5/3(Fri) 151-155p Flashcards
To be honest with you, I think that’s a really dumb message to be telling kids, especially the ones at my school.
*to be telling : 전달하려고 하는, 말하려고 하는
Later on, they made an announcement that there are some openings on the Safety Patrols, and that got me thinking.
*later on : 나중에, 후[뒤]에
*opening : (사람 등이 지나가거나 할 수 있는) 구멍, 첫, 시작 부분의, 좋은기회 **(사람을 쓸 수 있는) 빈자리[공석/결원] There are several openings in the sales department. 영업부에 빈자리가 몇 개 있다.
If someone picks on a Safety Patrol, it can get them suspended.
*pick on somebody/something : (비난하거나 벌을 주거나 하면서 부당하게) ~을 괴롭히다, ~을 선택하다
She was picked on by the other girls because of her size. 그녀는 체구 때문에 나머지 다른 여자 애들로부터 괴롭힘을 당했다.
*sus·pend : 매달다, 유예하다, 연기하다, 정직[정학]시키다
I thought Mr. Winsky would make us do a bunch of chin-ups or jumping jacks or something to prove we were up for the job, but he just handed us our belts and badges on the spot.
*be up for : 참여하다, 참가하다, **~할 의향이 있다 (그 일에 적격한지…)
*on the spot : 즉각[즉석에서], **(일이 벌어지는) 현장에서 An ambulance was on the spot within minutes. 구급차 한 대가 곧 현장에 나타났다.
Mr. Winsky said the openings were for a special assignment.
*assignment : 과제, 임무, 배정, 배치
I gave him a wicked pinch underneath the desk before he could finish his sentence.
*wicked : 못된, 사악한 자들, 짓궂은
*pinch : 꼬집다, 꼬집기, 자밤(한꼬집)
I couldn’t believe my luck. I was getting instant bully protection and a free pass from half of Pre-Algebra, and I didn’t even have to lift a finger.
*bully : (약자를)괴롭히는 사람, 괴롭히다; 협박하다
*lift (up) a finger : 노력하다(make an effort)
Another great perk is that you get to show up ten minutes late for first period.
*perk : (급료 이외의) 특전 Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance. 그 회사에서 제공하는 특전에는 자동차와 무료 의료 보험이 포함된다.
I’m telling you, I’ve got it made with this Safety Patrol thing.
*have (got) it made : 원하는 모든 것을 가지다, 성공을 확신하다
The whole trip ate up forty-five minutes, and there were only twenty minutes of Pre-Algebra left when we got back.
*eat up : (~을) 다 먹다, ~을 (엄청) 잡아먹다[써 버리다, 소비하다]
Walking the kids home was no sweat.
*be no sweat : 별 일아니다. 아무 일 아니다. 쉬운 일이다. 땀흘리지마(애쓰지마, 힘들게 그러지마) hey, no sweat, Coach Gary gets it 이봐요, 애쓰지마요, 코치 개리가 할수 있어요