4/24(Wed) 106-110p Flashcards
Tonight was the big school production of “The Wizard of Oz.”
The first sign that things were not going to go well happened before the play even started.
*production : 생산, 생산량, 생성, (영화·연극 등의) 제작 a new production of ‘King Lear’ 새로 제작된 ‘리어왕’
I was peeking through the curtain to check out how many people showed up to see the play, and guess who was standing right up front?
*peek : 훔쳐보다, 살짝 보이다
*peek through ~을 통해 훔쳐보다
He must have found out I was singing, and he couldn’t resist the chance to see me embarrass myself.
*resist : 저항하다, 참다, 굴하지 않다
*embarrass : 당황스럽게 만들다, 곤란하게 만들다
The play was supposed to start at 8:00, but it got delayed because Rodney James had stage fright.
*fright : 놀람, 섬뜩한 일
*stage fright : 무대 공포증
You’d figure that someone whose job it was to sit on the stage and do nothing could just suck it up for one performance.
*suck : 빨아 먹다, 빨다
*suck it up : (좋지 않은 일을 감정을 다스리며) 잘 받아들이다
Nobody could remember their lines, just like I predicted, but Mrs. Norton kept things moving along with her piano.
*keep things moving along : 상황을 계속 진행시키다
move the event along 행사를 진행시키다
I have been able to keep that nickname quiet for five years, and now all of the sudden the whole town knew it.
I could feel about 300 pairs of eyeballs pointed my way.
*keep quiet : 비밀로 해두다, 조용히 하다
*all of a sudden :갑자기, 불쑥
*eyeball : 안구, 눈을 동그랗게 뜨고 쳐다보다
*point : 의견, 가리키다, 겨누다
I did some quick ad-libbing and I was able to deflect the embarrassment over to Archie Kelly.
*deflect : 방향을 바꾸다, 피하다,~를 막다
*I was able to deflect~ 과거
I could deflect~ 현재나 미래에 일어날 가능성
I knew that if I sang the song and Rodrick recorded it, he would keep the tape forever and use it to humiliate me for the rest of my life.
*humiliate : 굴욕감을 주다
I didn’t want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues. 나는 그녀에게 동료들 앞에서 굴욕감을 주고 싶지는 않았다.
I figured that if I didn’t technically sing the song, then Rodrick wouldn’t have anything to hold over my head.
*hold over one’s head : 계속 놀리다, 골려대다