04-02 Death Investigations Flashcards
The scene of an attempt suicide or a death may contain such hazards as loaded firearms, poisonous gases, live Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) rails, or blood and bodily fluids from persons carrying communicable diseases. It is important
that officers exercise ——- , while conducting a thorough and proper investigation at such scenes.
Supervisory Officer attendance mandatory for
s, p, u, s or s
s, a or a where the only witness or person present at the time
of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or present
suicide, possible sudden death, unnatural sudden death, suspicious death or suspected homicide
Supervisory Divisional Detective attendance mandatory for
s-, a- or a- where the only witness or person present at the time
of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or present
death of a child under five (5)
sudden unexpected death of a child
unnatural sudden death
sudden unexpected death, apparent suicide or accident where the only witness or person present at the time
of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory for
- a-
- unable to confirm/establish i———-of the deceased person
- unable to d——- next of kin
- unable to notify next of —- in person
- ———– by another police service to notify next of kin
- attempt suicide
- unable to confirm/establish identity of the deceased person
- unable to determine next of kin
- unable to notify next of kin in person
- request by another police service to notify next of kin
Pronouncing Death
No person, except a qualified medical practitioner, has the authority to pronounce a person dead. The only exceptions are where:
death appears obvious due to d——— , d———-, t——-, g——, g—— of cranial or v——— contents, or a g————, or
a base———- has declared death through consultation with an on–scene ——–.
decomposition, decapitation, transection, gross rigor mortis, gross outpouring of cranial or visceral contents, or a grossly charred body, or
hospital physician
Pronouncing Death
Any person who has not been pronounced dead by a qualified medical practitioner or does not fall within the above noted exceptions must be treated as a ——– patient. Toronto Paramedic Services (Paramedics) will respond in all cases to render medical assistance as required but will not transport individuals ——– or obviously dead.
Pronouncing Death
A deceased person will only be transported by ——– away from public view when a body removal service is not readily ———. Deceased persons will not be transported in the same vehicle as a ——–patient.
Officers are reminded to remain vigilant for the possibility of —— in every circumstance where there is:
a sudden, ——- death, and
also present at the time of death or the finding of a body, a partner, and particularly a partner with whom the deceased had or may have had an intimate relationship, recent or remote
foul play
Office of the Chief Coroner
The Coroner will be notified and requested to attend in all cases of ——- sudden death. The Coroner will be responsible for pronouncing death in the absence of another qualified medical practitioner and will authorize the ——-
of the body.
The Coroner may be consulted in cases of sudden death by ——– causes at the discretion of the investigating officer.
After pronouncement of death, the body should not be touched or moved without the direction of the Coroner. However, it may be possible to allow the family early access and/or movement of the body following the initial —— with the Coroner regarding the circumstances of death.
Death of a Child Under Five (5) Years of Age
Every sudden unexpected death of a child or the death of a child under five (5) years of age must be actively investigated as ——-, and premature conclusions should not be made regarding the cause and manner of death until a thorough
investigation has been completed. Officers shall comply with the applicable sections of Procedure 05–01 when conducting such investigations.
Identification of the Deceased
The investigator heading an investigation, or a police officer designated by the investigator, shall attend the morgue and be physically present when a deceased is identified under the following circumstances:
homicide, ———— or other related criminal offences
cases where the ——– officer has requested the presence of another officer
cases where an ———-has been or is likely to be called
when the Coroner believes it is necessary due to the nature of the case, or the ——— of the person doing the identification.
If the identification of the deceased can not be determined at this time, shall ensure that the —————- is notified via the global
e-mail address at ———-
suspected homicide
Homicide and Missing Persons Unit (Homicide and Missing Persons)
Health & Safety Practices during Post Mortem Examinations
Officers directed to attend and obtain the results of the post mortem examination should be aware that admittance into the post mortem examination room is determined by the ———- of the Facility and will be granted only to those
who have an ———- need to be present, including:
officers from ————- who are directly related to the case
being autopsied and have a need for photographs and evidence collection
a police officer who has ——– information regarding the case and needs to be present for investigative reasons.
Medical Director
Detective Operations - Forensic Identification Services (FIS)
Health & Safety Practices during Post Mortem Examinations
Access will be granted ONLY to officers who have an operational, investigative or ———– (by appointment only) need to be present.
Attendance should be restricted to the ———–examination period only unless there is a pertinent, reasonable need to be present through the entire post mortem examination. An office has been set–up exclusively for officers to await the examination results
First Police Officer
The first police officer to arrive at the scene shall be responsible for offender management (if applicable), preservation of the evidence and the crime scene while awaiting the arrival of an appropriate investigator.
