3/23 Flashcards
effects that can’t be blocked by carbidopa
carbidopa only acts peripherally so it can’t block the anxiety and agitation side effects of L-dopa
area of brain a pineal mass effects
high acetylcholinesterase in fetus
neural tube defects
derivation of neurofibromas
nerve sheath neoplasms made of schwann cells from neural crest
used for treating subarachnoid hemorrhage
osmotic diuretics
used for treating high ICP
lack of hypocretin (orexin)
opioid overdose pupils
anitpsychotics and periods
block dopamine, increasing prolactin and causing amenorrhea
not as severe, more functioning with less sleep
hyperplastic cell in low renal perfusions
JG cell in the afferent arteriole undergoes hyperplasia to produce renin
airflow resistance in airways
highest = medium airways (turbulence) lowest = terminal bronchioles middle = trachea
malignant hypertension histology
hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis (onion skinning)
esophagus is close to what heart chamber
left atrium
carotid body/sinus nerves
afferent = 9, efferent = 10 (only vagus for aortic body)
nitrates vessels of action
primarily veins, but also arteries
increasing murmur in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
decreasing preload (valsalva, standing up and NO)
papillary muscle rupture in MI
right posterior descending
leads in pacemakers
in coronary sinus (in AV groove)
estrogen and T4 levels
estrogen increases binding protein, transient decrease in T4, ultimate total T4 increase
subacute thyroiditis histology
mixed cellular infiltrate with multinucleated giant cells
DDAVP in hemophilia
can raise factor 8 levels
TTP protein
extramedullary hematopoiesis and tear drop cells
myeloproliferative disorders
mutation in myeloproliferative disorders
JAK-STAT (except CML)
can’t do bone marrow biopsy
hairy cell (with cytoplasmic projections)
myeloperoxidase marker
Guillian Barre
ascending paralysis with endoneurial inflammatory infiltrate
muscle fiber types
type 1 = slow twitch
type 2 = fast twitch
ceiling of carpal tunnel
transverse carpal ligament
erythema multiforme
target lesions or inflammatory infiltrate (immune response after virus or infection)
what to monitor in ankylosing spondylitis
chest wall expansion
calcinosis Raynaud's esophageal dysmotility sclerodactyly telangiectasias (increase collagen deposition due to TGF-beta)
HSP organs
GI, kidneys, skin and joints
long standing RA complication causing paralysis
vertebral subluxation
lateral forearm innervation
musculocutaneous nerve
fibular neck fracture
knocks of common peroneal
gastric varicies
caused by splenic thrombosis (esophageal are caused by left gastric vein)
part of the stomach most affected by H pylori
antrum (body and fundus in pernicious anemia)
acalculous cholecysitits
gallbladder disease not caused by gallstones
ovarian and stomach pain
Krukenberg tumor (signet cells)
Fragile X vs XXY
X = strong male features
XXY = weak male features
- both are tall
clue cells
bacterial vaginosis
pelvic floor muscle
levator ani
most common cause of post partum bleeding
uterine atony (should respond to medication)
most common cause of male hypogonadism
gynecomastia with small testes
most common location for unilateral hydronephrosis in fetus
ureteropelvic junction (last place to canalize)
DIC in pregnancy
started by tissue factor (thromboplastin) from trophoblast
metabolic acidosis counter measures in kidney
glutamine is broken down to excrete more acid and reabsorb more bicarb
robertsonian translocation 14:21
Down syndrome
statins and LDL receptors
order of base excision repair
- glycosylase cleaves base leaving AP
- endonuclease cleaves 5’
- lyase cleaves 3’
- polymerase fills gap
- ligase seals
first step of gluconeogenesis
pyruvate to oxaloacetate by pyruvate carboxylase (activated by acetyl CoA)
phospholipase C, PIP, IP3, DAG and protein kinase C
cAMP and protein kinase A
acanthosis nigricans
high FFAs, not LDL
types of tyrosine kinases
JAK-STAT is cytoplasmic, insulin receptor is intrinsic
uridine monophosphate synthase deficiency
can lead to orotic acid build up, not hyperammonia
microbial causes of esophagitis
candida, HSV and CMV
most common cause of viral meningitis
protein A vs IgA protease
protein A is only in staph
capsule in Hflu
made of polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP)
chlamydia infection of newborwn
inclusion conjunctivitis
PYR test
same as bacitracin sensitivity
drug more likely to cause cholera infection
omeprazole (less acidic enviornment)
segmented viruses
rotoavirus, reo, bunya and arena
flu vaccine is directed against…
negative selection in thymus
if binding is too strong
types of receptors blocked by atropine
muscarinic, not nicotinic (so muscle weakness is unaffected)
carrier proteins
transmembrane channels that allow for fast diffusion but they get saturated
synergistic vs additive
additive is A + B = AB
synergistic is A + B = ABC
when an unrelated drug doesn’t work but another one helps it work
from mushrooms, block RNA pol II (mRNA synthesis)
treatment for serotonin syndrome
blinding reduces _____ bias
migratory thrombophelbitis
Trousseau syndrome (visceral cancer)