15-17 In-Car Camera System Flashcards
The In–Car Camera System (ICCS) is a tool —— that can:
enhance public ——-and police legitimacy;
enhance public and police officer ——;
enhance the commitment to—– service delivery by officers to the public;
provide a tool to facilitate early resolution of ——-; and
provide improved evidence for investigative, ——and oversight purposes; and
provide information as to the effectiveness of Service procedures and training
The Service is committed to maintaining the public trust by delivering professional and unbiased policing at all times. The
ICCS is a valuable tool in remaining ———to the community and maintaining its trust.
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory when ——-, damage or theft of an ICCS occurs
Objection to Being Recorded
Officers may encounter situations where individuals object to being audio and/or video recorded. If the recording is
occurring while in a —– place, officers shall continue to record in accordance with this Procedure
Incidents of a Sensitive Nature
Officers assigned to, or operating a Service vehicle equipped with an ICCS must be cognizant of the impact video
recording may have on persons involved in incidents of a sensitive nature. In circumstances where the person is being
captured on ICCS video, an officer may temporarily ——–the ICCS, or ——- the camera view, while taking
appropriate steps to address the situation, and ——–the ICCS after having done so. Any deactivation of the ICCS
video recording function, arising out of a reasonable concern for the ——of a person, must be in accordance with this
Procedure by noting the reason for the decision in a ——-book, and, if practical, by recording an audible
statement prior to.
1. Upon receiving a request for an ICCS recording from a member of the public shall direct the individual to ————-
Information Access – Access and Privacy Section
Police Officer
2. Police officers shall not
operate an ICCS equipped vehicle without having completed the prescribed training
——- the ICCS while actively engaged in apprehending or pursuing a fleeing motor vehicle, for the safety of
members and the public
——–or attempt to modify any permanent settings or installed components of the ICCS
Police Officer
- When assigned to a Service vehicle that is equipped with an ICCS shall, at the ———of the shift, check if the ICCS
is ——— properly by activating the system and creating a brief recording to ensure that:
——-cameras are capable of recording video
the wireless microphones are capable of remotely activating the system and recording audio
the —-rear microphone is capable of recording audio
the camera lens and the windshield are free of ——–that may obscure the camera
the camera is locked in position facing the ——-of the Service vehicle
The front camera shall remain facing the front of the Service vehicle, except in circumstances where
it is necessary to modify the position to record a specific event.
the system —– back both audio and visual recordings
Police Officer
- After completing the check detailed in item 3 shall record the results in the ———- book.
- Upon discovery of any malfunctions shall report such forthwith
to the —– desk
to a ——— officer - Upon discovery of any damaged or ——— ICCS equipment shall report such to a supervisory officer forthwith.
Police Officer
- When assigned to or operating a Service vehicle equipped with an ICCS shall
operate the ICCS equipment in accordance with the prescribed training
ensure that, when two officers are assigned to the Service vehicle, the identification information of the officer that
is not automatically entered into the ICCS log in screen is ——entered as ——–in the log in screen and
wear the ICCS wireless microphone at all times when the ICCS is activated, or while performing the duties of a
police officer outside the Service vehicle
when wearing the wireless microphone, ensure the approved microphone pouch is utilized in accordance with the prescribed training
Officer #2
Police Officer
activate the ICCS to visually and/or audibly record
all contacts between a police officer and a member of the public where that contact is for the purpose of a
police ——-, regardless of whether or not the person is within camera ——–
all ———responses, whether emergency equipment is utilized or not, from initiation to conclusion
all vehicle ——-
all crimes or offences in ——–
crime and collision scenes
when practicable, all ———not taken inside a Service facility
any other situation or event where it is believed it would be ——–to capture video and / or audio
evidence or information
Police Officer
ensure that, when placing or transporting any person other than a Service member or authorized person in an
ICCS equipped vehicle
if the person is in the ——–seat of the Service vehicle, the front camera and ——–microphone are ———
if the person is in the rear seat of the Service vehicle, the rear camera and rear microphone are also
ensure that the ICCS is not activated during
——–discussions or enquiries between ——personnel
situations that reveal police investigative techniques
attendance in a Service facility or ——–
interactions which could potentially identify a ——– or police officer in an ————-
not capture ——-unrelated incidents, unrelated investigations, or unrelated contacts with a member of the
public in a ——-ICCS recording
confidential informant(s)
Police Officer
- As soon as practicable, when the ICCS is activated, shall ——–the persons that they are being visually and/or audibly
recorded. - When the ICCS is activated, shall not deactivate until the incident has concluded or, except when
the officer no longer reasonably believes that the collection of audio/video media would ——-officer or public
safety, and/or benefit the investigation
directed to do so by a ———
10.When it is necessary to deactivate the ICCS or mute audio recording during an investigation or incident shall
where reasonably possible, before deactivating or muting the audio, record a brief ——-statement indicating
the reason
note the reasons for the decision in the memorandum book, and when directed to do so by a supervisor, note the
supervisor’s badge number
Police Officer
11.Upon deactivating the ICCS, the recording shall be appropriately classified utilizing the ———function. Should
a recording be interrupted or the ICCS be disabled prior to the classification function being utilized, classification shall
be done by reviewing the recording utilizing the ICCS —–application through the ———-(MDT) or
standard workstation.
