43 Lesson The verb Haber and it’s uses LightSpeed Spanish Flashcards
Have you learnt much at the course?
¿Has aprendido mucho en el curso?
I think that he will have finished the meal by now.
Yo creo que ya habrá terminado la comida.
I would have been able to do it, but I didn’t have the keys.
Habría podido/sido capaz de hacerlo, pero no tenía las llaves.
Had you seen this before?
¿Habías visto esto antes?
Julia saw him yesterday and he told her that he had been on holidays.
Julia lo vio ayer y (él) le dijo que había estado de vacaciones.
There was an accident two days ago.
Hubo un accidente hace dos días.
There will be three people waiting for you.
Habrá tres personas esperándote.
There has been some misunderstanding here.
Ha habido un malentendido aquí.
I would have liked to greet them.
Me habría gustado saludarlos.
Have you (all) liked the play? / Did you like the play?
¿Os ha gustado la obra (de teatro)? / ¿Os gustó la obra (de teatro)?
If we had known that she was so ill, we wouldn’t have left.
Si hubiésemos/hubiéramos sabido que estaba tan enferma, no nos habríamos ido.
. I would have voted differently if I had known what was to come (estar por venir)
Habría votado de manera diferente si hubiese sabido lo que estaba por venir.
Let’s see, what do we have here?
A ver, ¿qué tenemos aquí?
There is a man, there, who says ¡ay!
Ahí hay un hombre que dice ¡ay!
. I hope that there are toilets there! (trigger!)
¡Espero que haya baños/servicios allí!