05-04 Intimate Partner Violence Flashcards
The Toronto Police Service (Service) recognizes that intimate partner violence is a serious —-problem, and is not imited or restricted by marital status, sexual orientation, occupation, ——, age or gender. The Service also views intimate partner violence as a ———crime.
The goal of the Service is to:
——- the incidence of intimate partner violence and homicide in the community through ——— and enforcement;
———investigate all intimate partner violence and intimate partner incidents, and bring offenders to justice
wherever possible;
enhance the safety of victims through prompt action including ——–to other community partners; and
——- effective partnerships with community support agencies to ensure a victim ——-response.
Supervisory Officer ——– mandatory
—— intimate partner violence calls
when the suspect/accused/victim is a member of this ———–
when the suspect/accused is a member of —–police service
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory
———– or ——– notification mandatory when attending or investigating intimate partner violence and a supervisor is —– to attend
———Investigative office mandatory notification where reasonable grounds exist and the suspect has —– the scene
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator (IPVI)
Officer in Charge
Calls for Service
Intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident calls for service shall be treated with the same priority as other life ——– calls. The safety of the victim and dependents requires prompt and efficient response to all calls and the
Service shall respond even when the original call for service is ——–.
Calls for Service
When a person attends a division to report intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident the division receiving the complaint shall be responsible for the —– investigation and submission of an —–. If the offence did not occur in the division receiving the complaint, assistance may be obtained from the appropriate division to conduct the —— investigation
Calls for Service
If assistance is not obtained or is not available, the division ——– the report will thoroughly investigate the allegation.
At no time shall a reportee be ——- to attend a different unit or location to report intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident.
When responding to a third party call for service regarding intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident, the complainant shall be interviewed to ascertain all relevant facts. The eReport shall include the information received from
the ——- party interview.
Victims and Witnesses without Legal Status
Victims and witnesses of crime shall not be asked their ——- status, unless there are ——- reasons to do so.
bona fide
Police officers shall fully document their response to every intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident call, regardless of whether a criminal offence has been committed or a charge laid/an arrest made. Charges shall be laid in all cases where ———— exist and the decision to lay charges shall not be influenced by factors such as:
m—–status of the parties;
d—— of previous calls for police service;
victim’s unwillingness to attend c——-;
likelihood of obtaining a c——–;
d——–of violence despite contrary evidence;
fear of r———-by the accused;
o——— of the victim/accused; and
i———– status of the parties
reasonable grounds exist,
When a criminal offence has been committed and no charge is laid (e.g., offender is deceased, offender has ———immunity, offender in foreign country, etc.), officers shall document the incident, event number, and reasons for no arrest/charge in an eReport.
In addition to investigating and taking action in relation to any new criminal offence, prompt enforcement action shall be taken in all cases in which there is any breach of:
a ——- condition;
a Probation Order, ——- or Conditional Sentence;
a ———-to Keep the Peace (S. 810);
a ————-Order (Family Law Act and Children’s Law Reform Act);
an ————- P———-Order (Family Law Act);
the ———- to Property Act; or
any other ———–order.
a Bail condition;
a Probation Order, Parole or Conditional Sentence;
a Recognizance to Keep the Peace (S. 810);
a Restraining Order (Family Law Act and Children’s Law Reform Act);
an Exclusive Possession Order (Family Law Act);
the Trespass to Property Act; or
any other court order.
Intimate Partner Violence Investigators (IPVI) shall take the lead role in all intimate partner violence investigations except in the following circumstances where:
the incident involves an allegation of ——–, a IPVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall
work in consultation with an accredited ——– investigator;
the incident involves death, the investigation shall be assigned to ————
cases involving criteria offences as defined in the ———— the investigation
shall be assigned to an accredited Major Case Manager; or
the incident involves a ——- a IPVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall work in
consultation with an officer assigned to ——– investigations.
sexual assault
sexual assault
Detective Operations – Homicide and Missing Persons Unit;
Ontario Major Case Management Manual,
young person
Domestic Violence Risk Management – Ontario Domestic Assault ———— (DVRM/ODARA)
The Domestic Violence Risk Management – Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (DVRM/ODARA) is a report that —– be completed for all intimate partner violence occurrences.
Only an ——— IPVI, who has received the ODARA training and received a certificate from ——–
Center shall complete the DVRM/ODARA.
Should be used as a tool to assist officers, supervisors and —— in managing intimate partner violence investigations and identifying risk factors that may exist in an intimate partner violence case.
Victim participation in completing the DVRM is optimal and strongly ———-
- every effort should be made to improve relationships, build trust with the victim and promote victim participation,
- however, an uncooperative or incapacitated victim does not ——— you from completing the report, as other sources of information are available.
