15-06 Less Lethal Shotguns Flashcards
Only police officers qualified by the Toronto Police College (TPC) – Armament Section shall be permitted to operate the
less lethal shotgun. The less lethal shotgun is an intermediate extended range impact weapon which may provide the opportunity for police officers to resolve potentially violent situations at a greater distance with less potential for causing serious bodily harm or death than other use of force options.
Impact munitions operate on the premise of pain compliance or incapacitation, so that the control of the subject can be
Supervisory Officer attendance mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Officer in Charge notification mandatory when equipment is missing, damaged or malfunctioning
Officer in Charge of Division of occurrence notification mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Duty Senior Officer notification mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC) notification mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI) notification mandatory when less lethal shotgun is discharged
Only police officers qualified by the Toronto Police College (TPC) – Armament Section (Armament Section) to use less
lethal shotguns shall be allowed to use this equipment. In addition to this Procedure, officers shall comply with Procedure
15-03. In all cases of less lethal shotgun discharges, officers shall also comply with the applicable sections of Procedure
15–01 and 13–16.
In the case of an accidental or negligent discharge, the officer will be deemed not qualified to use the less lethal shotgun
until remedial training is successfully completed and the officer is subsequently re-qualified by a member of the Armament
Only police officers qualified by the Toronto Police College (TPC) – Armament Section (Armament Section) to use less
lethal shotguns shall be allowed to use this equipment. In addition to this Procedure, officers shall comply with Procedure
15-03. In all cases of less lethal shotgun discharges, officers shall also comply with the applicable sections of Procedure
15–01 and 13–16.
In the case of an accidental or negligent discharge, the officer will be deemed not qualified to use the less lethal shotgun
until remedial training is successfully completed and the officer is subsequently re-qualified by a member of the Armament
Use of a Less Lethal Shotgun
Members are encouraged to consider The Ontario Use of Force Model (Model) in the continuous assessment in every
situation. The Model can aid members to understand the application of various force options in response to potentially
violent situations. Members are reminded that the Model is not intended to be a justification for a member’s use of force
but can provide officers with a valuable framework for understanding and articulating the events of an incident related to
the member’s use of force
Use of a Less Lethal Shotgun
The less lethal shotgun is a weapon designed to aid officers in gaining control of a subject who is assaultive. In certain
situations, the less lethal shotgun may be a viable option against subjects who pose a threat of imminent serious bodily
harm or death, including suicide threats or attempts.
The less lethal shotgun may be ineffective on subjects who are dressed in heavy clothing or shield themselves with items
found in various environments. Officers may need to alter their use of force options proportionately.
The less lethal shotgun should not be used on children, pregnant women or the elderly, except in situations where other
use of force options would have the potential to cause greater injury.
It is critical that Less Lethal Shotguns are not confused with conventional shotguns. The Toronto Police Service (Service)
has established the following safeguards to prevent unintended injuries or death that may result from such confusion:
1. Less lethal shotguns are clearly identifiable by their orange stocks and fore-ends, as well as the writing “Less
Lethal” on the stock.
2. Less lethal shotguns and associated ammunition shall be stored in a designated storage container at the unit.
3. No conventional shotguns or any other types of shotgun ammunition, including “00” buckshot or rifled slug rounds
shall be stored in the less lethal shotgun storage container.
4. Less lethal shotguns will only be transported in a designated orange bag.
5. Ammunition for conventional shotguns shall not be carried in the designated orange bags.
6. Conventional shotguns shall not be transported in the orange bags designated for less lethal shotguns.
7. Officers assigned with a less lethal shotgun shall not be simultaneously assigned a conventional shotgun.
xvii. Two officer cars shall not be assigned both a lethal and less-lethal shotgun.
Due to the methods of loading, carrying, storage, etc. used for less lethal shotguns; they should not be loaded, unloaded,
and proven safe inside a Service facility
Less Lethal Shotgun Storage
Less lethal shotguns and associated ammunition shall be stored in a designated storage container at the unit. Officers
shall not store any conventional shotguns or any other types of shotgun ammunition, including “00” buckshot or rifled slug
rounds in the less lethal shotgun storage container.