1. When responding to an attempt suicide, a possible sudden death or an unnatural sudden death shall attend the scene ——– .
2. Upon arrival at the scene shall
designate a ——– of approach to the victim that allows for the least contamination possible
take charge of the scene until the arrival of a ——– officer
in the absence of a doctor or Paramedics personnel
assess the ——– and responsiveness of the victim
administer ——– if signs of life are present while using the universal precautions as detailed in Procedure
ensure the victim receives immediate medical attention
vital signs
First Police Officer
request additional assistance as required
request the attendance of a ——- officer
pending the arrival of a supervisory officer, assign officers to complete necessary tasks
advise Paramedics and ———- personnel of medical and suicide attempt details
if the body has been moved, make note of the original position and any items moved to gain access to the body
ensure the ———- is advised of the details of the incident
conduct a Person Query, including a CPIC and Canadian Firearms Registry On–line (CFRO) check
determine whether any of the individuals involved in the occurrence own, possess or have access to a firearm, ammunition, firearms certificate, registration certificate, permit, licence or authorization and comply with
Procedure 05–21
Officer and public safety is compromised when firearms are left in a deceased’s dwelling and may come into the possession of an unlicensed person and/or person untrained to properly handle firearms.
ensure a police officer ———- the victim to hospital
Toronto Fire Services (TFS)
communications operator
Additional Police Officers
3. When responding to an attempt suicide, a possible sudden death or an unnatural sudden death shall
attend the scene promptly
in the absence of a supervisory officer take direction from the —— police officer
Police Officers
- Upon discovering
the death of a child under five (5) years of age
the sudden unexpected death of a child
a suspicious death or suspected homicide, which may include
- an unexplained or unknown cause of death
- found human remains
- obvious or suspected foul play
shall treat the death as suspicious and comply with Procedure 05–01.
Police Officers
- Upon discovering
the death of a child under five (5) years of age
the sudden unexpected death of a child
a suspicious death or suspected homicide, which may include
- an unexplained or ———– cause of death
- found ———–
- obvious or suspected foul play
shall treat the death as suspicious and comply with Procedure 05–01.
human remains
Police Officers
- When investigating a sudden death in the emergency department of a hospital shall ensure, as part of the investigation that ——– and other caregivers have not intentionally ——- with or altered the body in such a way as to
compromise the evidence and the investigation.
hospital staff
Police Officers
- When investigating an unnatural sudden death shall
request the attendance of a supervisory officer and a ———– ———–
request the attendance and confirmation of notification of the ——–
leave the body undisturbed when death has been pronounced or where death appears obvious due to decomposition, decapitation, transection, gross rigor mortis, gross outpouring of cranial or visceral contents, or
a grossly charred body
The ——— will determine when the body will be removed.
divisional detective
Police Officers
promptly notify the Coroner, ——— and ——–personnel if a properly completed consent form relating to ——– donation is located
record all relevant details in the memorandum book, including the
circumstances relating to the ———of the body
position and ——–of the body
physical characteristics of the ———-
description of the ———to and from the body
personal information on the deceased, including but not limited to
- name, address, date and place of birth
- occupation, marital status
- personal physician and medical history
- Ontario Health / other insurance card, ——– number, Social Insurance Number
name, address, occupation and relationship of next of kin
name, address, phone number and occupation of
- the ——– finding the body
- all other persons present
- any persons who have left the scene
method of suicide, if applicable
text of any suicide note or —— writing, if applicable
any relevant information obtained from witnesses and other persons on scene
Police Officers
———– the immediate area for any witnesses, where appropriate
notify the ——— Officer if the identification of the deceased cannot be determined
request the attendance of an ————-, where applicable
A Scenes of Crime Officer (SOCO) may only be assigned to examine crime scenes at the discretion of the ————-.
A SOCO shall not be assigned to death investigations involving
- the sudden, ——————
- the death of a —————-
- a ————— or s—————
When a death occurs on TTC property, an FIS Investigator or a SOCO (with approval from FIS) will photograph the scene
FIS investigator
Officer in Charge – FIS
the sudden, unexpected death of a child
- the death of a child under five (5) years of age
- a suspicious death or suspected homicide.
