401 Dress and Personal Appearance/410 Budget/Alarms/Central Records Flashcards
The Uniform Committee, chaired by the __________, establishes policies
related to the uniforms of JSO in accordance with Order 503 (Boards and Committees).
Director of Police Services
Loss of or damage to JSO-issued uniform clothing, or equipment shall be reported by the
member to their _________, in writing.
assistant chief
All items issued to any member including, but not limited to, uniforms, weapons,
insignia, radios, etc., must be returned to the Supply Unit upon termination, resignation,
or retirement, unless authorized by the __________.
Director of Police Services
The wearing of a uniform while in a limited duty status shall be permitted only with the
approval of the _____.
The complete patrol uniform shall be worn during all secondary employment using
police authority. Wearing body armor is mandatory during all secondary employment
unless approved by the member’s_____.
division chief or higher authority;
In accordance with COJ policy, petty cash funds must be reconciled and reimbursed at
the end of each month. The COJ form Petty Cash/Imprest Fund Reimbursement must be
submitted to the COJ Accounting Division no later than_______/
the 10th day of the following
A formal purchase is defined as any purchase of supplies and/or services in excess of
______. The request for a formal purchase follows the standard purchasing procedures.
The courses listed on the Leadership Development Institute (LDI) intranet site
require approval by the_______ prior to completion of the Form P-0036e
(Travel/Training Request).
An employee requesting permission to travel, except for the purposes of transporting
prisoners or for an investigation, or attend in-town training must submit a Form P-0036e
(Travel Request). The Form P-0036e (Travel/Training Request) must be routed through
the employee’s chain of command and be approved by the _____.
Sheriff, Undersheriff, or
appropriate department director.
Form P-0036e (Travel/Training Request) must be completed and approved through the
chain of command no less than_____ prior to the date when any travel
arrangements must be made, including the training registration deadline.
four weeks
Only the following types of travel expenses may be paid in advance of travel:
(1) Lodging, at the single room rate per employee, payable to the provider;
(2) Meals at the per diem rate, payable to the traveler;
(3) Registration fees payable to the sponsor of the event; and
(4) Transportation by common carrier, payable to the common carrier.
Upon their return, travelers have________ to complete the second portion of
the Form P-0036e (Travel/Training Request) and submit it to the Budget Division.
five working days
Investigations requiring travel must be authorized and approved by the requesting
assistant chief or designee.
Mileage Reimbursement (within Duval County): If a JSO vehicle is not available and an employee is required to use their personal vehicle
for conducting official JSO business, approval by the employee’s ________ must be
obtained prior to using a private motor vehicle.
Employees requesting reimbursement for damaged property should complete a Form P-
0087 (Reimbursement Request for Lost or Damaged Personal Property) The form and supporting documentation shall be approved by the employee’s
immediate supervisor and _______ approval authority. The approved
form shall be sent to the Budget Division for final review, approval, and funding.
assistant chief or higher
All contracts, MOUs, and MOAs must be reviewed and approved by a______ prior to
submission to the Budget Division.
is designated as the Alarm Control Officer.
the Assistant Chief of General Support
Online data stored on the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System is maintained for a period
of _____.
one year
Any audio that has the ability of being recorded is maintained for a period of ______.
one year
Mobile Computer Aided Dispatch (MCAD) transmissions are maintained for a period of ___.
Automatic Number Identification/Automatic Location Identification (ANI/ALI) data
generated by the 911 telephone equipment is maintained for a period of ____.
one year.
Video recordings of the city cameras are maintained for a period of_____.
30 days.
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data is maintained for a period of _____.
one year.
Record retention The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) performs a________ audit of agencies
using the Florida Crime Information Center/National Crime Information Center (FCIC/NCIC)
terminals either externally or internally.