55: What is for dinner? Flashcards
to peel
We need to flip the tortilla to win the match.
“Dar la vuelta a la tortilla” (flip the tortilla) is a subtle and graceful movement all Spanish amateur and professional cooks struggle with! We can say it’s very much like learning a language: practise makes perfect. We love this magical moment of “dar la vuelta a la tortilla” so much that we even use it as an idiom meaning to turn things upside down!
Necesitamos dar la vuelta a la tortilla para ganar el partido
When the water boils add /put the pasta.
“Asado” (grilled meat) is not just a barbecue but a tradition and a social event in many countries in Latin America (it is especially well-known in Argentina!) It is best enjoyed with a glass of Malbec and good company is guaranteed!
Cuando el agua hierva añade / pon / echa la pasta.
Whisk the eggs and mix them with the potatoes.
The word “añadir” (to add) is used quite often in recipes together with “poner” (to put) and “echar” (to add / pour).
Bate los huevos y mézclalos con la patata.
The verb “batir” (to whisk) is similar to “mezclar” (to mix). “Batir” is often used with eggs and cream. When we do this, we put air into the mix so it becomes fluffier.
The verb “batir” (to whisk) is similar to “mezclar” (to mix). “Batir” is often used with eggs and cream. When we do this, we put air into the mix so it becomes fluffier.
Peel the potatoes.
Pela las patatas.
Grill the meat to prepare an “asado”.
Asa la carne para preparar un asado.
to grill
Bake the bread for twenty minutes on maximum power.
Hornea el pan veinte minutos a máxima potencia.
When the water starts to boil add the pasta.
Cuando el agua hierva añade la pasta.
to add
to chop
to bake
Fry the potatoes and the onion, before adding the egg.
Fríe las patatas y la cebolla antes de echar el huevo.
to fry