15-09 Conducted Energy Weapon Flashcards
In ————– , the Ministry of the ———– (the Ministry) approved the use of Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) for tactical units, ——– rescue teams, preliminary perimeter control containment teams and qualified front–line
——– . Furthermore, in ——– , the Ministry announced that it would change the guidelines surrounding the use of CEWs, and in ——– of that year the Ministry issued the revised guidelines titled “Revised Use of Force Guideline and Training Standards to Support Expanded Conducted Energy Weapon Use”. Parts of these changes include allowing police services to determine which officers are ———- to carry CEWs. The CEW is designed as a ——- weapon and is a legitimate force option within the —————–
February 2004
Solicitor General
August 2013
November 2013
Ontario Use of Force Model
The hand held CEW when applied directly, is specifically designed to gain ——– of a subject who is ———— as defined by the Criminal Code (CC). This includes threatening behaviour if the officer believes the subject intends and has the
—— to carry out the threat, or where the subject presents an ——- threat of serious bodily harm or death, which includes ——- threats or attempts.
When CEW contact is made with a subject in Full Deployment, it delivers a —– and pulsed electrical current, which is designed to result in involuntary muscle contractions and loss of motor control. This may cause a subject to become ———, permitting officers the opportunity to gain control of the subject.
Supervisory Officer —– mandatory when a CEW has been used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Development
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory when a CEW has been used in Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode or in Full Deployment
————— notification mandatory when a CEW has been used in Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, or in Full Deployment
Communications Operator
CEWs provide officers with an additional tool to assist them in utilizing the appropriate level of force required when necessary. The purpose of issuing CEWs is not to increase the use of force by officers, but rather to provide officers with
an ——- option within the use of force continuum in an effort to reduce —— and serious injuries whenever possible. Officers who are authorized by law to use force are criminally responsible for any excess thereof according to
the nature and quality
The CEW may not be effective under certain circumstances, including encountering heavy clothing, having only one probe in contact with the subject and/or other weapon limitations. Officers should be prepared to adjust their use of force options accordingly.
The device, therefore, when applied directly, is used strictly to gain control of a subject who is at risk of causing harm, not to secure ——- of a subject who is merely resistant. This Procedure limits the deployment of the device to the more
serious of circumstances and in some instances prohibits its use.
Full Deployment or Drive Stun Mode use should be considered an appropriate force option in relation to the Use of Force Model, beginning at subject behavior considered “———–”. The use of the CEW on sensitive areas of the body should
be avoided. It should not be used on children, pregnant women, elderly or the visibly —— except under exceptional circumstances wherein the use of other force options would reasonably be expected to cause ——– potential injury.
Officers must continuously assess ——– factors within each unique critical incident. CEW effectiveness and tactical considerations may be effected by several factors including, environmental (weather), ——– (drug / substance abuse) and ——— (person in crisis) characteristics of the subject(s).
Any time a CEW is activated, the date, time and duration of the firing is recorded in a microchip. This data will be downloaded for analysis and audit purposes. The CEW has a built–in weapon management system to prevent ——- and protect officers from unfounded allegations through ———- of usage.
Use of CEW
Police officers may use a CEW as a force option
to prevent themselves from being o———- when violently attacked
to prevent a prisoner being ————- from police custody
to ———– an apparently dangerous person armed with an offensive weapon
to ——— a potentially violent situation when other use of force options are not ———-
for any other ———– and justifiable purpose
Police officers when appropriate, before using a CEW as a force option shall consider
using de-escalation techniques or ——– commands
be aware of the risk of ——— injury
use demonstrated force presence / ———– techniques to gain compliance
be mindful of CEWs capabilities in relation to the ——- and environment
delivering the —— amount of cycles necessary in order to gain compliance
avoid extended or ——– cycles where practical
have reasonable and appropriate alternate force options available when practical
consider ——- and distance tactics
be aware of “———–” and when appropriate, consider disengagement
consider subject’s ——– zone
when practical, have at least —— additional officer present to control/cuff the subject under power
laser paint
containment pressure
Prohibitions on Use of CEW
Police officers shall NOT use a CEW in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment on a subject who is
operating a motor vehicle, bicycle or other —– , except as a —— measure to protect life
——– and under control
known to have been in contact with ———liquids, or in a flammable atmosphere (e.g. natural gas leak, drug lab), except as a —– measure to protect life, or
in a ——— position or location where a fall will likely cause serious injury or death, except as a last measure
to protect life
in —————-
Prohibitions on Use of CEW
Further, police officers shall NOT use a CEW for the sole purpose of gathering digital ——- and audio evidence, or as a form of ——– or punishment.
