4/14(Sun) 56-60p Flashcards
When 3:00 rolled around.
*roll around : 시간이 지나가면서 도달하다, (3시가 되자마자)
when a third summer rolled around 세 번째의 여름이 왔을 때에
When May rolled around, the biggest contest started. 5월이 되자 가장 큰 대회가 시작됐다.
Now, I know our flyers said admission was fifty cents, but I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.
The fifty-cent thing was just a typo.
The first kid to cough up his two bucks was Shane Snella.
*make a killing : 갑자기 큰 돈을 벌다[크게 한몫 잡다]
*typo : 오자, 오식
*cough up : (특히 돈을 마지못해) 내놓다[토해 내다]
cough : 기침하다, 토하다, 기침
I guess maybe we made the Hall of Screams a little too scary, because halfway through, Shane curled up in a ball underneath the bed.
We tried to get him to crawl out from under there, but he wouldn’t budge.
*halfway through : 반 정도, (기간∙행사의) 중간쯤에서
*curl up in : ~모양으로 동그래지다.
curl up in a ball 둥글게 말다.
*crawl : (엎드려) 기다, (곤충이) 기어가다, 기어가기, 서행
crawl out from under ~밑에서 기어 나오다
*budge : 약간 움직이다[움직이게 하다], 꼼짝하다
I started thinking about all the money we were losing with this kid clogging up the Hall of Screams, and I knew we had to get him out of there, quick.
*clog : 막다; 막히다
The narrow streets were clogged with traffic. 좁은 도로가 차들로 꽉 막혀 있었다.
*clog up : 꽉 막다
My sink is clogged up.
At first I was happy to see him, because I thought he could help us drag Shane out from under the bed and get our haunted house cranking again.
*drag : (힘들여) 끌다[끌고 가다], (몸을 끌듯) 힘들게 움직이다
*get cracking : 즉시[서둘러] 일을 시작하다 (=get going)
crank :
I tried to show Rowley’s dad our original plan to prove that we really were running a legitimate operation, but he still didn’t seem convinced.
*prove : 입증[증명]하다, (~임이) 드러나다[판명되다] (=turn out), (자기 역량을) 입증해 보이다
*legitimate : 정당한, 타당한, 적당한 (=valid), 합법적인, 적법한 (=legal)
*operation : 수술, (조직적인) 작전, 사업, 영업, 운영, (대규모) 기업, 사업체
*convince : 납득시키다, 설득하다
The good news is, since Rowley’s dad didn’t believe us, he didn’t make us refund Shane’s money. So at least we cleared two bucks today.
*since : ~부터[이후], ~때문에, ~므로
*clear : 수익을 올리다
She cleared £1,000 on the deal. 그녀는 그 거래로 1000파운드의 수익을 올렸다.
Rowley ended up getting grounded for that whole haunted house mess yesterday.
He’s not allowed to have me over at his house during that time.
*end up : 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다
*have ~over : ~을 손님으로 맞이하다, (집에) 초대하다
We had the mayor over. 우리는 시장을 손님으로 맞이했다.
I didn’t even do anything wrong.
And now where am I supposed to play my video games?
I felt kind of bad for Rowley.
So, tonight, I tried to make it up to him.
I turned on one of Rowley’s favorite TV shows, and I did a play-by-play over the phone so he could kind of experience it that way.
*feel bad for : 안되게 느껴진다, 안쓰럽다. (for 뒤엔 사람이온다.)
for 뒤에 행동이 붙으면, 어떤 행동에 대해 죄책감이나 후회를 느끼는 것을 말한다
*make up to somebody : (~에게) 알랑거리다, 아첨하다
*play-by-play : 스포츠 실황 중계