23 Imperativ Flashcards


Clear the table.

Lava los platos.

Do the washing up.

Pasa la aspiradora.


Pon la lavadora.

Do the laundry.

Haz las camas.

Make the beds.

Escucha las instrucciones que les da Teresa a sus amigos.

Listen to the instructions Teresa is giving her friends.

Here’s a tip
Teresa would like to throw a surprise birthday party for her friend Carlos this weekend, but first she needs to clean the house because it’s a complete mess. She hasn’t got time, so she writes a note to Marta, her flatmate, with instructions about what she has to do to help out.

Let’s have a look at what she’s written in the note!

Marta, recoge la mesa y después lava los platos. El suelo está muy sucio, pasa la aspiradora. El cesto de la ropa sucia está lleno, pon la lavadora y luego plancha la ropa. Haz las camas también, hay sábanas limpias en el armario. Te veo esta noche.
Marta, clear the table and do the washing up. The floor is very dirty, hoover it. The washing basket is full, do the laundry and then iron the clothes. Make the beds as well, there are clean sheets in the wardrobe. See you tonight.
In her note, Teresa uses the verbs in the imperative. We use the imperative to give orders or instructions to one or more people. We use it with “tú”, “usted”, “vosotros/as” and “ustedes”. Let’s have a look at the singular forms:

Verbo: lavar
Verbo: recoger
Verbo: escribir
(tú) lav-a
(tú) recog-e
(tú) escrib-e
(usted) lav-e
(usted) recoj-a
(usted) escrib-a
Let's have a look at the imperative of some irregular verbs.
(tú) pon - (usted) ponga
(tú) haz - (usted) haga
(tú) di - (usted) diga
(tú) sal - (usted) salga
The house is now clean and all Teresa needs to do is organise the party with her friends' help. Let's listen to Teresa telling her friends what to do.

In her message, Teresa is giving instructions to several people. To do this, she uses the “vosotros/as” form of the imperative. In Spain people use the “vosotros/as” form to give instructions to friends, and they only use “ustedes” in formal situations. In Latin America, people only use “ustedes” to give instructions in either formal or informal situations.

Verbo: comprar
Verbo: aprender
Verbo: escribir
(vosotros/as) compr-ad
(vosotros/as) aprend-ed
(vosotros/as) escrib-id
(ustedes) compr-en
(ustedes) aprend-an
(ustedes) escrib-an
Let's see the plural forms of some irregular verbs.
(vosotros/as) poned - (ustedes) pongan
(vosotros/as) haced - (ustedes) hagan
(vosotros/as) decid - (ustedes) digan
(vosotros/as) venid - (ustedes) vengan
In her message, Teresa uses the verb "levantarse" (to get up). For the positive imperative of reflexive verbs, we join the pronoun with the end of the verb.
tú - levántate
usted - levántese
vosotros - levantaos
ustedes - levántense
Here's the message Teresa left for her friends.

Chicos, comprad algo para beber en la fiesta porque no tengo nada en casa. Ah y traed algo para comer también. La fiesta empieza a las 12:00h del mediodía, pero venid a las 10 para preparar todo. ¡Levantaos pronto para llegar a tiempo!
Guys, buy something to drink at the party because I haven’t got anything at home. Oh, and bring something to eat as well. The party starts at midday, but come at ten to get everything ready. Get up early so you arrive on time!


Recoge la mesa.

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Marta, clear the table and then wash the dishes.
Make the beds.
Put the washing machine first and then make the bed.
Bring something to eat.
Maria, get up early to be on time.
Set the table.
Please put the book here.
Get up early to be on time.
Iron the clothes.
Buy something to drink at the party.

Marta, recoge la mesa y después lava los platos.
Haz las camas.
Primero pon la lavadora y después haz la cama.
Traed algo para comer.
María, levántate pronto para llegar a tiempo.
Pon la mesa.
Por favor, ponga el libro aquí.
Levantaos pronto para llegar a tiempo.
Plancha la ropa.
Compren algo para beber en la fiesta.

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