01-03 Persons in Custody Flashcards
Officer in Charge notification mandatory:
when transporting a prisoner who requires ——in booking
when a person in custody requires ——- attention
upon arrival at a police station with a person in custody
when entering or ——– a detention facility with a person in custody
when receiving a person for ———in police cells
when in ——— regarding the contents of the medication container, or if the prisoner requests medication
in ——of the prescribed dosage, or if the prisoner exhibits signs of alcohol or ——-consumption
if ———— (BHS) or ———- (DAMS) equipment malfunctions
Booking Hall System
Detention Area Monitoring System
Audio/video equipment has been installed in central lock–ups and booking halls
to ——and record the ———of persons in police custody and Service members
to ensure their ——–
for ——— purposes.
Under no circumstances shall a member obstruct the view of the camera while it is recording, or tamper with any video
storage media.
Members shall comply with Procedure 12–08 when accessing, storing, viewing or duplicating any electronically recorded material. A member shall never apply a police —– or other similar device to any videotape, DVD/CD and/or the associated storage case.
———– rooms are not to be used as police ——. They shall be used only for the processing and interviewing of
——–, victims or witnesses. The Officer in Charge shall ensure that applicable sections of this Procedure relating to
the care and handling of persons in custody is applied to all persons while detained in the police facility regardless of
location (e.g. police cells, interview rooms).
Accused Young Persons
A young person under ——- years of age may be lodged in a ———–cell only
to prevent injury or to ——-others from aggressive behaviour and
when there is no —–present in the cells, OR
when there is an adult present in the cells and there is adequate space to ———-the young person from the adult.
eighteen (18)
Prisoner’s Property
In order to maximize the safety of prisoners held in police custody and the Service members assigned to their care, it is
the practice of the Toronto Police Service that the following property be removed from every prisoner
——— property
implements of ———-
offensive ———– as defined in the Criminal Code
items which could be used as a ——– including belts, ties, and shoelaces
items which could be used to cause damage to property including matches, lighters, ——-, keys and other sharp
prescription and over the counter ———
tobacco products
With respect to assistive/prosthetic devices, comply with the Duty to Accommodate sections below
When handling an item of religious significance the item shall be treated with respect and handled appropriately in
compliance with Procedure 01–02, Appendix D. The decision to permit the retention of religious or personal items rests
with the——— based on an evaluation of the associated safety risks. Persons released from custody shall have their property inventoried on camera as it is returned to them.
Officer in Charge
Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities
The Service has a duty to accommodate persons with disabilities under the ————– and the
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Therefore, persons with a disability requiring the aid of an assistive device should be permitted to ——– their device while in custody.
When required, any ——– of a person’s right to be accommodated must be ——in nature, and no more than is necessary to achieve the desired ——-. Assessments regarding the removal of an assistive device shall be made on
a case-by-case basis. When making an assessment, members shall take into consideration all risk factors, including
those contained in Procedure 01–02, Appendix B. Members shall also consider all available ———-options when making their assessment (e.g. placing the person in a cell by themselves)
Ontario Human Rights Code
Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities
The determination regarding the removal of a person’s assistive device while they are in custody shall be ——-
should circumstances regarding their custody change.
Members must be mindful at all times of their ——–duty to accommodate persons with disabilities. When it is
determined that a person with a disability cannot be accommodated while in custody, members must clearly articulate the reasons for the determination in their memorandum book including all accommodation options considered.
Members should be cognizant that persons requiring the aid of an assistive device may have an —— as well as
physical attachment to the device and shall treat assistive devices with respect at all times
Duty to Accommodate Gender Identity and Gender Expression
Section — of the Ontario Human Rights Code states “Every person has a right to ——- treatment with respect to services, goods and ——-, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship,
creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.”
Duty to Accommodate Gender Identity and Gender Expression
The Service acknowledges its obligation and responsibility, short of undue hardship, to accommodate self-identified trans or gender diverse persons. Members must be mindful when handling personal items of trans or gender diverse persons such as but not limited to, clothing, makeup, and other items that express/affirm gender identity, including prosthetic devices. These personal items shall be treated with respect and handled appropriately in compliance with —— Standards of Conduct and Procedure 01-02 Appendix C and Appendix E of this procedure. The decision to permit the retention or prosthetic devices and other personal items that support their gender identity and expression rests with the ——– and will be to the point of undue hardship.
