05-22 Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Flashcards
Abuse of the elderly is a growing concern to the Toronto Police Service (Service) due to an increasing senior population and their reliance on ——–to maintain their independence. Vulnerable adults are also a target for abuse due to an increasing trend encouraging independent community living. The elderly and vulnerable adults —– to report their victimization for a variety of reasons. In conjunction with the community agencies who serve the elderly and vulnerable adults, the Service is working to encourage the reporting of abuse and to ensure that all complaints are fully investigated in a timely manner.
This Procedure sets out the best practices of the Service for handling complaints of abuse of the elderly and vulnerable
Supervisory Officer ——— mandatory at scene of a complaint of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult
Officer in Charge (in the absence of a supervisory officer) notification mandatory at scene of a complaint of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult
It is the goal of the Service to
———- the incidence of abuse of elderly and vulnerable adults through ———–and enforcement
investigate all occurrences thoroughly and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible
ensure the safety of victims through prompt action including referrals to other community partners Investigating allegations of abuse of elderly and vulnerable adults may require accommodation for the special needs of the victims. Officers shall ensure ——- is given to these needs in completing a thorough investigation. Officers should be alert to the possibility of victims who may have special communications needs and, where necessary, should seek assistance from the appropriate community resources through ———— Services.
All complaints of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult shall be ——in person by a police officer. This includes those at retirement homes, long-term care homes, ——- care facilities or any other institutional settings. An occurrence report shall be submitted for each police response to a complaint of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult.
Police Officer
1. Upon receiving a complaint of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult shall
attend the scene ——–
ensure the safety of all persons at the scene
conduct a thorough investigation
request the ———- of a supervisory officer or, in the absence of a supervisory officer, advise the Officer in Charge of the circumstances
interview all parties separately
when unable to communicate with a person, attempt to determine whether the person’s inability to speak is due to a medical problem
in the event of a medical emergency comply with Procedure 10-06
comply with Procedure 04–09 if the person speaks a language other than English, or requires a sign interpreter
arrange to have the victim’s injuries and/or property photographed
consult with the divisional detective office to determine the suitability of receiving the victim’s statement as an electronically recorded statement, in compliance with Procedure 04–32
record all statements and have the victim review and sign the statement, where possible
collect all pertinent evidence in compliance with Procedure 04–21
ensure the victim is offered the services of Victim Services Toronto in compliance with Procedure 04–31
Police Officer
Victim Services Toronto is able to provide access to a variety of community resources including the ———— Centre for the Elderly, a community based —— clinic for low income senior citizens.
make every effort to meet any special needs of the victim, particularly when the offender is the —– caregiver
arrange for or provide ——of the victim to a shelter, long–term care facility, home for the aged or a safe place as appropriate
contact T————————and———-, if it is believed that the victim is incapable and/or at substantial risk of ———-or physical injury
consider the need for home support services and make a referral to the Toronto Senior’s ——— listed in Appendix A if the victim does not already access this service
conduct a Person Query, including a CPIC and Canadian Firearms Registry On-Line (CFRO) check
determine whether any involved individual owns, possesses or has access to weapons, firearms, ammunition,
explosives or the related authorizations, licences, certificates or permits and comply with Procedure 05–21
obtain the information outlined in Chapter 5, Appendix A to help determine whether reasonable grounds exist to
believe there is a threat to safety
he Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Police Officer
- Where reasonable grounds exist relative to a charge shall
arrest and/or charge the suspect in compliance with the applicable procedures in Chapter 1
ensure ———- arrangements are made for care of the victim
Police Officer
- Where reasonable grounds exist relative to a charge, and the suspect has left the scene shall
conduct a search of the immediate area
obtain information as to the suspect’s potential destination
notify the ——– office and obtain further instructions from a divisional detective
complete the applicable eReport
complete the applicable MO Detail page if———– has occurred
complete a Domestic Violence Risk Management / Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (DVRM/ODARA) Report for incidents involving intimate partner violence
divisional investigative
bodily harm
Police Officer
- Where reasonable grounds do not exist relative to a charge shall
make reasonable efforts to ensure the safety of the victim
complete the applicable eReport, including reasons for not laying charges and advise the complainant the report will be filed
complete a TPS ——- in compliance with Procedure 06–04, where appropriate
advise the complainant of the option of attending the office of the Justice of the Peace for the purpose of swearing a private information
advise the victim of additional options (e.g. Recognizance to Keep the Peace, Restraining Order, Exclusive Possession Order)
advise the victim of other options (e.g. legal help through the Advocacy Centre for the ——– , or assistance through The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee)
provide the eReport number to the divisional community relations officer
Police Officer
- Where there are safety concerns for officers attending the scene in the future shall consider submitting a ——- Address record in compliance with Procedure 17–08
Supervisory Officer
- Whenever possible, shall attend all calls to complaints of abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult and provide guidance and assistance during the course of the investigation.
- Ensure the safety of the victim and that they have been offered the services of Victim Services Toronto in compliance
with Procedure 04–31. - Ensure a thorough investigation is conducted and notify the——
- Record their attendance or reason for non-attendance in their memorandum book and the original eReport.
10.Ensure the applicable eReports are completed, including the MO detail page, if applicable
Officer in Charge.
Case Manager
11.When assigned a case involving abuse of an elderly or vulnerable adult shall
wherever possible, obtain an electronically recorded statement from the victim in compliance with Procedures 04–32 and 12–08
The ——– and the Victim Witness Assistance Program at the court location should be advised of any known medical, ——- or mental conditions of the victim so appropriate arrangements can be made for any required court appearances.
ensure all reasonable inquires have been made into the possession by an accused of weapons, firearms, explosives, authorizations, licences, permits, certificates, Firearm Acquisition Certificates (FAC), etc. and that
such items are surrendered before release to ensure the safety of the victim
consider opposing bail or the use of bail conditions to ensure the safety of the victim in compliance with the
applicable procedures in Chapter 1
Case Manager
consider highlighting ss. 718.2(a) Criminal Code (———- circumstances) in the confidential crown envelope
(e.g. blind victim, Alzheimer’s patient, dementia or special circumstances) so the Crown may consider seeking stiffer sentencing upon conviction
encourage the victim to complete a Victim Impact Statement at the appropriate stage of the court process
whenever possible, ensure the victim is notified of any known court dates with a follow–up call on the day prior to
the court appearance
consider use of the Special Interest Persons category on CPIC for victims who are believed to be at risk of ———– abuse
Officer in Charge
12.Where there are safety concerns for officers attending the scene in the future shall ensure compliance with Procedure
17–08.Information goes here.
13.Before considering release shall ensure
all reasonable inquiries have been made into the possession by an accused of weapons, firearms, ammunition,
explosives, authorizations, licences, permits, certificates, FACs, etc.
such items are surrendered before release to enhance the safety of the victim
Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse means any action, or ——, that harms or threatens to harm the health or —— of an elderly person or vulnerable adult by a person in a position of trust or authority. This includes physical/sexual abuse, psychological abuse, ——— abuse, neglect or any combination thereof.
Elderly for the purposes of Procedure 05–22 means a person over the age of ———-
sixty five (65)
Harm means physical abuse (includes sexual abuse), psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect or any combination thereof.
similar to Elder abuse definition
Incapable means a person unable to —–manage their day–to–day affairs due to ——-impairment, thus making them vulnerable to abuse
Vulnerable Adult means any adult who by nature of a physical, ——— or psychological condition is ——on other persons for care and assistance in day–to–day living.