39 Lesson Spanish Verbs of Becoming and ‘Is my Spanish too formal?’ LightSpeed Spanish Flashcards
To become:
Convertirse en= To become
Llegar a ser= To become, grow into, blossom into. Typically with professions. Hacerse= To become, get, go, form, grow into, go through
Volverse= To become, turn. Could be unexpectedly or suddenly. Complete change. Ponerse= To become. Typically with emotions/health.
Quedarse= To stay, remain, to become (pregnant, disabled, deaf…).
Cumplir (años): To become x age.
Sentar bien / quedar bien= To agree, To become.
Ser propio de= To become, belong, pertain.
Pasar a ser= To go from something to something. Next step usually up or down. Transformarse en= To transform into.
He suddenly became/stayed quiet. He had nothing to say.
De repente se quedó callado. No tenía nada que decir.
Their house became a nightmare because everything needed to be fixed. (went from their dream house to a nightmare-sense).
Su casa pasó a ser una pesadilla porque todo necesitaba arreglarse/ser arreglado/ tenían que arreglar todo.
Her job became very samey/mundane within 2 months.
Su trabajo se volvió muy rutinario/ se convirtió en muy rutinario en dos meses.
Next week I’ll become 18.
La semana que viene cumplo 18 (años).
That new shirt becomes you very well, Matthew!
¡Esa nueva camisa te sienta/ te queda muy bien, Mateo!
After 7 years studying his degree he finally became a doctor.
Después de 7 años estudiando la carrera por fin llegó a ser (un) médico/ doctor.
Speaking that way isn’t very becoming of you.
Hablar así no es muy propio de ti.
Since Frank became ill he couldn’t attend the meeting.
Ya que Frank se puso enfermo no pudo asistir a la reunión.
She was so excited when she found out that she had become pregnant after trying for 5 years that she screamed and everybody looked at her, becoming the centre of attention at the precinct.
Estaba tan ilusionada cuando descubrió que se había quedado embarazada después de intentarlo (durante/por) 5 años que gritó y todo el mundo la miró, convirtiéndose en/ volviéndose el centro de atención del centro comercial.
After becoming aware of the situation he took immediate action. (Darse cuenta)
Después de darse cuenta de la situación tomó medidas.
As he became older he turned/became nicer.
Al volverse/ hacerse más mayor/ con el pasar de los años se volvió más amable.
Paul became disabled when he became 92.
Pablo se quedó minusválido cuando cumplió 92.
After the explosion, Mark became temporarily deaf.
Tras la explosión Marcos se quedó temporalmente sordo.
Anne was his friend but she quickly became something more.
Ana era su amiga pero pronto pasó a ser/ se volvió/ se hizo/ se convirtió en algo más.
They became very sad when they heard the news.
Se pusieron muy tristes cuando oyeron la noticia.