Assessments regarding the retention of gender-affirming personal articles including gender-affirming
prosthetics shall be made on a case by case basis complying with 1.9.2 Standards of Conduct
considering all risk factors, including those contained in 01-02 Appendix B, 01-02 Appendix C and
Appendix E. All available accommodation options shall be considered when making an assessment.
Officer in Charge
Member – Court Services
1. In addition to the applicable items in this Procedure and its Appendices, Court Services personnel shall comply with
the unit–specific policies relating to the care, handling and transportation of prisoners in Court Cells
2. When transporting a person in custody shall
using only those handcuffs, leg irons and other restraining devices authorized by the ———– , place the
person in handcuffs using the approved manner and utilize the double–lock mechanism where possible in order
———– the escape of a person in custody
———–the violent activities of a person in custody
when handcuffs are not used, be prepared to —— this decision
Chief of Police
Keeping in mind officer and public safety, officers may use ——— when determining whether to handcuff an individual as it may not be practical or necessary in all circumstances (e.g. due to a person’s ——-condition, age, disability, pregnancy, or ———)
not leave the prisoner ——–
place the person in the rear of the police vehicle
Where the police vehicle has no screen, the person shall be placed in the ——rear seat. If an escort
is available, the escort shall occupy the —–rear seat.
allow one (1) prisoner per vehicle (——-excepted), when possible, comply with Appendix E when transporting
trans person
permit only those police officers ——-in the investigation inside the vehicle with an arrested person
ensure prisoners and civilians (e.g. witnesses) are not transported in the same police vehicle
prior to departure, advise the communications operator of the destination, the gender ——- and age of the
person, and the odometer reading
advise the communications operator of the odometer reading upon arrival
3. When requested by another member to transport a person in custody to a police station shall
record the following information in the memorandum book
arresting officer’s name
reason for the arrest and continued ——–
requesting member’s name, badge number, rank and unit
person’s name and charge
any other pertinent information relating to the person or to the arrest
provide the requesting member with their name, rank, badge number and unit
Police Officer
4. When a non–violent person is taken into custody for being intoxicated shall process the person in compliance with
Procedure 03–05, whenever possible.
5. When transporting a prisoner who, due to their mental, physical or emotional condition, requires priority in booking and processing to decrease the likelihood of a ——-, health or safety risk shall
request the ————– to notify the ——– of the station to which the prisoner is being transported
attend the station and book the prisoner as soon as practicable
communications operator
Officer in Charge
Police Officer
6. When a person in custody requires medical attention due to illness, injury or intoxication shall
if necessary, and if qualified in standard first aid and —-, perform first aid and/or CPR on the person, as required
transport the person to the nearest hospital if safe to do so, or request the attendance of Toronto Paramedic
Services (Paramedics)
notify the ———–
comply with Procedure 03–06, if applicable
comply with Procedure 06–11, if applicable
comply with Procedure 15–02, if applicable
Officer in Charge
Police Officer
- Upon arrival at a police station with a person in custody shall
request entry
escort the person into the facility
read the posted TPS —- to the person while the BHS is recording
take the person before the Officer in Charge
advise the Officer in Charge of
the reasons for the arrest
the reasons for continued detention
any other pertinent information relating to the person or to the arrest including, but not limited to - —– or ——– suicidal tendencies
- v———– tendencies
- serious m———– conditions
- a———- devices
- ———– concerns
- i————-
- emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or ————–disability
- medication, or whether any medication has been ———
- impairment due to ———–or drugs
comply with the Procedure 01–02
to ensure the safety of the person and to prevent injury or escape, remove and secure personal property from the
prisoner in compliance with Procedures 01–02, 09–01 and 09–06
1. known or suspected suicidal tendencies
2. violent tendencies
3. serious medical conditions
4. assistive devices
5. safety concerns
6. injuries20
7. emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
8. medication, or whether any medication has been administered
9. impairment due to alcohol or drugs
Police Officer
- Prior to lodging a person in police cells shall
take the person before the Officer in Charge and advise of any pertinent information relating to the person or to
the arrest including, but not limited to
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies
serious medical conditions
assistive devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
should already know
Police Officer
- When leaving or returning to a detention facility with a person in custody shall advise the Officer in Charge and enter
and exit only via the booking hall.
