300-15 Appearance and Grooming Flashcards
What option is available to continue working if an employee has skin condition that precludes shaving?
Work a transitional duty that does not require uniform. only non-police EJs
What are the guidelines for employees with skin conditions that are precluded from shaving?
Excuse from dermatologist, employee bears all cost of derm, renew excuse every 30 days
If wearing of beard due to skin condition lasts more than ____ days what shall occur?
90, sign medical release to allow COH Medical director to work with your derm
If you are permanently precluded from shaving due to skin condition what are your options?
Allowed to work uniformed assignments except for SWAT, SRG or CFS. COP approves EJs
What are the rules for moustaches?
not more than half inch beyond corners of mouth, not below outer corners of mouth, not below upper lip
What are the rules for sideburns?
not farther than lowest tip of earlobe
Female hair requirements?
Not lower than 4 inches from top of collar
Male hair requirements?
extend no more than 1/2 inch below top of collar, shall not cover more than 1/2 of the ear
Are bracelets allowed?
Not unless medical alert
How many rings per hand?
Can employees wear necklaces?
yes but they must be concealed
How long can fingernails be?
no more than 1/4 inch beyond fingertip
What are the tattoo restrictions?
Nothing offensive and nothing on your hands or on/above neck
How often are officers inspected for purposes of uniform compliance?
Once a month
What are the events that require dress pants?
Activities authorized by COP, formal occasions, disciplinary Review Hearings
When shall officers be required to wear hat?
Extended assignments with high citizen visibility
How may dept issued BDU pants be modified?
For length only, not width
HPD collar insignias requirements?
leading edge 1 inch, bottom of emblem 1/2 inch
What is the SPO rank insignia?
Two bar chevron “corporal”
What division’s officers may tuck their tie into their shirts?
Solo Motorcycle and Mounted
What pattern or design is not allowed for accessories and gear on an officer’s belt or carrying cases?
Basket Weave
What if an employee with a small waist cannot fit a closed handcuff case?
Approval of training division commander to have other kind of handcuff case
What are the requirements for CED holster?
Must be dept issued with no alterations and only cross draw
What are the uniform restrictions on knives?
Worn but cannot be seen
When is the Fox Listen Only Earphone mandatory?
Active Shooters, protests or other events where noise is a concern
Where are department issued electronics or phones be worn on uniform?
On sam Browne or concealed
How long must the boot height be?
High enough to prevent pant legs from falling inside boot
When may a SPO/SGT affix metal two-var chevrons to his uniform and where?
Cold Weather gear, on collar such as LTs bars
When are employees allowed to wear cold weather head gear?
Between November and march when under 50 degrees
What are the requirements to wear rubber boots?
Above 4 inches, less than a foot
How long does an employee have to return a special assignment uniform?
30 days after transferring
What must on duty plain clothes officers carry on them?
Badge, HPD ID, handcuffs, and loaded firearm
When can employees post or allow to post of themselves in a public manner wearing a uniform?
Never, not without COP approval
What is needed for correspondence to COP for accommodation in clothing or uniform alterations for religious or medical problems?
Name, Assignment, supervisor’s name, commander’s name, reasoning
Who shall bear the cost of an approved article of faith on the uniform?
The employee
After a request for medical or religious accommodation to uniform code and the ruling is not satisfactory to the employee what may they do?
Request hearing with COP
What is the maximum number of pants and shirts that may be replaced at one time?
3 and 3
Who shall receive a white long sleeve dress shirt?
Commander and above
Who shall have to wear body armor?
uniformed division that interacts with public, classified employees working EJ, plainclothes working high-risk operations
What is the heat index that employees can take off their body armor?
100 degrees