4/9(Tue) 31-35p Flashcards
I don’t think Mom really cares what Rodrick plays or listens to, because to her, all music is the same.
*care : 돌봄, 상관하다, 배려하다
*I don’t care = I don’t mind : 상관없어
That really bugged Rodrick, so he drove off to the store and came back fifteen minutes later with some headphones. And that pretty much took care of the problem.
*drive off : 떠나다
The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. 강도들은 훔친 차를 타고 떠났다.
*take care of : ~을 돌보다, ~을 책임지고 떠맡다, ~을 처리(수습)하다=deal with
Mom and Dad never let me buy them at the mall. So I realized the only way I was gonna get a chance to listen to Rodrick’s CD was if I snuck it out of the house.
*sneak : 살금살금[몰래] 가다 I sneaked up the stairs.
(흔히 허락을 받지 않고) 몰래 하다[가져가다] We sneaked a look at her diary.
(하찮은 것을) 몰래 챙기다[가져가다] I sneaked a cake when they were out of the room.
Then I came up with this great idea for a game. The object was to put the headphones on your head and then try to shake them off without using your hands.
*come up with something : ~을 생산하다; 제시[제안]하다, (해답·돈 등을) 찾아내다[내놓다]
*shake off : 흔들어 떨어뜨리다, 회복하다, 따돌리다
*object : 물건, 물체, (욕망, 연구, 관심 등의) 대상, 목적, 목표
Right in the middle of our game, Mrs. Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed.
*come around the corner 모퉁이를 돌다.
*red-handed 현행범
*be caught red-handed
I could tell she didn’t want to be interrupted.
*I can tell : 딱 보니 알겠네. 딱 티나네.
I could tell she spoke in earnest.
But right when Mrs. Craig was about to let us go, Rowley started blubbering about how he doesn’t want rock and roll to ruin his “brains”
*be about to do : 막 ~을 하려고 하다
*blubber : (못마땅함) 흐느껴[엉엉] 울다