10.Where a person in custody exhibits violent behaviour, or threatens or attempts ——– , and it is believed that the
person’s Master Name Index (MNI) and ———–(CNI) file should include a “——–” shall
add the information to the ———–field in the person’s MNI
Records Management Services – Operations (RMS–Ops) will receive and add the applicable information to CPIC.
submit a TPS ——-, if applicable
Criminal Numerical Index
caution flag
Police Officer
11.Where a person in custody has provided a false name or identification shall update the information in the MNI and all
other relevant records as soon as possible.
where the chosen name of a trans person aligns with their gender and lived identity but does not match their
identification documents shall ensure the person’s —–name and pronoun are consistently used in compliance
with Procedure 01-02 Appendix C
Booking Officer
12.The booking officer shall
be responsible for the booking, lodging and safekeeping of prisoners
ensure that the booking/release process is recorded in compliance with Appendix D
make the appropriate entries on the TPS 175 for each recording
make the appropriate entries on the TPS 300 for each booking process, if applicable
forward the completed TPS 300 to the —— at —–hours each day or as close as practicable
make the appropriate entries in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen in relation to
all prisoner m——–
phone calls and f———
Detective Sergeant,
all prisoner movements
phone calls and feedings
Booking Officer
It is crucial that prisoner movement in and out of the cells be recorded in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen. In the event that an ———– occurs in the cells, ————(PVEMU) will rely on this information to locate the relevant recordings.
13.Upon entry of an arrested person into the facility shall
activate the BHS and record the following
the escorting officer reading the TPS 191
the complete booking of the person, excluding ——- and Level — searches
the removal and ——— of property
the release of the person
all entries and exits of the person leaving and returning to the facility.
All activity in the —– area including the complete lodging of the prisoner will be recorded on the DAMS
Property and Video Evidence Management Unit
telephone calls
Booking Officer
14.When receiving a person for lodging in police cells shall
notify the ——-
comply with Procedure 01–02
comply with Appendix A
treat items of religious significance with respect and handle in compliance with Procedure 01–02, Appendix D
treat trans persons with respect and handle any gender-affirming personal items including gender-affirming
prosthetics in compliance with 01-02 Appendix C and Appendix E to the point of undue hardship
secure the person in a cell
Officer in Charge
Booking Officer
—— female prisoners from male prisoners when it is necessary to place them in police cells, or ensure they
are transported to the female———-
segregate accused young persons from adult prisoners when it is necessary to detain them in a divisional cell
pending release or transport to a young persons’ lock–up
store the property bag and other personal effects in a secure area as designated by the ————-
not store property bags and other personal effects in the ———opposite the prisoner’s cell
make the appropriate entries in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
Unit Commander
Booking Officer
15.When a person in custody has a disability requiring the aid of an assistive device
shall assess whether to permit the person to keep their assistive device by
considering all risk factors, including those contained in Procedure 01–02, Appendix B
considering all available accommodation options, such as placing the person in a ——– cell
should permit the person to keep their device while in custody, if possible
shall consult with the Officer in Charge if unable to permit the accommodation
Assessments regarding the removal of an assistive device shall be made on a case-by-case basis.
Booking Officer
16.When a person in custody is accompanied by a guide dog shall comply with Procedure 01–01.
17.When a person in custody has soiled their clothing with bodily fluids (e.g. vomit, urine) shall arrange for ——–
clothing as soon as possible.
18.When there are persons lodged in the police cells shall
———- attend the cells to check the condition of persons detained in custody and
use a target of ——– minutes between physical cell checks having regard for all the circumstances
during the tour of duty
record the checks in the Cell Check screen as directed in Appendix B
notify the Officer in Charge of any change in condition of persons in custody
notify the Officer in Charge immediately when it is necessary to ——– a person’s assistive device
accommodation due to a change in circumstances
thirty (30)
Booking Officer
awaken ——— persons a minimum of every—– hours but more frequently if circumstances require
provide food in compliance with Procedure 03–07
make the appropriate entries in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
print the Prisoner Transportation Report prior to transport
19.Once a cell that has been used to lodge a person is vacated shall
—— the cell for any property and/or contraband as soon as practicable but in any event prior to any other individual being lodged in that cell
deal with any items found in compliance with Procedures 09–01 and 09–06
four (4)
Booking Officer
20.When receiving a request for access to prescribed medication from a person in custody shall
——-the medication container and ensure
compliance with Appendix A
the patient’s name on the medication container label matches the person
if there is a discrepancy, ——the pharmacy and ask whether they accept the legal name or chosen name
when filling prescriptions for gender diverse or trans persons
there is only —– type of pill in the medication container
the container label and contents do not appear to have been ———-with
the medication container label is legible
the ——- date on the medication container label has not passed, if applicable
ensure the medication is dispensed in accordance with the directions and warning labels on the medication container label
Booking Officer
21.When complying with a request for prescribed medication shall record each access on the ——— screen.
