5/2(Thur) 146-150p Flashcards
The idea is that the class gets assigned a project, and then you have to work on it together with no teacher in the room for the whole quarter.
*assign : 맡기다, 선임하다, 배치하다
Do you think we could get assigned to the same unit? 우리가 같은 부대에 배치받을 수 있을까?
*work on something : (해결·개선하기 위해) ~에 애쓰다[공들이다], ~에 노력을 들이다, 착수하다
The catch is that when you’re done, everyone in your group gets the same grade.
*catch : n.(숨은) 문제점[애로점] All that money for two hours’ work—what’s the catch? 두 시간 일에 그 돈을 다 준다니, 숨은 애로점이 뭐죠?
*grade : (상품의) 품질, (조직 내에서의) 등급[지위], 성적, 학점, (미국의 학제에서) 학년
Ricky’s big claim to fame is that he’ll pick the gum off the bottom of a desk and chew it if you pay him fifty cents.
*one’s claim to fame : 유명해진(흥미로운) 유일한 이유
*pick something off : (나무·식물 등에서) ~을 떼어 내다[제거하다]
At first everybody kind of freaked out, because we thought we were going to have to build the robot from scratch.
*freak : 광적으로 관심이 많은 사람, 아주 기이한, 기겁을 하다
*freak out : 소스라치게 놀라다, 기겁하다, 당황하다
*from scratch : 아무런 사전 준비 없이, 맨 처음부터 They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch. 그들은 그 기계를 분해해서 맨 처음부터 다시 시작하기로 결정했다
They erased my list and drew up their own plan.
*draw something up : (세심한 생각·계획이 필요한 것을) 만들다[작성하다, 준비하다]
Now that we had all the serious workers in one place, we got to work.
*get to work / go to work : 일을 시작하다
But then someone else pointed out that you shouldn’t be able to use bad words for your name, because the robot shouldn’t be able to curse.
*point out : 가리키다, 지적(언급)하다, 주목하다
*curse : 욕, 욕을 하다, 악담을 퍼붓다
So Ricky ended up being one of the most valuable contributors on this project.
*contributor : 기고자, 토론자, 기여자, 기부자, 원인 제공자
Well, at least it is for us boys.
**적어도 우리 남자들에게는 그렇다
In school today they had a general assembly and showed the movie “It’s Great to Be Me” which they show us every year.
*general meeting / general assembly : 총회