It is important that the accredited IPVI conducting the investigation understands the purpose of each question and is able to assess and manage risk. They must make sure the victim has a good ——–of the question in order to get the required information.
The DVRM/ODARA must be completed and in the ———-for the bail hearing
Risk Assessment
Waypoint Health
crown brief
Recognizing that the safety of victims, witnesses and police officers is a priority due to the —— inherent intimate partner violence situations, officers must use extreme caution when responding to intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident calls. A minimum of —– officers shall be dispatched to all intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident related calls for service. Officers shall remain at the scene until satisfied that the —-risk to the victim is minimized. The first officer to arrive on scene should be prepared to —- prior to the arrival of a backup officer in emergent circumstances.
high risk
two (2)
Incidents Involving a Member of a Police Service
Members shall initially consider whether the intimate partner violence situation being investigated may fall within the mandate of the ——–. If so, responding members shall comply with the relevant sections of Procedure 13–16.
All allegations arising from an intimate partner violence situation in which the suspect/accused is a member of another police service shall be reported in a timely manner to the —— of that police service by the —— of the Service division handling the investigation, or by the ——–
Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
Duty Officer
Unit Commander
Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior
Incidents Involving a Member of a Police Service
Intimate partner violence situations within the City of Toronto where the suspect/accused is a member of this Service will be initially investigated by the ——–division in compliance with this procedure. ———/______shall notify ———- who will assume the role of case manager. Divisional personnel shall assist PRS, as required.
Professional Standards is ———as the Service —–with other police services regarding Service member–involved intimate partner violence occurrences outside the City of Toronto, and shall be responsible for submitting a ——- in compliance with Procedures 13–02 and 13–03.
Occurrences of Service member–involved intimate partner violence outside of Canada shall be treated as allegations of ——- conduct in compliance with the relevant Procedures in Chapter 13.
The Unit Commander / Duty Senior
Professional Standards (PRS)
TPS 901
Police Officer
The first police officer shall be responsible for the —— and wellbeing of the victim, ——-management and ——-of the evidence and the crime scene.
1. When a person attends a division to report intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident
shall conduct an initial investigation
shall complete the applicable eReport
shall not —– the reportee to attend a different unit or location
if the offence did not occur in the division may request the appropriate division to conduct the —— investigation
if assistance is not available from the division in which the offence took place shall
- conduct a thorough investigation
- comply with the applicable sections of this procedure
Police Officer
- When attending or upon discovering intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident shall
ensure the safety of all persons at the scene
conduct a thorough investigation
request the attendance of a ——officer to an intimate partner violence call
- if a supervisory officer is unable to attend, notify a —–of all pertinent facts
- if unable to notify a IPVI, notify the ——of all pertinent facts
make every effort to determine the ——- aggressor
ensure medical attention is offered to all injured parties, as required
ask the victim if —–have been sustained and note the response in the memorandum book
note personal ——-of the victim’s injuries in the memorandum book
ensure Toronto Paramedic Services is contacted where there is an indication of ——-or, even when
there is no visible sign of injury
Internal injuries may cause death within ——- if not treated
Officer in Charge
seventy two (72) hours
Police Officer
if the victim requires or requests medical attention, offer to take the victim to a Sexual Assault/ Domestic Violence Care Centre (SA/DVCC)
SA/DVCCs are located at Women’s College Hospital (WCH) and The ——- Hospital –
Birchmount Campus and General Campus. The SA/ DVCC at WCH provides sexual assault
and intimate partner violence services to persons over the age of —— who have been
sexually assaulted within the last ——– and/or are experiencing intimate partner violence. Prior to transporting or attending the WCH SA/DVCC, officers must contact the 24 hour on-call switchboard number at 416——– and press “0”. The operator will then transfer officers to the on-call SA/DVCC nurse.
fourteen (14)
thirty (30) days
Police Officer
Women’s College Hospital SA/DVCC is open twenty four (24) hours / seven (7) days per week.
Patients can access services at WCH or at one (1) of their ———– mobile emergency
department sites: M———, T———, T——–, M——-Hospital, ————- Health Centre, ——- Health Sciences Centre and ——— Hospital. The sA/DVCC nurse can be reached by telephone and will arrange to see the victim at the above noted hospitals.
seven (7)
Mount Sinai, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Michael
Garron Hospital, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and St.
Michael’s Hospital
2 Mike’s from Toronto and Joe from go up the sunny mountain along the westside
Police Officer
There is no longer an——– at WCH. Therefore patients who require immediate
medical assessment or treatment will need to be assessed by a physician at the closest
emergency department. The emergency department provider will contact WCH when the patient
is medically cleared. Patients who do not require emergency department services can be
transported directly to WCH.