When a death occurs on TTC property, an FIS Investigator or a SOCO (with approval from FIS)
will photograph the scene
Police Officers
request FIS to fingerprint and photograph the deceased if
any outstanding criminal ———- exist
an active criminal ———- is found
the identification of the deceased is in ————
if an outstanding warrant exists, or a document relating to —– or parole is found, notify the respective unit or police service
if in a public place, ensure the area is cleaned of blood, bodily fluids, etc., when necessary
Either TFS or Toronto —————– may be able to assist
Transportation Services
Police Officers
if on private property, advise the ———— or person responsible for the property to ensure the area is cleaned of blood, bodily fluids, etc., when necessary
seize and protect the suicide note or criminal writing in compliance with Procedure 05–08 when directed by a divisional detective
comply with Procedure 04–21 when collecting and seizing evidence other than a suicide note
comply with Procedure 09–01 when seizing items for safekeeping
comply with Procedure 09–04 when seizing narcotics and drugs
comply with the direction of the ————–regarding the return of property to the next of kin
divisional investigator
Police Officers
- When investigating a death resulting from a scuba diving accident shall
request the attendance of the ————–
comply with Procedure 04–23 - When investigating a death where the deceased is found in a bathtub shall record in the memorandum book any of
the following information that apply
- the approximate ——– and ———— (e.g. hot, cold or room temperature) of any ———— present in the bathtub
- the ————— of the body (e.g. supine, prone or some other position)
- which end of the bathtub the ————- was positioned
- whether the body is ———- or dry, including the hair
- whether the head is submerged at least up to and including ——— and nose
- whether the ———–and/or feet show signs of prolonged ————–
- whether there is evidence of ———-in the mouth or nose
- whether the water ————-is engaged
- whether there is evidence to suggest that the deceased may have ——— into the bathtub.
A finding of drowning is rarely based on definitive autopsy findings. Information from the initial ———— is therefore often critical in these cases in determining the cause and manner of death
Marine Unit
- the approximate depth and temperature (e.g. hot, cold or room temperature) of any water present in the
bathtub - the position of the body (e.g. supine, prone or some other position)
- which end of the bathtub the head was positioned
- whether the body is wet or dry, including the hair
- whether the head is submerged at least up to and including mouth and nose
- whether the fingers and/or feet show signs of prolonged immersion
- whether there is evidence of froth in the mouth or nose
- whether the water stopper is engaged
- whether there is evidence to suggest that the deceased may have fallen into the bathtub.
Police Officers
10.When investigating a fatal vehicle collision shall also comply with Procedure 07–03.57
11.When investigating a rail–related attempt suicide or death on railway property shall also comply with Procedure 07–04.
12.When responding to a rail–related attempt suicide or death on TTC property shall
ensure the ———– power is turned off before approaching the track level
comply with Procedure 10–10
make every effort to ———- subway service as soon as practicable
Undue subway delays cause safety concerns and a tremendous inconvenience to the TTC and the public
interview and obtain the name, address and telephone number of all persons present, including the ————-
train operator
Police Officers
13.When investigating a death on TTC property, upon the direction of the Coroner shall
obtain a ——– from under the platform, place the body and any dismembered parts on the stretcher and remove from public view only after
the ——— has authorized the removal of the body, and
the scene has been ————–, and
a supervisor or ———- has been consulted and authorized the removal of the body
if the body must be moved prior to the scene being photographed, ——– the position of the body
Police Officers
Unless otherwise directed, there is no requirement to await the arrival of a ———prior to removing the body.
All subway platforms have rooms available, out of public view, where the body may be removed at the Coroner’s direction. This permits the TTC a timely return to service and protects the ————of the public. These rooms also allow for temporary storage of the remains until such time as body removal services are available.
ensure the area is clear before arranging for the electrical power to be restored
Police Officers
14.When investigating an attempt suicide/suicide by apparent gas poisoning (natural gas, carbon monoxide, etc.) shall
ensure that no person in the immediate area uses any item which may cause unintentional ——— , such as an open flame, cigarette, electric switch, ———, cellular telephone or portable radio, etc.
if it is safe to do so
turn off the ———- of the gas
remove the victim to ——– air
conduct a ——— of the location for other persons and remove them to safety
15.When there are concerns that a hazard continues to exist shall
————— all persons in compliance with Procedure 10–09
request assistance to evaluate the hazard
not ——– in the area
The TFS, local utilities, and the ———- are equipped to remove such
consider the notification and attendance of the——————
(EDU) in compliance with Procedure 10–08
Ministry of the Environment
Emergency Management & Public Order – Explosive Disposal Unit
Police Officer
16.When investigating an attempt suicide/suicide by drug overdose or ingestion of poison shall
exercise extreme caution and comply with Procedure 08-06
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is highly toxic and potentially lethal in small doses. As it may be skin ———- , proper handling of suspected fentanyl is essential to minimizing potential health risks for members.