22.When in doubt regarding the contents of the medication container, or if the prisoner requests medication in ——of
the prescribed dosage, or if the prisoner exhibits signs of alcohol or drug ——–shall
notify the Officer in Charge
consult with the prescribing ——-or another physician at a medical facility
23.If the BHS or DAMS equipment malfunctions shall immediately notify the——— and make the appropriate
entry on the TPS 175.
24.At the completion of their shift or when being relieved shall
brief the relieving booking officer of all pertinent information with regard to prisoners in custody
physically attend and conduct a cell check ——–with the relieving booking officer and record the cell check
information in the Cell Check screen and in their memorandum book
Officer in Charge
Designated Operator
The member designated to ——-the audio/video equipment.
25.After the person has been lodged in a cell shall
monitor the person
notify the Officer in Charge in the event of any emergency incident involving the person including, but not limited
————and medical treatment
any ——- or attempt suicide
any assault, aggressive or ——- behaviour
any event which is likely to result in a —–or SIU investigation
any change in condition of persons in custody
ensure the —— units are operating properly
immediately notify the Officer in Charge if the equipment malfunctions
Officer in Charge
26.When notified about a prisoner who, due to their mental, physical or emotional condition, requires priority in booking
and processing to decrease the likelihood of a confrontation or safety risk shall process the prisoner as soon as
27.When a person in custody is brought into the station shall
consider whether the circumstances of the arrest and continued ——- is lawful and required
ensure the person has been ———of the reasons for the arrest
evaluate the physical and ——– state of the person
Officer in Charge
inquire into any
existing injury and related ——–
existing ——- condition, including but not limited to: physical illness, ——illness, alcohol use and/or
——–, drug use and/or addiction
safety concerns
other ——– condition to which police should be alerted
and comply with Appendix A, and make necessary notations in the appropriate Arrest Booking/Cell Management
screen, if applicable
ensure the person is transported to hospital, if required
inquire if the person has an item of religious significance on their person or in their possession, and comply with
item 32, if applicable
———if the person has personal gender-affirming articles or gender-affirming prosthetics on their person or in
their possession, and comply with item 30, if applicable
Officer in Charge
ensure the person has been informed of the right to counsel, including the availability of free legal advice through
Duty Counsel and ———-
ensure reasonable access to a telephone is afforded as soon as practicable and “———-” or the telephone
number is recorded in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
Telephone conversations with counsel shall be in private where conversations cannot be overheard.
ensure the necessary notations are made in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
record all pertinent information in the memorandum book
Legal Aid
no call desired
Officer in Charge
28.When a person in custody has a disability requiring the aid of an assistive device
shall assess whether to permit the person to keep their assistive device by
considering all risk factors, including those contained in Procedure 01–02, Appendix B
considering all available accommodation options, such as placing the person in a segregated cell
should ——the person to keep their device while in custody, if possible
upon determining that a person in custody cannot be accommodated, shall clearly articulate the reasons for the
determination in the memorandum book, including all accommodation options considered
Assessments of whether a person should be permitted to keep their assistive device while in custody
shall be made on a case-by-case basis.
Officer in Charge
29.When a person in custody is accompanied by a guide dog shall comply with Procedure 01–01.