Emergency Department
Police Officer
Resources and services at a SA/DVCC include, but are not limited to:
c——–intervention and support;
d———- of assault history;
f——–documentation of any injuries;
Ontario Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment (recidivism risk) and ———-
safety planning;
arrangement of —— if required;
arrangement of follow up care – both health and ——–; and
provision of additional resources/supports as required.
Danger Assessment
(homicide risk);
Police Officer
comply with Procedure 05–22 if elderly or vulnerable persons are involved
establish if the involved persons have ——–
obtain the names, dates of birth and current —–of all children present, or who normally reside in the home, regardless of whether the children were ——- at the time of the event/incident
——-any child in need of protection and comply with Procedure 05-06
directly contact the appropriate Children’s Aid Society (CAS) regarding any urgent matter involving
child/youth, such as:
child/youth with an —– due to intimate partner violence;
where a child has become involved in an intimate partner violence event/incident in a —- manner;
caregiver is unavailable to —– for the child/youth;
other factors including but not limited to mental health and —— misuse;
other issues that lead the officer to be concerned about ——– safety
Police Officer
interview all parties separately
when interpreting services are required contact the Multilingual Community Interpreter Services (MCIS) and comply with Procedure 04–09 where MCIS is unable to assist
MCIS will provide free interpretation services to the Service during the investigation of all sexual,
intimate partner violence and —–related occurrences irrespective of the age of
the victim or the suspect/accused. MCIS interpreters will provide their services to all involved
parties, including the accused up until the time that a ——– charge has been laid [an Information
has been sworn to before a Justice of the Peace (Justice)]
human trafficking
Police Officer
ensure an intimate partner violence statement is taken and —– recorded by an IPVI, unless there are circumstances preventing this, the ultimate decision is done at the ——– of the IPVI
comply with Procedure 04-32 and 12–08, as applicable
record the following in memorandum book
if not taking an electronically recorded statement, reasons why
IPVI name and badge number
Police Officer
obtain a written statement from the victim, if instructed by the IPVI and record the following in memorandum book
IPVI’s name, badge number and —– for statement
the statement and request that the victim review and sign the statement
interview third party witnesses including children when practical, family members, neighbours, other emergency services personnel who have attended the scene and/or treated the victims
make detailed notes, including all observations and statements in the memorandum book
consult with an IPVI and/or a ——– when considering arresting both parties, prior to bringing them into the station
Police Officer
arrange to have the victim’s injuries, scene and/or evidence photographed
Victims may sustain internal or external injuries, which are not immediately apparent. If injuries
are not visible at the time of investigation, consideration should be given to photographing the
injuries after a ———– to ——– period.
forty eight (48) to seventy two (72) hour
Toronto Catholic Children’s Aid (CCAS) 416-395-0550
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CAST) 416-924-4646, press 5
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto (NCSFT) 416-969-8510
Jewish Family and Child Services (JFCS) 416-638-7800
S. 125 (1) 6 A child is in need of protection when the child has suffered ———- harm,
demonstrated by serious, a——, d——–, w——– s——- or aggressive behaviour, or de———-, and there are reasonable grounds to believe that the
emotional harm suffered by the child results from the actions, —— to act or pattern of neglect
on the part of the child’s parent or the person having charge of the child.
serious, anxiety, depression, withdrawal, self-destructive or aggressive
behaviour, or developmentally delayed
Police Officer
collect all pertinent evidence in compliance with Procedure 04–21
if responding to a third party complaint, interview the complainant, ascertain and document all relevant facts
if the subjects of a third party complaint refuse to cooperate with the investigation
offer ——- where appropriate
complete an eReport using information from the third party interview
conduct a —— Query, including a Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and ——–check
determine whether any involved individual owns, possesses or has access to weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives or the related authorizations, licences, certificates or permits, regardless of whether sufficient grounds
exist to lay a charge
Canadian Firearms Registry On-Line (CFRO)
Police Officer
comply with Procedure 05–21, if applicable
consider using the search and seizure provisions contained in S. 117 CC to minimize any subsequent risk to the victim
obtain the information outlined in Chapter 5, Appendix A to help determine whether reasonable grounds exist to believe there is a threat to safety
offer the victim the assistance of —— Toronto in compliance with Procedure 04–31
complete the officer information section of the —- and provide to the victim regardless of whether reasonable grounds exist to lay a charge
make every attempt to meet the —needs of the elderly or vulnerable persons, in compliance with Procedure 05–22, particularly when the offender is the sole caregiver
transport or ——– to transport the victim and dependents to a shelter or safe place, if necessary
Victim Services
TPS 496
Police Officer
- Upon conclusion of the at–scene investigation shall
enter the disposition of the call on the Mobile Work Station (MWS) or notify the Communications Operator – Communications Services (communications operator) verbally if necessary
if the situation varies from the original event type (e.g., get belongings, unknown trouble, sexual assault, etc.)