refrain from handling any container containing a poison until advised that it is safe to do so
collect evidence in compliance with Procedure 04–21
consult with FIS to determine if any items are to be removed from the scene
Police Officer
when seizing prescription and controlled substances on behalf of the Coroner or in relation to a criminal
investigation, complete the applicable eReport including, where possible
———-of the medication located at death scene
prescription ————
prescribed to (———–)
——— instructions
name of the ———— where the prescription was filled
—— of the prescription
name of the prescribing ————
number of pills, vials or patches, etc. prescribed and remainin
patient name
Police Officer
Medications should not be taken to Forensic ——— or hospital–based pathology units,
unless specifically requested by the ———-, and only following a case–by–case
consideration. Medications shall not be placed in the —— or otherwise sent with the body.
comply with Procedures 02–19 and 09–04 when seizing illicit drugs/substances, prescription and controlled substances pursuant to the Coroners Act, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or the Food and Drugs Act, as applicable
Pathology Units
body bag
Police Officer
17.When investigating an attempt suicide or death by gunshot shall
comply with Procedure 05–21
if the firearm must be moved for safety reasons, ensure detailed notes are completed regarding the ——– of the firearm, including the position of the ——-, safety, and any ammunition
when seizing any firearm, ensure the firearm is rendered —– and the firearm, ammunition and any ejected ammunition components are handled in compliance with Procedure 09–03
Police Officer
18.When investigating a death involving suspected sabotage or tampering of food, drugs, cosmetics or medical devices shall also comply with Procedure 05–09.
19.When investigating a death attributed to consumer products shall notify ——–.
Consumer products may include such things as: children’s playthings and equipment; flammable items; ——— equipment; household and ——– items; dangerous household chemical products; and ———-products.
20.When the apparent cause of death is hanging shall remove the person in such a manner as to preserve the knot,
whenever possible
Health Canada, Consumer Product Safety
Police Officer
21.When the death is apparently caused by jumping or being thrown from a height shall
search the area for articles of ——- , property or identification which may have fallen from the body
search the area for body ——- , if applicable
search the ——– from which the person jumped
Police Officer
22.When the Coroner has ordered an autopsy shall
except in cases of homicides and criminally ——- , search the pockets and clothing of the deceased for any ——— or drug related paraphernalia
if any illicit drugs or drug related paraphernalia are located, ensure the items are seized in accordance with
Procedures 02–19, 04–21, and 09–04, as applicable
These items create a high-risk situation for all involved and must never ——-the body sent for post-mortem examination, except in cases of homicides and criminally-suspicious deaths.
suspicious deaths
illicit drugs
Police Officer
———- with the body until the removal service has attended
record in the memorandum book the
presence or absence of any ———- , including jewellery
———– position of the jewellery on the body
details of the removal of the body
maintain continuity by accompanying the body to the morgue or applying a —-to the body bag prior to
removal to the morgue
Bodies should always be transported and stored in the ——- position pending post mortem examination to avoid introducing artefacts which may obscure post mortem findings
TPS 214
supine (face up)
Police Officer
23.When the next of kin is present at the location of a natural sudden death
shall search the deceased and list valuables and personal effects in the memorandum book
shall give all valuables and personal effects to the next of kin, requesting that they ——- the memorandum book in receipt
shall offer the next of kin the use of Victim Services Toronto in compliance with Procedure 04–31
where there are concerns about the well–being of the next of kin, in addition to offering the use of Victim Services Toronto, should consider contacting other family members, neighbours, friends, or —– to assist
where no autopsy has been ordered, shall ensure the ——- of the next of kin prior to leaving the scene, including assistance in contacting a funeral service
if the deceased is obviously ——– , should advise the next of kin they may apply to ———– for burial or to the ————— if the deceased is a former member of the Canadian Forces
Toronto Social Services
Last Post Fund
Police Officer
24.When the next of kin is not present at the scene of a natural sudden death or cannot be determined shall
remain with the body until it is removed
——- the body (in the presence of a witness, when possible) for information concerning the next of kin
search the ——— of the deceased for information pertaining to the next of kin
seize ——– for safekeeping in compliance with Procedure 09–01
comply with Procedure 09–04 when drugs are found or are seized
make a record of ———- information, bank accounts and ——-policies
ensure the premises are secured until the next of kin or the ——— is notified, or request the landlord to store large items until any of these persons are notified
notify the ———— Officer
notify the appropriate ———–, if applicable
arrange for the care of pets
notify the next of kin as soon as possible
public trustee
Children’s Aid Society
Police Officer
25.After the at–scene portion of the investigation has been completed shall
complete the applicable eReports, including such information as the circumstances, and the persons and units notified of the death
scan and attach all memorandum notes and hardcopy reports to the original eReport
A Firearms Interest Police (FIP) entry is auto–generated and uploaded to CPIC from the eReport entry.The FIP database in CPIC flags an individual applying for a firearms licence who has committed, or threatened to commit, an act of violence. Such a flag is not an automatic refusal to issue a licence, but assists in the initial screening process or subsequent review by a Chief Firearms Officer.
