4/20(Sat) 86-90p Flashcards
I decided to gain my weight in muscle, not fat.
I’ve never been all that interested in getting in shape before, but this wrestling unit has made me rethink things.
*gain[lose] weight : 체중이 늘다[줄다]
*get in shape : 좋은 몸 상태(몸매)를 유지하다
*rethink : (특히 계획·행동 방침 등을 변경하기 위해) 다시 생각하다[재고하다]
I figure if I bulk up now, it could actually come in handy down the road.
The football unit is coming in the spring, and they split the teams up into shirts and skins. And I always get put on skins.
I think they do that to make all the out-of-shape kids feel ashamed of themselves.
*bulk up : 부피가 늘다
*come in handy : 쓸모가 있다[도움이 되다]
*down the road : 장래에, 장차 언젠가는
*split into : ~로 분열하다
*split up : 분리[분할]하다, 이혼하다, 헤어지다
*out of shape : (정상적인) 제 모양이 아닌, 건강이 안 좋은
*be ashamed of oneself : 부끄러움을 알다, 부끄러워하다
If I can pack on some muscle now, it’ll be a whole different story next April.
I showed them some muscle magazines I got at the store so they could see how ripped I was going to be.
*pack on : To add (fat, muscle, etc.) so as to increase mass or bulk
*rip : 찢다, 찢어진 곳, 떼어 내다
I ripped my jeans on the fence. 내가 울타리에 걸려 청바지가 찢어졌다
*ripped : 탄탄한 근육질의
Mom didn’t really say anything at first, but Dad was pretty enthusiastic.
“Muscles are gross”
*enthusiastic : 열렬한, 열광적인
*gross : 총(總) gross weight 총무게
중대한, *역겨운 He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’ 그는 그것을 겨자와 함께 먹었어. 윽, 역겨워!, 아주 무례한, 비대한 She’s not just fat, she’s positively gross! 그녀는 그냥 살이 찐 게 아냐. 그야말로 비대해!
My mom said if I wanted a weight set, I was going to have to prove that I could stick with an exercise regimen.
stick with somebody/something : ~의 곁에 머물다, ~을 계속하다 They decided to stick with their original plan. 그들은 원래 계획을 계속해 나가기로 했다.
*regimen : 운동 및 식이 요법
Christmas is a month and a half away. And if I get pinned by Fregley one more time, I’m gonna have a nervous breakdown.
That means I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands, as usual.
*be (time) away : (기한이나 시간이) 남다
My birthday is two days away. 내 생일이 이틀 남았어
*a nervous breakdown : 신경 쇠약
*take matters into one’s own hands : 일을 직접[독자적으로] 하다
Even though Mom wouldn’t let me get the equipment I needed, I wasn’t going to let that hold me back.
*hold somebody/something back : ~을 저지하다, (진전·발전을) 방해하다
So I went into the fridge and emptied out the milk and orange juice and filled the jugs with sand.
Then I taped them to a broomstick, and I had myself a pretty decent barbel.
*empty out : [그릇·물건 따위]를 텅 비게 하다, 몽땅 비워 내다
*fill with : ~으로 가득 차다
*decent : 괜찮은, 품위 있는, 적절한
After that, I made a bench press out of an ironing board and some boxes. Once I had that all set, I was ready to do some serious lifting.
*make out of : ~로 만들다
*once : 한 번(일단), (과거) 언젠가, ~하자마자, ~할 때
I needed a spotting partner, so I called Rowley. And when he showed up at my door wearing some ridiculous getup, I knew I made a mistake inviting him.
*ridiculous : 웃기는, 말도 안 되는, 터무니없는
*getup : (색다른) 옷차림, 차림새, 복장, 외관