obtain a divisional supervisory officer’s badge number and approval to change the event type
request the communications operator to change the event type to reflect the true situation
notify a ——–or IPVI of all intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident calls
record all notifications and attendance or non–attendance (supervisor, IPVI, Officer in Charge, etc.) in the eReport
Police Officer
for non-urgent matters involving child/youth include the following information in the eReport
i———– details
outcome ——-
determining if family is C——
ensure email is sent to appropriate agency
CCAS – ccasdv@torontoccas.org
CAST – castdv@torontocas.ca
NCFST - ncfstdv@nativechild.org
In the event that the incorrect agency is selected CCAS, CAST and NCFST will ensure that the
information is sent to the correct agency.
Reporting to ——– remains the same (phone).
scan and attach all memorandum book notes and hardcopy reports to the original eReport before reporting off
provide the eReport number to the Officer in Charge
incident details
outcome ODARA
determining if family is Catholic
Police Officer
- Where reasonable grounds exist relative to a charge shall, in addition to complying with item 2
arrest and/or charge the suspect, taking into consideration all the circumstances when deciding to continue the arrest, including the safety of the victim and dependents, any previous —– of intimate partner violence, threats made by the accused and the protection of the ——–
The victim shall not be advised to lay a —–information where reasonable grounds exist to
lay a charge.
where the accused wishes to swear to an independent ——- charge, advise the accused that an Information may be sworn before a Justice
Police Officer
- Where reasonable grounds exist, and the suspect has left the scene shall, in addition to complying with item 2
conduct a search of the immediate —- and advise the communications operator of the suspect’s description, mode of travel and the nature of the offence committed
if appropriate, select Yes for the BOLO option when completing the suspect Entities page
Records Management Services – Operations will create and post a BOLO.
obtain and document information as to the suspect’s potential ——
notify the divisional investigative office and obtain further instructions from an IPVI
Police Officer
- Where an intimate partner incident has taken place and/or there is some evidence of intimate partner violence but reasonable grounds do not exist relative to a charge, in addition to complying with item 2, shall
complete the officer information section of the —- and provide to the victim
make a referral to —— Toronto
complete the applicable eReport, documenting the reason no charges are laid and no arrest is made
advise the involved persons that a report will be filed
advise the involved persons that a —- order may be applied for by appearing before a Justice, if
TPS 496
Victim Services
Police Officer
- Where there are safety concerns for officers attending an address in the future shall complete a ——- to activate the Special Address System in compliance with Procedure17–08.
TPS 228
Supervisory Officer
The supervisory officer shall be responsible for the quality and thoroughness of the uniform response.
8. When notified of intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident shall
ensure all investigations are undertaken ——-
——–the scene for all intimate partner violence calls
provide guidance and assistance through the course of the investigation
attend intimate partner _____, whenever possible
ensure the applicable eReports are completed, including the —— Detail page, if applicable
Supervisory Officer
- When an officer determines a call is not for intimate partner violence or an intimate partner incident and requests to –the event type shall, ensure the criteria in this Procedure has been met and approve the request if appropriate
under the circumstances.
Supervisory Officer
- When the suspect/accused or victim is a member of this Service shall
—– the scene
advise the ———-of the circumstances
document the circumstances in the memorandum book, including if no arrest was made, —- arrest was made/charge laid, when applicable
conduct a preliminary investigation into a conduct complaint in compliance with Procedures 13–02, 13–03 or 13–09, as applicable
ensure the victim and dependents are offered the assistance of the EFAP , ———– Toronto, and other community agencies
ensure the suspect/accused is informed of the assistance available from the EFAP
advise the victim that they will be contacted by —
Officer in Charge
why no
Victim Services
Supervisory Officer
- When the suspect/accused is a member of another police service shall
——— the scene
advise the Officer in Charge of the circumstances
document all the circumstances in the memorandum book, including if no arrest was made, why no arrest was made/charge laid, when applicable
ensure that the victim and dependents are offered the assistance of Victim Services Toronto and other
——— agencies
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
The IPVI shall be responsible for ensuring the needs of the victim are met, —– management of the crime scene, including the —— of evidence and ensure that a thorough and ——-investigation is conducted.