Police Officer
1. When assigned to use a less lethal shotgun shall
be qualified by the Armament Section to use less lethal shotguns
take custody of the less lethal shotgun and designated orange bag
prove the less lethal shotgun safe and perform a function check in accordance with training
comply with Procedures 15-03 and 15–15
administratively load the less lethal shotgun with 4 CTS-2581 “super-sock” rounds in the tubular magazine and 6
CTS-2581 “super-sock” rounds in the side saddle
ensure the designated orange bag contains only 10 CTS-2581 “super-sock” ammunition
not be simultaneously assigned a conventional shotgun
Police Officer
not carry or load any other type of shotgun ammunition in the less lethal shotgun
not chamber any rounds when transporting the weapon
if a round is chambered during the course of an event, unload and reload the weapon in a safe area in accordance
with training, and secure accordingly
transport the less lethal shotgun to and from the vehicle in accordance with training
report deficiencies to the Officer in Charge, immediately upon discovering any unsatisfactory equipment
return the less lethal shotgun to the unit at the completion of the tour of duty, and store in the designated storage
Police Officer
- When assigned to a marked police vehicle not equipped with an electric mount shall
store the less lethal shotgun in the designated orange bag or approved trunk mount
store the designated orange bag in the locked trunk - When assigned to a police vehicle with an electric mount shall
activate the “master electric switch”
ensure the indicator light is displayed
press the designated button on the dashboard
test the manual key override feature
when the test sequence has been completed, secure the less lethal shotgun within the mount
secure the designated orange bag in the vehicle trunk
turn off the “master electric switch” and ignition to ensure the security of the less lethal shotgun, whenever the
vehicle is left unattended
Police Officer
- When assigned both a less lethal shotgun and a C-8 rifle shall
be assigned to a police vehicle equipped with an electric mount
mount the C-8 rifle in the car mount
store the less lethal shotgun in the trunk of the marked police vehicle - When arriving on scene of an incident a less lethal shotgun may be used as a use of force option
to prevent from being overpowered when violently attacked
to prevent a prisoner from being taken from police custody
to disarm an apparently dangerous person armed with an offensive weapon
to control a potentially violent situation when other use of force options are not viable
for any other lawful and justifiable purpose
when practicable, advise the communications operator via radio “Sock Round on Scene”
when practicable, prior to discharging a less lethal shotgun announce “Sock Round”
Police Officer
- Unless engaged in an approved training exercise shall submit a Use of Force Report and comply with Procedure 15–
01 after pointing a less lethal shotgun at any person. - After discharging a less lethal shotgun while in the performance of duties, other than at an authorized range or under
the exemption provisions, shall
immediately seek medical attention, if required
immediately notify
their supervisory officer
the Officer in Charge of the division in which the discharge occurred
comply with the applicable sections of Procedure 15–01
Police Officer
complete a TPS 105 when injuries result
complete a Use of Force Report
notify Communications Services of the circumstances
comply with Procedure 13–16
when no contact of a discharged “sock” round is made with a person, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is
still required to investigate any discharge of a firearm at a person by an official, regardless of whether serious
injury or death occurred;
if no longer required for any immediate investigations, or by the SIU, collect the discharged “sock” round(s)
and casing(s)
document the particulars on a TPS 649 and submit to the Armament Section for proper disposal and issuance
of replacement rounds
Police Officer
when contact is made of a discharged “sock” round with a person, the SIU is still required to investigate any
discharge of a firearm at a person by an official, regardless of whether serious injury or death occurred;
if no longer required for immediate investigations, or by the SIU, collect and preserve the discharged “sock”
round(s) and casing(s) for a minimum of ninety (90) days in order to maintain integrity of any future
document the particulars on a TPS 649 and provide the document to the Armament Section for issuance of
replacement rounds
comply with Procedure 09-03 and complete a TPS 403 and TPS 405 when collecting and preserving “sock”
round(s) and casing(s)
8. When inspecting or cleaning a less lethal shotgun shall complete a TPS 553
9. When a less lethal shotgun is temporarily issued, shared, or returned by a police officer shall ensure
officers assigned to a less lethal shotgun are not simultaneously assigned a conventional shotgun
the appropriate entries are made on Time and Resource Management System (TRMS) or Asset Inventory
Management System (AIMS) in a timely fashion, including identification numbers of such equipment, where
TRMS is monitored to account for all temporary equipment issued during the tour of duty
the Officer in Charge is advised of missing, damaged or malfunctioning equipment
compliance with Procedures 15-03 and 15–15
10.When notified of a less lethal shotgun discharge incident shall
attend the scene immediately
ensure immediate medical attention is provided, if required
comply and ensure compliance with the applicable sections of Procedure 15–01
complete a TPS 586
notify the
Officer in Charge
Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre
comply with Procedure 13–16
ensure compliance with item 7
Officer in Charge
11.When assigning an officer equipped with a less lethal shotgun to patrol duties shall ensure
the officer is qualified in the use of a less lethal shotgun
the officer is not simultaneously assigned a conventional shotgun
where feasible, assign two (2) qualified officers to a less lethal shotgun equipped vehicle
the Officer in Charge – Communications Services is notified of the vehicle call sign
each key ring for a police vehicle equipped with an electric mount includes a manual override mount key
two (2) sets of vehicle keys are available for each vehicle, with both sets going to the officer of a solo vehicle, and
each officer receiving a set where the vehicle has two (2) officers
compliance with Procedure 13–16
compliance with Procedures 15-03 and 15–15
Officer in Charge
12.When assigning an officer both a less lethal shotgun and a C-8 rifle shall only do so when the officer is assigned to a
marked police vehicle equipped with an electric mount.
13.When notified of a less lethal shotgun discharge incident shall
ensure compliance with items 7 and 10
comply and ensure compliance with the applicable sections of Procedure 15–01 and 13–16
review the TPS 586 for completeness and forward to the Unit Commander
14.When a less lethal shotgun is inspected or cleaned shall ensure the appropriate entry is made on the TPS 553.
Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre
15.When notified of a less lethal shotgun discharge shall
immediately notify the Duty Senior Officer
immediately notify the on-call FDI
comply with Procedure 13–16
Accidental Discharge means an unintentional discharge of a service firearm or less lethal shotgun by a police officer
that is not the result of undue care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures
Administrative Load means the manner in which a gun is loaded, in accordance with training, to ensure safety.
Chief’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) On-Call Designated Authority means a member of the cadre of on-call
Toronto Police Service uniform senior officers that acts as the designated authority and manages the SIU event in the
field on behalf of the Chief.
Less Lethal Shotgun means a designated shotgun which uses less lethal impact munitions and is designed to be braced
against the shoulder when fired.
Negligent Discharge means an intentional or unintentional discharge of a service firearm or less lethal shotgun by a
police officer that is the result of undue care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures.