not to provide the requested
auxiliary aid or service, documentation via email within 48 hours, must be forwarded to
the Director of Personnel & Professional Standards, indicating why the request was not
granted and what steps/aids were provided.
division chief
Each VRI device shall be inspected at least once a month to ensure the device is working
(1) The ______ responsible for where the device is located will ensure the
inspection is completed.
assistant chief
A/C of Major Case for PMB
When a detective requires an interpreter for a pre-arranged interview/interrogation,
special event, or meeting, he must contact NCIC____ hours in advance of the meeting
whenever possible.
_______ must respond to the scene of any call where a hard of hearing person is
being taken into custody (i.e., arrest or Baker Act).
Police sergeants
_________ will be notified of all individuals whose disability affects two or more
activities of daily living. (PDF admissions for individuals with disabilities)
The Chief of Jails
Individuals with mobility impairments who are arrested will be allowed to keep devices
necessary for their mobility under the following circumstances: Removal of such a device is permissible only upon approval by an______and will be documented in the inmate’s contact log as per Order 613
(Corrections Reporting and Documentation).
assistant chief or
higher authority
The _____ is the designated collective bargaining agent for JSO.
______ or designee shall contact the Human Resources Division for
assistance in preparing a JSO Information Bulletin advertising the vacancy and outlining the
eligibility criteria, the selection criteria, and the selection process (undercover positions are
exempt from this requirement).
A unit commanding officer
Requests to fill vacancies shall be submitted on a Form P-1308 (Request to Fill Vacancy
form) and signed off by the requesting ______.
department chief
Any member who desires to resign or retire from JSO shall:
a. Submit a letter, Intradepartmental Correspondence (P-0004), or an email to the Human
Resources Division. If the correspondence includes a request to retain any item, send a copy to_______.
the Director
of Police Services at administration@jaxsheriff.org;
Members must contact the appropriate pension or retirement office to discuss
contribution refunds and/or retirement benefits before________. This is especially critical for employees who opt to sellback a
portion of their final leave payout to deferred compensation.
the first pay period in the month
prior to their retirement date
Transitory Impairment - Impairments that are transitory and minor are not regarded as a
disability. A transitory impairment is impairment with an actual or expected duration of ______.
months or less.
All Civil Service positions will be posted for a minimum of ______.
five working days.
Officers who fail the annual PAT shall be subject to the following disincentives
(i) Forfeiture of take-home car privileges;
(ii) Forfeiture of annual step raise;
(iii) Delayed consideration for promotions; and
(iv) Forfeiture of police-related secondary employment privileges.
Sworn and corrections officers are required to give the Safety Officer and the COJ
medical vendor a _______ notice of cancellation if they are unable to attend
their scheduled wellness examination
10 business day
Cancellations of scheduled wellness
examinations that are less than 10 business days away must be approved by the _______.
Chief of
Human Resources.
Employees who observe or have knowledge of behaviors or incidents which call into
question an employee’s safety or the safety of others, or the employee’s ability to
perform the essential functions of their job must request to have a supervisor at the
________ level or higher draft a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) outlining
these behaviors and/or incidents. This Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental
Correspondence) must be submitted to the Occupational Health Manager in the Human
Resources Division. The request for referral will be approved or denied by the Chief of
Human Resources.
In accordance with the applicable bargaining agreement, all employees required to
undergo a FFD examination will also be required to submit to a drug test.______
must escort the employee and remain with the employee at the testing facility for the
duration of the test.
A supervisor
_________ is the only non-paid leave code that EIS supervisors may
apply without additional permissions if the employee has exhausted all other nonpaid
and paid leave types.
Leave Without Pay (LWOP) – This code is used for full-time employees that have
requested and been pre-approved for non-paid leave by the employee’s
department director
_________of the EIS supervisor being transferred is responsible for
requesting that the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance complete the
transfer via email (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org) prior to the effective transfer date.
The new commander