12. When investigating an Intimate Partner Violence Occurrence shall
conduct a thorough and complete investigation
if the victim requires or requests medical attention, ensure the services of a ——- are offered
when interpreting services are required, ensure the services of the MCIS are utilized or comply with Procedure 04–09 where MCIS is unable to assist
ensure —— are reviewed and consider preserving them as evidence, where applicable
comply with Chapter 2 when considering the use of search warrants to gather evidence
in cases involving threshold offences as defined in the Ontario Major Case Management Manual, consult with the divisional ——–concerning designation of the offence as a Major Case
9–1–1 recordings
Detective Sergeant
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
take all intimate partner violence statements and ensure they are electronically recorded, unless there are circumstances preventing this, the ultimate decision is at the discretion of the IPVI in consultation with attending officer
comply with Procedure 04-32 and 12–08, as applicable
record the following in memorandum book
the reasons why an —— recorded statement is not being taken
attending officer name and badge number
explain to the victim the charge and the nature of the ——— against the accused
ensure a charge is laid where reasonable grounds exist
ensure photographs of the victim’s injuries, the scene and/or evidence are made available for the ——hearing, wherever possible
make every effort to determine a dominant aggressor before considering charging —— parties
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
when both parties are charged, —– reference the two cases on each confidential crown envelope (crown envelope)
comply with Procedure 05–11 where there has been a ——– of bail conditions or failure to appear at court, and notify the victim
comply with Procedure 05–27 when conducting any intimate partner violence related criminal harassment investigations
comply with Procedure 06–07 when investigating breaches of restraining orders issued under the Family Law Act and Children’s Law Reform Act and ensure
——— is completed
the top right hand corner of the information is marked ——-
the box entitled ‘Intimate Partner Violence’ in the ‘Incident Type’ section of the crown envelope has been ——— off
all charges are clearly noted in the crown envelope as ‘———-’ in origin and the top
border of the crown envelope is boldly marked in red
Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
consider commencing show cause proceedings as appropriate, making particular note of any ———behaviour shown by the accused
consider requesting a —— order under ss. 515(12) CC where a detention order is being sought
whenever possible, consult with the ——-when determining required bail conditions
if the accused is granted bail, ensure the conditions of release, or any change in conditions of release are
———to the victim as soon as possible rather than delay until the accused is actually released
ensure a copy of the bail conditions are ——in the case file
where applicable, consider and ——-all powers of search and seizure, with and without warrant, relating to weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives and the related authorizations, licences, certificates and permits
consider contacting all persons known to police who may ——– the accused access to firearms or related authorizations, licences, certificates or permits
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
notify Organized Crime Enforcement – Integrated Gun & Gang Task Force when firearms are or may be a factor
conduct a Firearms Interest Police (FIP) check on CPIC
consider applying for a ——— order or seeking a revocation where reasonable grounds exist to believe it is not desirable in the interests of safety for the offender to possess weapons
where possible, ensure that injuries sustained by the victim are photographed a second time forty eight (48) to seventy two (72) hours after the initial incident
consult with Detective Operations – ——- to assist the victim in developing a personal safety plan
consider contacting Victim Services Toronto on behalf of the victim to initiate the ——-
Please restrict your advice to the victim about the services Victim Services Toronto “can” provide
and refrain from committing to what they ——provide. The decision remains with Victim Services
Sex Crimes – Behavioural Assessment Section
Victim Quick ResponseProgram
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
consider ——– other known intimate partners of an abuser of the potential for abuse in compliance with Procedure 17–04
if the offender has an open case with another division or another police service, share and c——-current case information with the case manager from that division or police service, as applicable
in high risk cases, consider placing both the victim and accused in the CPIC ‘————–
category by submitting a completed TPS 227 according to the instructions on the form
The SIP category exists in CPIC to capture a wide range of information, including “persons who
are dangerous to themselves or others” including, but not restricted to intimate partner violence
situations. All SIP entries must include the specific reason (e.g. Dangerous Person – Intimate
Partner Violence) and should contain a caution for “————”.
