10-13 Threats to School Safety Flashcards
This Procedure was developed to assist officers in situations that may pose a threat to school safety.
Supervisory Officer ——– mandatory upon becoming aware of an incident that might necessitate a school
Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory for all threats to school safety
Officer in Charge notification mandatory upon becoming aware of an incident that might ———- a school Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place
As this Procedure is an extension of Procedure 10–01, police officers shall first comply with the direction contained in
Procedure 10–01, and then follow the additional incident-specific direction contained in this Procedure.
If there is an immediate threat to life, officers may initiate an Immediate ———-
Except in exigent circumstances, the details of which must later be explained to the ——– , police officers shall report to the main school ——-prior to commencing any investigation in a school (as defined in the Police / ———). When conducting an investigation, police officers shall make every effort to minimize ——– to school routines.
Rapid Response.
School Board Protocol
When a police officer becomes aware of a violent crime or serious safety concern that may affect the safety of students or staff at a school, they shall advise the school principal of the danger and may recommend the school Lockdown, Hold and Secure, or Shelter in Place, depending on the nature of the threat. The ———is the person in charge of a school
and, as such, makes the ———-to initiate a Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place.
Examples of situations that might initiate a school Lockdown include
a person ——- a person with a knife in a school
a person using or threatening to use a ——on school property
Examples of situations that might initiate a Hold and Secure include
a suspect with a weapon in the ——- of a school
a search near a school for a ——wanted for a violent offence
a serious motor vehicle accident in the area of a school, requiring temporary ——— of pedestrian and vehicle traffic
When there is a report of a person carrying a concealed firearm or other concealed weapon on school property, and there is no indication that the person poses an immediate threat, members shall —– advise the school to initiate a Lockdown or Hold and Secure. This will reduce the possibility of creating a ——– situation or provoking a violent response in the
An example of a situation that might initiate a Shelter in Place includes if there is ———- material around the building and evacuation may not be safe. A Shelter in Place would normally be recommended by ——–
In summary, there are three (3) categories of movement restriction that may be implemented
1. Lockdown
2. Hold and Secure, or
3. Shelter in Place
Toronto Fire Services.
Communication Strategy
In order to ensure the safety of the public, emergency responders and Service members, an effective communication strategy is vital to impart crucial information to all involved at the beginning, during and at the completion of an emergency.
When developing a communication strategy, the Incident Commander shall ensure Corporate Communications is
consulted, and that the following are considered:
the intended ——– (general public, other agencies, Service members)
the ———-to include in the communication
the —— of communication (public address, radio/television, telephone, news releases)
will the communication be ——— to the intended audience?
Police Officer
- When attending on school premises to conduct an investigation shall
report to the main school office prior to commencing the investigation
in ——— circumstances, initiate an Immediate Rapid Response - Upon becoming aware of an incident that might necessitate a school Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place shall
first comply with Procedure 10–01
inform the principal or designate of the circumstances of the incident
the ———–
the Officer in Charge
notify the Communications Operator – Communications Services (Communications Operator) which, if any, ——-schools should be advised to consider commencing a Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place
supervisory officer
Police Officer
- Upon becoming aware of an incident that might necessitate a school Lockdown shall
comply with item 2
identify a ——– staging area
advise the Communications Operator
request the Communications Operator to notify
the ————
the ————- - Upon completion of the incident shall notify the principal or designate of the involved schools that the incident has concluded so that the school can resume normal operations.
Officer in Charge
Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC)
Supervisory Officer
- Upon being notified of a school Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place shall
first comply with Procedure 10–01
be mindful of the circumstances that led to the involvement of the police and ensure the original investigation continues
attend the school
assess the need to assume the role of Incident Commander and if necessary, become the Incident Commander until relieved of this function - Upon being notified of a Hold and Secure that police have recommended shall
comply with item 5
——a police officer to attend that school if, operationally feasible - Upon being notified of a school Lockdown shall
comply with item 5
assign an officer to attend that school
assign an ——- to the parent staging area and ensure the officer keeps parents informed of the status of the
Lockdown in compliance with the ————
Communication Strategy
Incident Commander
8. When attending a School Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place shall first comply with Procedure 10–01.
- Upon conclusion of the incident, shall
notify the ————–
request the Operations Supervisor to notify
the o————-
the ————-
Operations Supervisor – Communications Services (Operations Supervisor)
emergency Management & Public Order
Officer in Charge
10.During a Lockdown, Hold and Secure or Shelter in Place shall
first comply with Procedure 10–01
provide information and —– on the situation when inquiries are made by a ———- or designate in the area of the threat
school principal
Exigent Circumstances means, urgent, pressing and/or emergency circumstances. In reference to an emergency or
hazardous incident, exigent circumstances may include a bomb threat, a person possessing or using a weapon, or a fire
on school property.
[Source: Police / School Board Protocol]
Hold and Secure means that all movement in and out of the school is restricted and ——– doors locked, however, movement within the school is —– restricted as the external danger near the school poses no ———– threat to the students or staff unless they leave the building.
Immediate Rapid Response means that if there is an immediate threat to life in a school, officers shall —– the school to stop the —— in accordance with training.
Incident Commander means the ——– who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge at the Command Post and, in conjunction with other emergency services commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing ——– response at an incident.
police officer
Lockdown means that all movement in and out of the school and within the school is restricted as the danger is —–the school or is on school property and poses an immediate threat to the students or staff.
Parent Staging Area means a location where parents can initially —– to and await details. Usually positioned —- from the immediate emergency or threat. Ideally separate and exclusive from the emergency responders, equipment and media.
Shelter in Place requires that people enter and remain in a building with the ——– and ——— closed due to an external ——-threat. Fans, including heating and air conditioning units, should be turned off to prevent air from outside entering the building. ——— operations may continue within the building
doors and windows