30.When a person in custody has gender-affirming personal items or gender-affirming prosthetics on their person or in
their possession shall:
assess whether to permit the person to keep their gender affirming item or gender-affirming prosthetic
Assessments regarding the retention of gender-affirming personal articles including gender-affirming
prosthetics shall be made on a case by case basis complying with 1.9.2 Standards of Conduct
considering all risk factors, including those contained in 01-02 Appendix B, 01-02 Appendix C and
Appendix E. All available accommodation options shall be considered when making an assessment.
permit the person to keep their item/device to the point of ———-hardship
if allowing the person to retain the item, make the appropriate notation in the ———
upon determining that a person in custody cannot be accommodated, shall clearly articulate the reasons for the
determination in the memorandum book and the Booking and Search Template, including all accommodation
options considered
if removing the item from the person, do so in compliance with Procedure 01-02 Appendix C and Appendix E
Property screen
Officer in Charge
31.When notified in accordance with items 18 and 25 that a decision regarding a person’s accommodation while in custody requires reassessment, due to a change in circumstances, shall
reassess the situation accordingly
ensure all pertinent details regarding the reassessment are ———in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management
record all pertinent details regarding the reassessment in the memorandum book
Officer in Charge
32.When removing personal property from persons in custody shall ensure
prior to removing the property, the person is —– of the safety concerns that require its removal
the property is removed, inventoried and secured in a property bag in compliance with Procedures 01–02, 09–01
and 09–06
The property bag may remain —– for investigative purposes providing it is in a secured location,
but must be sealed prior to transport. The sealed property bag shall accompany the prisoner through the justice system.
the person’s money is counted and other property are inventoried aloud and on camera in the presence of the
all money and property are recorded in the Property screen
the person signs the Property form, as directed in Procedure 09–06
the property is inventoried on camera as it is returned to the person upon their release from custody
Officer in Charge
33.When a person in custody has an item of religious significance on their person or in their possession shall:
evaluate the safety risks that may result from allowing the person to retain the item
if allowing the person to retain the item, make the appropriate notation in the ———-
if removing the item from the person, do so in compliance with Procedure 01–02, Appendix D
Property screen
Officer in Charge
34.When a person in custody has apparently consumed liquor shall
ensure the arresting police officer has complied with Procedure 03–05, if the person is intoxicated
ensure compliance with Procedure 07–09 and 13–19, as applicable
inquire when the person had their —— drink
ensure the appropriate entries are made on the —– and the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen for
each booking process, if applicable
ensure compliance with Procedure 06–11, if applicable
TPS 300
Officer in Charge
35.If the behaviour of the person is inconsistent with the amount of alcohol apparently consumed, or is suspected to be caused by factors other than alcohol (e.g. methanol, cocaine, etc.) shall comply with the Prisoner Safety section of
Appendix A.
36.Upon determining the detention of the person is not required shall
release the person in compliance with the appropriate release procedures in Chapter 1
when the person in custody is a young person, ensure a parent, legal guardian, adult relative, adult friend or spouse is notified without delay and requested to ——— the station
Officer in Charge
37.Upon determining the detention of the person is necessary shall
ensure the investigation is continued by the arresting officer and/or by the appropriate detective personnel
ensure front line officers are ——–to active duty as soon as practicable
only permit the following individuals to interview a person in custody
———– involved in the investigation
——— counsel
members of law enforcement or government agencies involved in the investigation, at the request of the investigating officer
——— attorney or assistant
a parent, relative, spouse or adult friend (————)
spouse or immediate relative (at ———–of investigation only)
a ———- official, where the person in custody is a foreign national as defined in Procedure 04–13
police officers
young person only
Officer in Charge
38.Upon determining a person in custody will be turned over to another law enforcement agency for investigation shall
front line officers are returned to active duty as soon as practicable
the applicable eReports and the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen have been properly completed
the receiving law enforcement agency is made —— of any pertinent information regarding the person in custody
including, but not limited to
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies
serious medical conditions
assistive devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
accommodations to protect the rights of a trans or gender diverse person
Officer in Charge
39.Upon completion of an investigation shall
ensure the applicable eReports and the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen have been properly completed
and the required documents have been scanned and attached to the original eReport
when the person in custody is a young person, ensure the YCJA —– is completed and served at the station,
whenever possible
release or continue to detain the person in compliance with the applicable procedures
Officer in Charge
40.When receiving a person for lodging in police cells shall ensure
female prisoners are
segregated from male prisoners when it is necessary to place them in police cells, or
transported to the lock–up designated to receive female prisoners
accused young persons are segregated from adult prisoners when it is necessary to detain them in a divisional cell pending release or transport to a young persons’ lock–up