Pursuant to Procedure 13–03 and 13–05, any apparent breach of this Procedure will be carefully considered on its merits having regard to all the circumstances before discipline is commenced.
Seizure of Service CEW
Pursuant to Procedure 13-16, Special Investigations Unit; where a CEW is involved and the S.I.U. mandate is or may be invoked, the CEW shall remain ——– and handled in compliance with this procedure, relevant Chapter 15
procedures, and training.
The CEW shall be proven safe at a proving station in the presence of an SIU investigator and the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority. The CEW information shall not be downloaded, altered, or modified.
The ——— and battery shall not be removed. The CEW or electronic download information (————-) may only be turned over to the SIU at the direction of the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority.
In exigent circumstances, such as in the case of an injured officer, a supervisory officer shall seize and secure the CEW.
pulse log
CEW Use Reporting Responsibilities
Any time a CEW is used as Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, Full Deployment or accidental or negligent discharges, a Use of Force Report and a ——shall be completed and submitted prior to the completion of the tour of
duty, unless engaged in approved training.
—————shall be notified, and commence an immediate investigation of any incident involving the use of the CEW on ———- persons.
TPS 584
Professional Standards Unit
Police Officer (Shared Asset)
1. When a CEW is utilized as a ——– asset, the following shall apply
a Supervisor shall obtain from the secure CEW storage cabinet the number of CEW’s that are required for issue to qualified CEW operators
a Supervisor shall personally issue the CEW to the officer and ——– the serial number of the issued CEW
the serial numbers of the CEW’s shall be entered on the unit —— sheets
the officer receiving the CEW shall record the serial number in his/her memorandum book
the officer utilizes the ———– to record the issuance of the CEW
upon returning the CEW to a supervisory officer, the officer ensures that the CEW is unloaded and utilizes AIMS to record the return of the CEW
Asset Inventory and Management System (AIMS)
Police Officer (Shared Asset)
- When issued with an X2 CEW shall
carry it in the approved holster on the ——- side, in a cross–draw fashion
conduct a ——— Test at the beginning of each tour of duty while pointing the CEW into a firearm proving unit and record the ——- test in the memorandum book
ensure the ——— (TPPM) is charged to a minimum of—– percent (——) capacity
comply with other standards as detailed in Procedure 15–16
submit a TPS 594 to the Unit Commander through the ————-
when personally issued a CEW and when there is a subsequent change in the choice of ——–election, notify the ———- of that change
Tactical Power Performance Magazine
twenty (20) one bar
Officer in Charge
Unit Commander
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
- When issued with a Taser 7 Model CEW shall
carry it in the approved holster on the support side, in a ——- fashion with attached cartridge holster
duo pack close —– will be loaded as the ——— load in the CEW for daily duties.
duo pack ———– will be secured in the cartridge holster, until the user deems it necessary for a specific incident to change cartridges.
upon the conclusion of the specific incident officers will reload the duo pack close quarter ———– and secure the stand off (SO) cartridges in the storage pouch
conduct a function test at the beginning of each tour of duty while pointing the CEW into a firearm proving unit and record the function test in the memorandum book
close quarter cartridges (CQ)
standoff cartridges (SO)
(CQ) cartridges
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
xviii. CAUTION – If the trigger is depressed on a loaded Taser 7 Model CEW, the weapon will immediately —— Function Test Mode and —— a cartridge
ensure the ———— (EBP) is charged to a minimum of —- capacity
comply with other standards as detailed in Procedure 15–16
submit a TPS 594 to the Unit Commander through the Officer in Charge
when personally issued a CEW and when there is a subsequent change in the choice of storage election, notify the Unit Commander of that change
extended battery pack
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
- When personally issued with a CEW shall store the CEW with the safety switch on ‘——-‘, with the cartridges ——–, in the assigned firearm storage locker along with all of the cartridges.
