44 Inspiring lives Flashcards


to be born

Nací en España.

I was born in Spain.

ir al colegio

to go to school

De pequeña iba al colegio que estaba cerca de mi casa.

When I was a child I used to go to the school that was near my house.

terminar la carrera

to finish the degree

Al cabo de cuatro años, terminé la carrera.

I finished my degree after 4 years.

entrar en la universidad

to start university

Entré en la universidad cuando tenía 18 años.

I started university when I was 18 years old.

Here’s a tip
The answer is 1933 - that is 13 years after women in the USA voted for the first time! Follow the story of Clara Campoamor, the heroine who made votes for women possible in Spain. While you read, pay attention to her life events and the verbs that we use to describe them. Can you tell the story of your hero or heroine? We’ll teach you how. Let’s start with some challenging words you’ll see in the text.

acceso a la educación - access to education
costurera - seamstress
telefonista - operator
derecho - law (studies)
igualdad - equality
derecho a votar - right to vote
exiliarse - to exile
We only know very little about Clara Campoamor's private life, but the most common stages we mention about a person's life are these:

conocerse (to meet) - Nos conocimos en la universidad. (e.g. We met at university.)
casarse (to get married) - Me casé hace tres años. (e.g. I got married three years ago.)
divorciarse (to get divorced) - Mis padres se divorciaron cuando era pequeño. (e.g. My parents got divorced when I was little.)



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