Same as booker but ensures these things are done
Officer in Charge
all members responsible for monitoring the condition of persons in police cells are made aware of any pertinent
information regarding the person including, but not limited to
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies
serious medical conditions
assistive devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
individuals suspected of having ———-or violent tendencies or serious medical conditions are more closely
monitored and checked as ——- as possible
trans persons are lodged in compliance with Appendix E
a copy of all required eReports accompany the prisoner and that such reports are complete and accurate
Officer in Charge
41.When there are persons lodged in the police cells shall ensure
compliance with Procedure 03–07
the cells are physically attended to check the condition of persons detained in custody
a target of thirty (30) minutes is used between physical cell checks having ——-for all the circumstances during the tour of duty
the cell checks are recorded in the Cell Check screen as directed in Appendix B
any change in the condition of a person in custody is reviewed
necessary medical attention is given to the person
all property brought to the police facility for a person in custody is checked for ———- before allowing the person access to the property
the physical and medical condition of persons in police cells are reviewed with the relieving Officer in Charge at the change of shift
Officer in Charge
42.Prior to a person being transported to a lock–up, criminal court or detention centre shall ensure
necessary ——–attention is given to the person
the necessary ——-are completed for a first court appearance in compliance with Procedure 12–01
compliance with Procedure 01–15, if applicable
the Officer in Charge of the destination lock–up is ——-when a person is to be transported to the lock–up
the officer advises the transporting officers and the Officer in Charge of the receiving facility of any known issues regarding the health and safety of the person, including
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies, and/or
a serious medical condition
———– devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
sufficient police escort is provided
the person’s property is handled in compliance with Procedure 09–06
prescribed medication and a Medication Report accompanies the prisoner
Officer in Charge
43.When in charge of a unit with audio/video equipment in the detention facility shall ensure
persons in custody are booked and released on camera
equipment is operated by trained designated operators in compliance with this Procedure
the completed BHS DVD and TPS 175 are submitted by the booking officer for review
the MPVD# from the BHS DVD is entered on the ——, and the completed BHS DVD and TPS 175 are
deposited in the transport bin
the DAMS is operating properly
requests for repairs or adjustments to the equipment are reported to the ————-
appropriate entries are recorded for each person in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
Help Desk (local 8-4357)
Officer in Charge
44.When a prisoner claims to be a methadone patient shall ensure that such persons are informed that their prescribed dosage can only be obtained
following ——– from custody, or
if remanded in custody, by request to corrections staff and after corrections staff has consulted with the ———- doctor.
Officer in Charge
45.When the prisoner complains of symptoms associated with the non-receipt of their prescription, shall ensure
medical advice (i.e. ——–) is sought, or the person is transported to a hospital for assessment by a doctor for short term health risks
while in police custody, such persons are not transported for treatment at any place other than a hospital
if the person is transported to a hospital, that staff are advised the purpose of the visit is not to ——– their prescribed dosage
the results are noted in the ——–, the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen and the Prisoner Transportation Report
Telehealth Ontario
crown brief
Officer in Charge
46.If an incident occurs in an area being monitored and recorded by the DAMS shall
ensure that assistance is immediately rendered and that the incident is dealt with in the appropriate manner
once the incident has been resolved, and it is determined that the recording should be retained, notify ——–to retrieve and preserve the relevant security recording
ensure the incident, along with a notation that the recording has been preserved, is made in the appropriate ——— screen and the ——–
Arrest Booking/Cell Management
Officer in Charge of a Lock–Up
47.When receiving a person for lodging in the cells, in addition to the duties of an Officer in Charge as outlined in this
Procedure shall
accept custody of the person where the original unit has complied with the applicable procedures
ensure relevant information concerning the person is recorded in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
review the ———– for any cautions and remarks
record any observations regarding a prisoner’s physical or mental condition
Prisoner Transportation Report
Officer in Charge of a Lock–Up
48.During the normal operating hours of criminal courts or detention centres shall ensure
transport of the person from the lock–up at the earliest opportunity
the transporting officers of the receiving facility are notified of any known issues regarding the health and safety
of the person, including
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies, and/or
a serious medical condition
assistive devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
a copy of the applicable eReports are attached to the Prisoner Transportation Report
Case Manager
49.When a person is lawfully held in custody and an investigation is initiated shall
conduct a thorough investigation and advise the Officer in Charge of any information pertaining to the release or detention of the person
ensure front line officers are ——– to active duty as soon as possible
Detective Sergeant
50.The detective sergeant shall ensure an investigation is commenced in relation to the last drink information received on the ——-, when required.