- When personally issued a CEW and electing to regularly store their CEW at their principal ——- while off duty, rather than at their assigned unit shall
be subject to the provisions of the Storage, ——– , Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations (SOR/98-209) made under the Firearms Act (SDTH Regulations)
transport the CEW ——— to their principal residence
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
immediately upon arrival at their principal residence ensure the CEW is stored with the safety switch on ‘safe’, and the cartridges removed
ensure that the CEW is unloaded while stored and shall be stored using either 1 of the 2 following options
CEW and issued cartridges will be stored in a securely locked ———, receptacle or ———-that is secure. If this method is used, the CEW must be rendered ——–using a secure locking device (i.e. a trigger
CEW and issued cartridges will be stored in a securely locked ——, safe or room that has been specifically ——— or modified for a restricted or prohibited ———-. If this method is used, the CEW does not need to be rendered inoperable
xix. The Service will not provide a CEW storage container for officers who elect to store a CEW at other than a Service facility
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
- Whenever a CEW is cycled, excluding Function Testing, shall
ensure, if possible, that one or more ——– officers are present during the CEW activation cycle
record the particulars in the memorandum book - When the CEW is used as a Demonstrated Force Presence shall
notify a ——– supervisor at the first available opportunity
notify the———– dispatcher that there was a CEW “Display Only”, and confirm that ———————– is not required
complete and submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the Officer in Charge prior to the completion of the tour of duty
place the ————- in the docking station for automatic download data transfer – Taser 7 Model
next level
Toronto Paramedic Services (Paramedics)
extended battery pack (EBP)
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
- When the CEW is used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment shall
announce to other officers on scene that a CEW is present – “———” , when practicable
———– caution the subject before use, when practicable
when appropriate, an announcement of “——–” should be made that a CEW is going to be deployed
immediately secure the subject, “———–” if safe to do so
———– the subject that they have been subjected to a CEW and that the effects are short term
notify the ——— that a CEW was used in Drive Stun Mode or ———
Taser on Scene
Taser, Taser, Taser
handcuff under power
communications dispatcher
Full Deployment
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
where possible avoid Drive Stun or Full Deployment near sensitive areas identified as, but not limited to the
h—-, e—- n—- , t——-, g——-, g—– or any visible ————-
request the attendance of ——— and monitor the subject until their arrival
unless circumstances make it impossible, restrain the subject in a —— position to promote easier and more efficient breathing, monitoring them closely
allow only Paramedics personnel or medical staff to remove the probes, when the skin has been punctured
Service personnel are authorized to remove the probes that are only attached to ———-.
head, eyes, neck , trachea, groin, genitals or any visible pre-existing injuries
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
notify a ——— at the first available opportunity
complete and submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the ——— prior to the completion of the tour of duty
place the extended battery pack (EBP) in the docking station for automatic download data transfer – Taser 7 Model
complete and submit a TPS 105 when injuries result
attach a copy of the TPS 105 to the TPS 584
Injuries include, but are not limited to, —– marks when the CEW is used in Full Deployment or ——- marks when used in Drive Stun Mode.
comply with Procedure 15–01 and 15–02, if applicable
next level supervisor
Officer in Charge
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
- When attending or involved in an incident where the mandate of the SIU has been, or may be invoked shall:
* follow the directions of the————– ;
* ensure your CEW is secured; and
* comply with Procedure 13–16.
Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
10.When an ACCIDENTAL or NEGLIGENT discharge of a CEW has occurred shall
notify a ————- at the first available opportunity
notify a ————-
complete and submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the Officer in Charge prior to the completion of the tour of duty
ensure the extended battery pack (EBP) is placed in the docking station for automatic download – Taser 7 Model
complete and submit a TPS 105 when injuries result
attach a copy of the TPS 105 to the TPS 584
next level supervisor
communications dispatcher
Police Officer (Personal Issue - Taser 7 Model)
11.When a CEW Full Deployment has occurred, or in the event of an accidental or negligent discharge, shall
———– the cartridge from the probes by breaking the attached wires and carefully place fired probes into a ——– container found in the ——– which is standard issue in all scout cars
Probes that have penetrated a body should be considered a bio–hazard and safety precautions should be used.