Special Interest to Police’ (SIP)
Family Violence
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
if it is determined that the offender is at risk of ——– or breaching conditions of release, peace bond or probation order, ensure that appropriate resources are dedicated to investigate the matter immediately
encourage the victim to complete a Victim Impact Statement at the appropriate stage of the court process in compliance with Procedure 04–24
where possible, notify the victim of any known ——-dates, with a follow–up call prior to the court appearance
in cases where charges have been laid and the victim does not wish to proceed with the charges, direct a victim requesting that charges be withdrawn to the ———– Office
make a referral to Victim Services Toronto
where possible, notify the victim and the original police officer once final ——- of the case is obtained
Crown Attorney’s
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
consider making application to the ——- (WARP) in compliance with Procedure 04–37, when applicable
the box entitled ‘Intimate Partner Violence’ in the ——’ section of the crown envelope has been
checked off
all charges are clearly noted in the brief as ‘Intimate Partner Violence’ in origin (e.g. Assault – IPV), and the
top border of the crown envelope is boldly marked in red
that in cases where the accused is a young person, the top border of the crown envelope is also boldly
marked in blue
ensure that —- copies of a DVRM/ODARA are completed and included in the crown envelope for the —–court appearance
ensure the top right hand corner of the ——- is marked “IPV
Witness Assistance and Relocation Program
‘Incident Type
two (2)
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
- When in receipt of an intimate partner violence report and the suspect has not been arrested shall
ensure a further investigation is promptly conducted
lay charges where reasonable grounds exist and submit a TPS 227 with the eReport number
where reasonable grounds exist and the suspect has not been arrested/charged within —— of
the offence, consider obtaining a warrant in compliance with Procedure 02–01
complete a Warrant Application Supplementary via eReport and enter the suspect’s information onto CPIC in the “WANT” category indicating that an arrest warrant is pending, if applicable
The entry will be removed from CPIC after —- days if the warrant is not received.
if no charges are laid, add supplementary information to the original eReport explaining the reasons for such a decision
twenty four (24) hours
two (2) business
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator
14.When in receipt of an intimate partner incident report where no reasonable grounds exist relative to a charge shall
review all of the circumstances, including the responses to the ‘——–’ questions
generate a —- entry on CPIC if the incident contains information that should be made available to the ———
The Firearms Act s. 5 (http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-11.6/FullText.html) indicates the
types of offences/incidents which justify a FIP. The FIP database in CPIC flags an individual
applying for a firearms licence. Such a flag is not an automatic —— to issue a licence, but
assists in the initial screening process or a subsequent review of the licence file by the Chief
Firearms Officer
Risk Factor
Office of the Chief Provincial Firearms Officer
Detective Sergeant
Detective sergeants are responsible for ensuring an appropriate ——response, that intimate partner violence investigations are conducted by accredited intimate partner violence investigators and that a thorough and ——–
investigation is conducted.
Detective Sergeant
15.When in charge of a divisional detective office shall ensure
a minimum of one (1) IPVI accredited —– is assigned to oversee all intimate partner violence investigations in the division
each IPVI has completed the —- training and has received a certificate
- intimate partner violence investigations are assigned to a qualified IPVI who will be able to initiate the investigation expeditiously
a ——— is completed, filed electronically at the division
a regular review is conducted of all TPS 426 reports including electronically recorded statements taken, to ensure intimate partner violence and intimate partner incident calls for service are investigated appropriately
appropriate —— investigations occur on all intimate partner incidents (call backs, Victim Services Toronto, etc.) and details documented as supplementary information to the original eReport
cases involving high risk offenders are referred to the Intimate Partner Violence ——— at the divisional courthouse
in cases involving high risk offenders, the use of ——- surveillance is considered as part of a high risk offender ——— strategy
TPS 426
follow up
High Risk Review Team
Officer in Charge
The Officer in Charge is responsible for ensuring an appropriate uniform response and, in the absence of the Detective Sergeant, an appropriate investigative response.
16.The Officer in Charge shall ensure all intimate partner violence investigations are undertaken ——-.
17.When in receipt of memorandum book notes for an Intimate Partner Violence Occurrence shall ensure
they are scanned and attached to the original eReport
the eReport number has been provided to the divisional ———office
18.Where there are safety concerns for officers attending an address shall ensure a —— has been completed in compliance with Procedure 17–08 to add the address to the Special Address System.
TPS 228
Officer in Charge
22.Where a Service member is a suspect/accused shall
notify the appropriate —–, or if absent, the Duty Senior Officer of the circumstances surrounding the
comply with Procedure 13–08 or 13–10 when considering ——- the member
ensure the assistance of the EFAP, Victim Services Toronto and other community agencies are offered to the ——
ensure the suspect/accused is informed of the assistance available from the EFAP
23.Where a member of another police service is a suspect/accused shall notify their Unit Commander, or if absent, the ——— of the circumstances
Unit Commander
Duty Senior Officer
Officer in Charge
19.At the time of booking a prisoner, and before considering release, shall ensure
all reasonable —— have been made into the possession by an accused of weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives, authorizations, licences, permits, certificates, Firearms Acquisition Certificate, etc.
such items are ——- before release to enhance the safety of the victim
20.The Officer in Charge shall review the crown envelope for completeness and ensure the completed ——-
has been included in the crown brief.
21.Upon receipt of release documents shall ensure timely ——– of bail conditions is provided to the victim in compliance with Procedure 01–08 or 01–15.
Unit Commander/ Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre
The Unit Commander, or in their absence, the Duty Senior Officer shall be responsible for ensuring all proper notifications are made when a member of a police service is a suspect or an accused.
24.When notified a member of this Service is a suspect/accused shall
immediately advise —- of the circumstances
for a matter involving a police officer, ensure compliance with Chapter 13 regarding conduct complaints
for all members, comply with Procedure 13–08 or 13–10 when considering suspension
ensure the assistance of the EFAP, Victim Services Toronto and other community agencies are offered to the victim
ensure the suspect/accused is informed of the assistance available from the EFAP
where appropriate or requested, ensure appropriate ——— are made in the workplace to ensure there is no direct contact between the victim and the suspect/accused
Unit Commander/ Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre
25.When notified a member of another police service is a suspect/accused shall ensure
the —— of their service is contacted as soon as practicable
information is provided about the matter including
——– of the incident
condition and status of the ——-
——-laid, if applicable
whether bail is being opposed
date, time and location of the ——court appearance, if applicable
Duty Officer
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
The Written Revocable Consent (WRC) program pertains to intimate partner violence assault cases only and addresses the issue of WRC attached to a Recognizance of Bail or a Bail Variation. To qualify, the accused must be eligible for entry
into——— and the ____________
The WRC program is designed to provide intimate partner violence victims with information about ——consent and to reduce the number of recurrences of consent being revoked and ——– prior to the charges being concluded at court. In addition, it also ensures that judicial conditions including requests for revocation of consent are recorded on CPIC
in a —— manner.
Early Intervention (EI) Court
Partner Assault Response (PAR) program
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Police Officer
26.When receiving a request for revocation of consent to communicate from a complainant shall
ensure the ——- of all persons at the scene
conduct a thorough investigation
obtain the offender’s name, date of birth, last known address and contact information
——a statement outlining the complainant’s desire to revoke immediate consent of contact with the offender and request the complainant sign the statement
A complainant’s —— or inability to sign the statement does not negate the Revocation of
Consent to Communicate request.
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Police Officer
advise a ——— officer of the revocation of consent to communicate request
notify the ——— of the details of the revocation of consent to communicate
if unable to notify the offender of the revocation of consent to communicate, complete a —–. The TPS 227 will state “Revocation of Consent to Communicate – Offender Notification Required” (enter complainant’s name as recorded on the original eReport, and the original eReport number)
add supplementary information to the original Intimate Partner Violence Assault eReport and complete a ———— text template
ensure a “—— ” is sent to the following handles through the Direct Report Entry (DRE) forthwith
R—————– (DVBAIL)
Bail and Parole (———)
———— of the Division assigned the original eReport
TPS 227
Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Records Management Services
Detective Sergeant
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Police Officer
27.When receiving a request for revocation of consent to communicate from a complainant who is not in Toronto when making the request shall
advise the complainant to —–the police service in their present jurisdiction to confirm their identity and request the agency contact Toronto Police Service
comply with item 25 when the complainant’s identity has been confirmed by the local police service
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Police Officer
- When locating an offender that has not been notified of the revocation of consent to communicate shall
notify the offender that consent to communicate with the complainant has been revoked
add supplementary information to the original Intimate Partner Violence Assault eReport and complete a Revocation of Consent to Communicate text template
ensure a “NOTIFY” is sent to the following handles through the Direct Report Entry (DRE) forthwith
Records Management Services (IPVBAIL)
————- (BAILPR)
Detective Sergeant of the Division assigned the original eReport (e.g. 23D/S)
———–the TPS 227 from CPIC
Bail and Parole
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Supervisory Officer
- When notified of a revocation of consent to communicate request shall ensure
an investigation is undertaken ———
a “NOTIFY” has been sent to the following handles through the Direct Report Entry (DRE) forthwith
Records Management Services (IPVBAIL)
Bail and Parole (BAILPR)
Detective Sergeant of the Division assigned the original eReport (e.g. 23D/S)
Written Revocable Consent – Revocation of Consent to Communicate
Detective Sergeant – Division Assigned to Original eReport
30.When notified of a revocation of consent to communicate request shall ensure
a “NOTIFY” is sent to the case manager through the Direct Report Entry (DRE)
the completed Revocation of Consent to Communicate text template is sent by TPS eFax to the ———– Office of the original Assault charge
——attempts to notify the offender of the revocation of consent to communicate are undertaken in a timely manner, as applicable
Crown Attorneys
Bona Fide Reasons means
a victim or witness who may possibly require or may seek admission into the ————-;
a Crown Attorney is requesting information for ———–purposes;
the information is necessary to prove —— elements of an offence, or;
————where the circumstances make it clear that it is essential to public or officer safety and security to ascertain the ———- status of a victim or witness.
