300-34 SOSP Flashcards
When can officers on PDP do SOSP hours?
With written approval from COP
Who cannot work SOSP
LT above and above pay grade VI
When is the minimum time that a SOSP request can be made?
72 hours
Who may waive the 72 hour minimum for SOSP requests?
Shift commander
Who is responsible for making sure the replacement officer’s name is in the redbook in SOSP?
Requesting officer
When shall replacement officers submit their SOSP compensation form?
By end of shift
How many hours of Comp do you need to have to be ineligible for SOSP?
How many replacements may a requesting officer arrange in the SOSP system without approval?
2 per month
Who may authorize more than 2 SOSP absences in a month?
Roll Call SGT
Can two officers take each other’s SOSP shifts and work for each other?
Not without shift commander approval
What is the experience needed to fill a SOSP spot?
served in CFS in last 36 months or taken Plainclothes to Patrol Retraining program within 12 months
Who may grant exceptions to officers to work SOSP who are not trained with BWC to work without a BWC?
AC of Field Operations
Is Non-selection of SOSP grievable?
What is the discipline for failing to ensure a replacement is listed in redbook?
SI and 30 day suspension of SOSP
Repeated violations of failing to ensure replacement is in redbook shall result in
6 month qualification if within 12 month period
Failure to show up for scheduled SOSP shift will result in:
90 day disqualification from SOSP program. Subsequent violations are 6 months and discipline