comply with disposal instructions contained in Procedure 08–06
package the expended cartridge in a —————–
document the particulars on a —— including the deployed cartridge serial number and submit along with the ———— to the ———– to obtain a replacement cartridge
Bio–Hazard Kit
plastic property bag
TPS 649
expended cartridge package
Officer in Charge
Communications Dispatcher
12.Upon being advised that a CEW was used as Demonstrated Force Presence only, or that there was an accidental/negligent discharge, shall
confirm that it was a Display Only or accidental/negligent discharge
notify a field ———–
record in the text of the call
notify a ——————-
Communications supervisor
Communications Dispatcher
3.Upon being advised that a CEW was deployed resulting in injury (Full Deployment, Drive Stun Mode or accidental/negligent discharge) shall
notify ——— to attend, updating as required
notify a field supervisor to attend (nearest available if necessary)
notify the Communications Supervisor
record in the text of the call
Supervisory Officer
14.When notified of a CEW being used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment shall
attend the scene ————
ensure immediate medical attention, if required
comply and ensure compliance with the applicable sections of Procedure 15–01 and 15–02, as applicable
notify the
Officer in charge - —————– with the
event number,
——— of deployment,
subject officer’s badge number and
description of subject and officer injuries (if applicable)
OIC ——————
If the CEW use occurs in other than the police officer’s home unit shall ensure the ——— of the division where the CEW use occurred is notified of the use
The Communications Operational Supervisor
Officer in Charge – TPOC
Officer in Charge
Supervisory Officer
ensure the Use of Force Report, the TPS 584 and, if applicable, the TPS 105 are properly completed and submitted to the ————-
comply and ensure compliance with the applicable sections of Procedure 13–16, as applicable
ensure the extended battery pack (EBP) is placed in the docking station for automatic download data transfer– Taser 7 Model
complete the officer’s portion of the Use of Force Report when an officer is incapable of doing so
Officer in Charge
Officer in Charge
15.Upon being notified of CEW use shall
ensure a description of the event is detailed in the UCMR
ensure compliance with Procedure 15–01 and 15–02, as applicable
ensure all reports including the Use of Force Report, the TPS 584 and, if applicable, the TPS 105 are properly
if the discharge is accidental or negligent, submit a ——– to the Unit Commander prior to the completion of the tour of duty
TPS 901
Officer in Charge
16.Whenever a CEW is used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment, including accidental and negligent discharges, shall as soon as practicable but prior to the completion of the tour of duty
ensure arrangements have been made for the transport of the CEW to the —— for download
– ——————–
ensure the extended battery pack (EBP) is placed in the docking station for automatic download data transfer – —————
comply and ensure compliance with the applicable sections of Procedure 13–16, as applicable
attach a hard copy of the Use of Force Report, TPS 584 and, if applicable, the TPS 105
submit all relevant reports to the ————
Toronto Police College
Taser X2 Model
Taser 7 Model
Unit Commander
Officer in Charge
17.When in receipt of the expended cartridge package and accompanying TPS 649 shall ensure
the expended cartridge package and the TPS 649 are delivered to the ——– for replacement approval
where replacement has been approved, the TPS 649 and the cartridge package are transported to ———————-
18. Upon notification of CEW use within the division by any police officer shall ensure a description of the event is detailed in the UCMR.
19. When in receipt of a TPS 594 shall review and forward to the ————–
Unit Commander
Toronto Police
College – Armament Office
Unit Commander.
Accidental Discharge of a CEW means an ———-discharge of a Service CEW by a police officer that is ——- the result of undue care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures.
Cartridge – Close Quarter (CQ) means an issued component of the Taser 7 capable of discharging probes at a ——- degree angle.
Cartridge – Stand Off (SO) means an issued component of the Taser 7 capable of discharging probes at a —- degree angle
Conducted Energy Weapon Use means Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, Full Deployment, or an ———– discharge.
Demonstrated Force Presence (DFP) means that the conducted energy weapon is ————- and displayed in the presence of a subject with the intention to achieve ———— compliance.
Drive Stun Mode (DSM) means when the conducted energy weapon is placed in direct contact with the subject and the current is applied without the —— being propelled.
Full Deployment (FD) means the conducted energy weapon is used wherein the probes are fired at a subject and the ———- applied. In this mode, the device is designed to override the subject’s ——– system and affect both the
sensory and motor functions causing incapacitation.
electrical pulse
Negligent Discharge of a CEW means an ———– or unintentional discharge of a Service CEW by a police officer that is the result of —— care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures.
Qualified in the Use of a CEW means a police officer qualified by the Toronto Police College - Armament Section to use a CEW and who has attended and passed CEW training before the ——– expiry of the date of certification of
the previous year
twelve (12) month
Sensitive Areas means an area of the human body that may be susceptible to heightened injury from exposure to a CEW
– including but not limited to,
any visible pre-existing injuries