12.Where an accidental deactivation of the ICCS occurs, shall make a record of the details, including, where possible the
apparent cause of the deactivation, the time and duration of the deactivation, and a ———-of what transpired during
that time, in the memorandum book as soon as reasonably possible.
mobile data terminal
Police Officer
13.Where privileged information has been captured by the ICCS shall
comply with Procedure 04-35
immediately notify the ———of the following
name, badge number, and unit
details of the circumstances of the recording
ICCS ——- number
date and time of recording
14.When attending or involved in an incident where the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Mandate has been, or may be,
invoked shall
ensure the recording media is ——
ensure the ICCS is not deactivated unless directed to do so by —————— or a ———–
comply with the directions of the Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
Toronto Police Operations Centre
Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
Police Officer
15.Where a Service vehicle equipped with an ICCS has been involved in a collision that has caused the engine to stop,
members shall not ———the vehicle in order to access ICCS audio/video recordings. Audio/video recordings shall
only be accessed through the ICCS if the Service vehicle is still functioning, without attempting to restart the vehicle.
16.Upon arriving at the station at the conclusion of the shift shall
return the wireless microphone to the —-cradle and shall not ——off the mobile data terminal (MDT) or
the ICCS
complete the applicable eReport when a charge is laid in relation to an incident that has a related ICCS recording
Supervisory Officer
17.Supervisory officers shall ensure that any police officers assigned to an ICCS equipped vehicle have completed the
prescribed training, and shall determine additional training needs as appropriate.
18.Upon becoming aware that a malfunction has occurred with an ICCS shall
ensure the officer notifies the HELP desk forthwith
ensure ——— are made to the malfunctioning equipment as soon as practicable
determine if the vehicle is to be placed ——of service
19.When supervising personnel assigned to vehicles equipped with an ICCS shall
Supervisory Officer
conduct a review of each officer’s ICCS recordings at least ——-per ———-to
assist with ——-
ensure the ICCS is ——–properly
determine whether the ICCS is being operated in accordance with procedure and prescribed training
ensure that officers are ——–ICCS recordings appropriately for retention purposes
identify material that may be appropriate for ——–
determine additional training needs, as appropriate
Ensure supervisory reviews of each officer’s ICCS recordings are conducted at least once per month, or
——– cycle, as applicable.
Supervisory Officer
review ICCS recordings, where applicable, to assist in the ——— of a public complaint in compliance with
Procedure 13–02
record the results in the ———–(UCMR) and memorandum book
20.When attending or involved in an incident where the SIU Mandate has been, or may be invoked shall
ensure the recording media is protected
comply with the directions of the Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
21.When attending an incident where a Service vehicle is equipped with an ICCS, after assessing the circumstances,
may direct an officer to —–the ICCS, when appropriate.
Unit Commander Morning Report
Supervisory Officer
22.When investigating a Service vehicle collision that does not fall under the SIU Mandate shall ensure that
if the vehicle is ——–, it is returned to its home unit for ICCS ———–
if the vehicle requires ——–, that it is towed to the appropriate Service ——–for ICCS uploading
the investigating supervisor shall ensure
the ICCS video has been successfully uploaded to the system
in circumstances where the upload has not been successful, the —–desk is notified forthwith
23.Where the event involves an audio/video recording captured by an ICCS shall ensure the recording is appropriately ————for retention purposes.
24.Where a Service vehicle has been involved in a collision that has caused the vehicle engine to stop, shall ensure the
vehicle is not restarted.
Supervisory Officer
Case Manager
25.When designated as a Case Manager shall ensure that
a Video Evidence Inventory and —–Request text template is completed via the original eReport, capturing all
ICCS recordings
where the event involves an audio/video recording captured by an ICCS, the video is appropriately classified for
retention purposes
when a request for disclosure is required, a Video Evidence Inventory and 612 Request is completed via the
original eReport, ensuring all applicable fields are completed
upon receiving a request for ICCS recording from either the Crown Attorney or the Provincial Prosecutor’s office
shall comply with the request
Officer in Charge
26.When in charge of a unit with vehicles that are equipped with an ICCS shall
ensure all officers assigned to an ICCS equipped vehicle have received the prescribed training
determine additional training needs, as appropriate
ensure supervisory officers with personnel assigned to vehicles equipped with an ICCS conduct a regular review
at least once per month of ICCS recordings
27.When attending or involved in an incident where the SIU Mandate has been, or may be invoked shall
ensure the recording media is protected
comply with the directions of the Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
same as supervisor but ensuring supervisor duties
Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre
28.When attending an incident where a Service vehicle is equipped with an ICCS290
shall assess the circumstances
may direct an officer to stop the ICCS recording, when appropriate
29.When attending an incident where the SIU Mandate has been, or may be invoked shall
ensure the recorded media is protected
comply with the directions of the Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
Activate means a process which causes the In-Car Camera to ——- audio and/or video recordings
Deactivate means a process which causes the In-Car Camera to ——– capturing audio and/or video recordings.
——— Video ——— Management System (DVAMS) means a networked automated video solution that creates, stores,
manages, and distributes video evidence via the Video Services Unit. DVAMS assets can be viewed and disclosure
ordered from any ——–on the Toronto Police Service network.
Digital Asset
In-Car Camera System (ICCS) means any in–car recording equipment that captures audio and visual signals, and may
also be referred to as a ————-
Mobile Video Recording System