1607-1754 Flashcards
What were joint stock companies?
When several investors pooled their wealth to help support and fund English colonies. These companies would receive most profit the colonies might yield and also gave them lower risk (since each individual in the economy was losing less than if they paid for it themselves and it failed)
What was the first joint stock company and who chartered it and why?
Virginia company. King James I of Rngalnd chartered it in order to colonies along the eastern shores of North America. He found a settlement of Virginia and named it Jamestown
Who was a captain of the first joint stock company and what was his position against the Native Americans?
John Smith. He was a captain from a ship from the Virginia company. He thought he could work with theNative Americans. He forced his men to learn how to work the land and asked the Powhatan people (native Americans) for food.
How did the other colonist feel about John smiths attitude toward the Native Americans? What did they do and what happened to them?
The colonists didn’t agree with John smith (colonists didn’t want to work with and benefit from native Americans) and ended up not listening to his requests to work with the natives which led majority of his crew dying due to starvation.
(600 people —> 60 people)
What highly profitable crop was developed and why?
Tobacco or “brown gold”. The surviving colonists of Jamestown learnt from the other colonists mistakes of not working with the Natives.
What type of service was used to farm in North American before slavery?
The use of indentured servant from England and a small minority from Africa. They came with a contract for 4-7 years.
How did the relationship with native Americans differ form that do the Spanish and Europe?
Europeans didn’t intermarry, but rather treated the natives like wild animals and they did it want to live amongst them.
Who was Pocahontas?
The chiefs daughter of the Powhatan village before it was burned down who married English colonists John Rolfe. This brought half hearted peace.
Who was Governor Sir William Berkeley? What was the context of his actions that led to Bacons Rebellion?
Governor of colonist of Virginia.
He imposed high taxes on poor settlers. These taxes were being used for private use the the rich (aka planters) instead of for public lands. Hostility grew between the poor whites and the wealthy planters. In 1675 there was a dispute between the Doeg tribe and Virginia frontier farmer. Settlers killed 5 chiefs and 14 natives during a peace conference. A war broke out and the colonists asked for military support from Berkeley.
Who was Governor Sir William Berkeley? What did he do that led to Bacons Rebellion?
He didn’t lend support to the poor colonists who needed military support to defend themselves from the native Americans.
Who was Nathaniel Bacon? Why did he start “Bacons Rebellion”?
A planter in the Virginia colonies who detested native Americans, but also didn’t like the fact Governor Sir William Berkeley refused to help the colonists fight the native Americans.
What was Bacons rebellion?
Nathaniel Bacon raised his own army to fight the native Americans but Governor Sir William Berkeley deemed it illegal because it was made up of landless settlers. Bacon marched to Jamestown to confront the colonial leaders but this march quickly became violent as the rebels set fire to the town.
What were the effects of Bacons rebellion?
Berkeley (and many planters) fled ship to England. Berkeley went to King Charles and King Charles was very critical with how Berkeley handled things. This rebellion helped to expose the growing power of the former indentured servants. Both Berkeley and Bacon died Shortly after the rebellion.
Who were the Puritans and who led them?
People who left from Europe to go to the Americas who embraced the idea that every worshipper should experience G-d directly through faith, Prayer, and the Bible. The Puritans were led by John Winthrop.
What was the name of the separatists that formed independent congregations form the puritans? What did they found in 1620?
Pilgrims. They founded Plymouth Colony, the second permanent English Colony in North American
What was the puritans joint stock enterprise called and where was there capital? What was ironic with the puritans migrating to the Americas?
Massachusetts Bay company. colony’s capital was Boston.
i = they left England because they wanted better religious freedom than they had in England but their church was part of the lawmaking and they forced their religion on everyone.
Who was Roger Williams? What was his beliefs regarding native Americans, and religion?
An extreme separatist (pilgrim) who declared English settlers and no right to take lands form the native Americans unless it was purchased from them. He also believed religion should be forced and you shouldn’t punish people for their religious beliefs.
What happens to Roger Williams due to his beliefes?
The court order Williams should be arrested and returned to England. Williams instead of leaving fled to the Narragansett tribe and set up the colony of providence. This later became the capital of Rhodes Island.
Who was Anne Hutchinson? What was her beliefs regarding religion?
An extreme separatist who believed that worshippers didn’t need church or ministers to interpret the Bible for them.
What happens to Anne Hutchinson due to her beliefs?
She was banished from the colonies and moved to Rhode Island. After her husband died she moved to New Netherland (New York)
What was the name of the war in 1637? Why? What happened in it? Who won?
It was called the Pequot war/King Phillips war. The was between the Pequot nation and English colonists + other native Americans. The Pequot leader named Chief Metacom was known as king Phillip to the English . The English and other native Americans surrounded Pequot forts and set it ablaze and killed anyone who escaped. The tribe was almost wiped out. The colonist ended up winning and killed chief Metacom.
What caused the Pequot/King Phillips War?
Native Americans were living under puritan law and weren’t happy with the restrictions given to them.
When did Dutch found their first American colony?
What was its name?
What was its capital?
New Netherlands
New Amesteram
Who drove the Dutch out of New Netherlands? What did he rename the land?
James the Duke of York. He renamed it to New York as he was the now proprietor or owner.