Provincial Witness Protection Program
Child in Need of Protection means a child that can be apprehended as being in need of protection as defined in —————— Services Act
s.125 (1) of the Child, Youth and Family
Criteria Offence – Ontario Major Case Management means the following major cases:
(a) h————–as defined in subsection 222(4), Criminal Code, and attempts;
(b) s————-, and all attempts (for the purpose of this standard, is deemed to include sexual interference, sexual exploitation and invitation to sexual touching);
(c) t———– in persons as defined in section 279.01, 279.011 or 279.04, Criminal Code, and attempts as defined in section 24(1) Criminal Code;
(d) occurrences involving n————– abductions and attempts;
(e) m———— occurrences, as outlined in the Ontario Major Case Management Manual;
(f) occurrences suspected to be homicide involving ———-;
(g) criminal harassment cases in which the offender is ———— to the victim; and,
(h) any other types of cases designated as a major case pursuant to this Ontario Major Case Management Manual. [Source: Ontario Major Case Management Manual]
(a) homicides as defined in subsection 222(4), Criminal Code, and attempts;
(b) sexual assaults, and all attempts (for the purpose of this standard, is deemed to include sexual interference,
sexual exploitation and invitation to sexual touching);
(c) trafficking in persons as defined in section 279.01, 279.011 or 279.04, Criminal Code, and attempts as defined in
section 24(1) Criminal Code;
(d) occurrences involving non-familial abductions and attempts;
(e) missing person occurrences, as outlined in the Ontario Major Case Management Manual;
(f) occurrences suspected to be homicide involving found human remains;
(g) criminal harassment cases in which the offender is not known to the victim; and,
(h) any other types of cases designated as a major case pursuant to this Ontario Major Case Management Manual.
[Source: Ontario Major Case Management Manual]
Dominant Aggressor means the individual who has been the p———- abuser, and not necessarily the person who initiated the violence that resulted in the attendance of police
Firearms Interest Police (FIP) means a database within the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) system that contains information from local police agencies, which could affect an individual’s ——to be issued or to continue to hold a firearms licence. —–of the Firearms Act indicates the types of offences/incidents which justify a FIP
Section 5
Intimate Partner Incident means any incident between persons involved in an intimate relationship where, although no —-offence has occurred, police have been called to the scene.
Intimate Partner Violence means any physical, sexual or ——– harm caused, or attempted, between persons involved in an intimate relationship including:
u———– interference with personal l———;
any other criminal offence;
offences under other statutes, such as the Family Law Act, Children’s Law Reform Act, etc.;
but does not include ———- investigations.
sexual assault;
unlawful interference with personal liberty;
any other criminal offence;
child abuse
Intimate Partner Violence Investigator (IPVI) means an investigator —— in the investigations of intimate partner violence as prescribed in —– O.Reg. 3/99, Adequacy & Effectiveness of Police Services and the ——- Standards Manual.
Police Services Act,
Intimate Partner Violence Occurrence means an occurrence —–created to detail criminal behaviour and/or a breach of any statute related to an intimate partner violence situation and includes an arrest report. (excludes an Intimate Partner
Incident Report).
Intimate Relationship – Dating means marriage, domestic partnership, engagement, —-or serious romantic involvement, and dating, whether in a current or —relationship. Intimate Partner Violence can occur between persons of any sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender —–, and it can occur in any type of intimate
relationship including ——, non- ——-, and relationships involving more than two partners
Victim means:
(a) a person to whom harm was done or who suffered physical or ——loss as a result of the commission of the offence; and
(b) where the person described in paragraph (a) is dead, ill or otherwise ——– of making a statement referred to in subsection (1), includes the spouse or common-law partner or any relative of that person, anyone who has in law or fact the custody of that person or is responsible for the care or support of that person or any ——— of that person.
[Source: Criminal Code, 722(4)]
Victim Quick Response Program means a program administered by Victim Services Toronto that provides quick ——–assistance to victims of homicide, attempted murder, serious physical assault, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and hate crime in the immediate ——– of a crime.
———— (VWAP) means the program operated by the —–. Services are provided on a priority basis to the most vulnerable victims and witnesses of violent crime; such as intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual assault, homicide and hate crime. Families of traffic fatality victims are also eligible. Services —-once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is ———-
Victim/Witness Assistance Program
(Ontario) Ministry of the Attorney General