Axial Skeleton Flashcards
Skull bones, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, ribs, sternum and bones of the vertebral column are part of what division of the skeleton
List the 5 types of shapes of bones:
- Long
- Short
- Flat
- Irregular
- Sesamoid
What type of bone has greater length than width and slightly curved for strength
Long Bones
What type of bone are the phalanges?
long bones
What type of bone is cube shaped and nearly equal in lenght and width?
an example…
Short bones
Example: carpal & tarsal
What type of bone shape is the sternum concidered?
flat bone
What kind of bone has compact bone tissue enclosing a layer of spongy bone tissue?
flat bones
cranial, sternum, ribs, scapulae
What type of shape bones are hip bones concidered?
as well, vertebrae, some facial bones, calcaneus
What are sesamoid bones and where do we find them?
- Protect tendons from excessive wear and tear
- Reside within the tendon
- Patellae, foot, hand
What are sutural bones?
Small bones located in sutures of cranial bones
What are the 2 major types of surface markings?
- Depressions and openings
- Processes
narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass
Ie Superior orbital fissure of the phenoid bone
Opening through which blood vessels nerves, or ligaments pass
Is optic foramen of the sphenoid bone
shallow depression
ie coronoid fossa of the humerus
furrow along a bone surface that accommodates a blood vessel, nerve, or tendon
ie. intertubuclual suculus of the humerus
tubelike opening
ie. ecternal auditory meatus of the temporal bone
Large, round protuberance at the end of a bone
ie. lateral condyle of the femur
smooth flat articular surface
ie - superior artivular cacet of a vertebra
Process that froms a joint: head
rounded articular projection supported on the neck of a bone
ie the head of the femur
Prominent ridge or elongated projection
ie - Iliac crest of the hip bone
Projection above a condyle
ie medial epicondyle of the femur
long, narrow ride or border
ie linea aspera of the femur
Spinous process
sharp, slender projection
ie spineous process of the vertebra
Very large projection
ie - greater tubercle of the humerus
small rounded projection
ie - greater tubercle of the humerus
large, rounded, usually roughened projection
is Isitual tuberosity of the hip bone
List the 8 cranial bones
- Frontal
- Right parietal
- Left Parietal
- Right temporal
- left temporal
- Occipital bone
- sphenoid bone
- ethmoid bone
List the 14 facial bones which form the face
Paired nasal bones, paired maxillae, paired zygomatic bones, the mandible, paired lacrimal bones, paired palatine bones, paired inferior nasal conchae and vomer
what kind of joints fuse most of the skull bones together?
Which bone forms the forehead?
Frontal Bone
Parietal bones
Form the sides and roof of the cranial cavity
Which bone is butterfly shape that lies at the middle part of the base of the skull
Sphenoid bone
Ethmoid Bone
Located on the midline in the anterior part of the cranial floor medial to the orbits
- A major superior supporting structure of the nasal cavity
- Contain thin projections called conchae which are lined by mucous membranes
- Increased surface area in the nasal cavity helps to humidify inhaled air trapping inhaled particles
Which facial bone forms the bridge of the nose?
Nasal bone
what is the name of the bone which forms the upperjawbone
Name the bone of the cheekbone
Which bone froms a portion of the midial wall of each orbit?
Which bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate?
Where would one find the inferior nasal conchae
it forms a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Where would one find the Vomer?
it forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum
Name the lower jawbone
What is the only movable skull bone
When one breaks their nose, what bone is broken
the nasal septum
Which bone divides the interior of the neasal cavity into right and left sides
nasal septum
What is a foramina?
Openings for blood vessels, nerves or ligaments of the skull
What are three unique featrues of the skull?
Sutures, Paranasal sinuses and Fontanels
What is an immovable joint that holds most skull bones together
Paranasal Sinuses
- Cavities within cranial and facial bones near the nasal cavity
- Secretions produced by the mucous membranes which line the sinuses, drain into the nasal cavity
- Serve as resonating chambers that intensify and prolong sounds
- Lighten the skull
- Areas of unossified (unhardened) tissue
- At birth, unossified tissue spaces, commonly called “soft spots” link the cranial bones
- Later replaced with bone to become sutures
- Provide flexibility to the fetal skull, allowing the skull to change shape as it passes through the birth canal
Which bone does not articulate with any other bone?
what are the functions of the vertebral column?
- Protect the spinal cord
- Support the head
- Serve as an attachment point for the ribs, pelvic girdle, and muscles
excessive curve laterally
excessive conves curve
excessive concave
How many vertebrae in the cervical spine
How many vertebrae in thoracic spine
How many vertebrae in the lumbar
How many fused cacral verebrae is the sacrum composed of
q1 coccyx consists of __ fused coccygeal vertebrae
what are the functions of the intervertebral discs
- Form strong joints
- Permit movement of the vertebral column
- Absorb vertical shock
What does a vetebrae typically consist of?
- A Body (weight bearing)
- A vertebral arch (surrounds the spinal cord)
- Several processes (points of attachment for muscles)
Which region of the vertebra have a bifid spinous process?
cervical region
Which region of the vertebra articulate with the ribs?
Which region of the vertebra is the largest, as is most weight bearing?
Which region of the vertebra provide for the attachement of the large back muscles?
The sacrum is a triangular bone formed by the union of_____________
five sacral vertebrae (S1–S5)
AT what age does the sacrum begin to fuse?
Begins at 16-18
complete by 30
The coccyx is formed by the fusion of usually _____coccygeal vertebrae
At what age range does the coccyx begin to fuse?
What physically makes up the thoracic cage?
- Sternum (breastbone)
- Ribs
- Costal cartilages
- Thoracic vertebrae
How many true ribs are there?
How many false ribs are there?
Rib 8 to Rib 10 = 3
Which ribs are the floating ribs?
Ribs 11 & 12