TPS 300
Unit Commander
51.When in charge of a unit equipped with cells shall
designate a secure area for storage of returnable prisoners property that is inaccessible to any person lodged in the cells
ensure compliance with the requirement to perform and —– cell checks in the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen
Assistive / Prosthetic Device means a device used to replace, ———for, or improve the ——–abilities of people with disabilities or for trans or gender diverse persons to affirm gender identity. Assistive device includes a broad range of items such as mobility and visual/hearing aids, orthotics/prosthetics, speech devices, medical supplies, environmental controls and respiratory devices. Prosthetics used to express gender identity include: breast forms, chest binders, gaffs, packers, prosthetic penises and wigs
Booking Hall System (BHS) means a video surveillance system installed in the sally–port, booking hall and other areas of a police facility that is designed to record the booking and release of all prisoners as they enter and leave a police facility. The BHS is operated ——by the booking officer. (Booking Video)
Booking Officer means a police officer, court officer or ——officer designated by the officer in charge as the person responsible for the care and handling of persons detained in custody.
Court Cells means cells used during those hours in which the —–are sitting. A person shall be lodged in a court cell
being held for a —— appearance;
awaiting ——– to a detention facility;
——— into custody by the court.
Designated Operator for the purposes persons in custody means any member designated as an audio/video operator with an ——— of how to operate the equipment.
Detention Area Monitoring System (DAMS) means a video surveillance system installed in the prisoner detention areas of a police facility, such as the cells and the ——– , which is designed to monitor and record the condition of prisoners while they are in custody. The DAMS is set to automatically record each cell and bullpen when ——-is detected. (——
Detention Facility means any central ————– or ————-.
lock–up and/or booking hall
Disability means:
a) any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth
defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual
impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device
b) condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
c) a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;
d) a mental disorder, or;
e) an injury or disability for which ——– were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the ———- and Insurance Act; (“handicap”)
[Source: Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act].
Workplace Safety
Divisional Cells means cells that may be used for ——- term detention of a person in custody when:
being ——-, or waiting to be processed, or to ensure the safety of the person and/or members;
———transportation to a central lock–up;
being held for ——–by an outside agency
Item of Religious Significance means any item, article, apparel, or clothing a person identifies as having religious importance.
should know this already
Lock–Up means an assigned ——– used to detain a person in custody:
when the person is held for a ———–, or Judicial Interim Release where the bail court is ———
when outside of ——— hours stipulated in Procedure 03–03
in any other circumstances where detention is authorized and ———-.
See Appendix C for a list of assigned lock–ups.
Show Cause hearing
Member – Prisoner Care & Control for the purposes of prisoner transportation, care and control, includes a police officer,
court officer and ———- officer.
Police Cells means ——— cells, central lock–ups and —–cells used for the secure detention of persons in custody. An ——-room is not a police cell.
Police Vehicle – Prisoner Transportation for the purposes of prisoner transportation, includes marked and ———– vehicle owned or operated by the Service, that has the capacity to transport a driver and —– or more passengers.
Valuable Property means money, jewellery and other items that may make a prisoner the —— of theft or robbery.
Sex: the classification of people as male, female or —–based on a specific combination of reproductive organs, chromosomes and hormones and assigned at birth based on observation of a person’s ———.
Trans: is an umbrella term referring to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from their assigned
sex at birth. It includes but is not limited to people who identify as transgender, trans woman (someone assigned male at
birth who knows themselves to be a woman), trans man (someone assigned female at birth who knows themselves to be
a man), non-binary, gender non-conforming, gender variant or gender queer. Some people may consider two-spirit to be
a trans identify. Trans persons may or may not make a social transition, have surgery, use prosthetic devices or take
prescription medications (such as hormone therapies), to affirm their gender identity. They may or may not have identity
documents that reflect their lived identity
Should already know