Police Officer
26.When assigned to attend a post mortem examination shall obtain the results and add the ———– information to the original eReport
Supervisory Officer
The first supervisory officer shall be responsible for the ———— and thoroughness of the uniform response.
27.When notified of an attempt suicide shall assess the situation and attend the scene, if necessary.
28.When notified of a sudden death shall attend the scene ———–.
Supervisory Officer
29.When notified of an unnatural sudden death shall
take charge of the scene
provide assistance and direction to the police officers at the scene
ensure a police officer accompanies the body to the hospital
request/assign further assistance, as required
ensure the attendance of
a ————
the ———-
a ————
ensure a police officer accompanies the body to the hospital
advise the ——— of all pertinent information
ensure a police officer has been assigned to notify the next of kin, if necessary
Whenever possible, notification of next of kin should be made by a supervisory officer in lieu of a constable.
divisional detective
FIS investigator
Officer in Charge
Supervisory Officer
30.When dealing with
the death of a child under five (5) years of age
the sudden unexpected death of a child
a suspicious death or suspected homicide, which may include
an unexplained or unknown cause of death
found human remains
obvious or suspected foul play
any other suspicious circumstances
shall treat the death as ———– and ensure comp
Supervisory Officer
31.When notified of a sudden unexpected death, apparent suicide or accident where the only witness or person present at the time of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or present shall
remain ——— for the possibility of foul play
ensure the attendance of a ————
divisional detective
Detective Division
The divisional investigator shall be responsible for ensuring effective ———-of the scene, the ——— of the investigation, and that the appropriate ————-are made.
32.When notified of an unnatural sudden death shall
attend the scene and co–ordinate the investigation
ensure the attendance of FIS personnel, as required
ensure that valuables seized for safekeeping are handled in compliance with Procedure 09–01
provide direction concerning the return of valuables to the next of kin
Detective Division
confer with the attending ——— and
obtain a copy of the ————;
provide the following information to the Coroner before leaving the scene
original ——– number;
identification of ——— and method of confirmation, if known;
name, address, phone number and relationship of ——–, if known; and
name, badge number and a contact phone number of assigned ——-
It is imperative that the Coroner is provided with a contact number of the assigned investigator
in the event that additional information is required from the Service prior to the autopsy being conducted.
Coroner’s warrant
next of kin
Detective Division
ensure identification of the deceased person is ——- , if possible
add supplementary information to the original eReport listing
———-of identification confirmation; and
name, address and phone number of the ——— making the identification
when the Coroner has ordered an autopsy, ensure the following reports are completed prior to the Post Mortem Examination
applicable eReports
The Initial Officer Report will be automatically———- to the Office of the Chief Coroner.
Any requests from the Office of the Chief Coroner for additional information must be made and
authorized for release by —————–
maintain continuity by ensuring
a TPS 214 is applied to the body bag prior to removal to the morgue, or
a police officer accompanies the body to the morgue
Homicide and Missing Persons
Detective Division
ensure an officer attends and obtains the results of the Post Mortem Examination then adds the supplementary information to the original eReport
consider and exercise, where applicable, all powers of search and seizure, with and without warrant, relating to weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives and the related licences, certificates or permits
notify Organized Crime Enforcement – Integrated Gun & Gang Task Force when firearms are or may be a factor
notify Homicide and Missing Persons via the global e-mail address at MissingPersons
Homicide and Missing Persons is available as a resource in all unidentified human remains investigations that will provide direction, guidance, follow-up and support. Homicide and MissingPersons will also ensure all relevant information is entered on the ——————– (NCMPUR) website.
National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains
Detective Division
33.When dealing with
the death of a child under five (5) years of age
the sudden unexpected death of a child
a suspicious death or suspected homicide, which may include
- an unexplained or unknown cause of death
- found human remains
- obvious or suspected foul play
- any other suspicious circumstances
shall treat the death as suspicious and ensure compliance with Procedure 05–01.
everyone must adhere to this
Detective Division
34.When notified of a sudden unexpected death, apparent suicide or accident where the only witness or person present at the time of death or the finding of the body is an intimate partner, past or present shall
———-the scene and co–ordinate the investigation
conduct a thorough investigation, remaining vigilant for the possibility of foul play
determine if there is a history of prior intimate partner violence, ——–, or anything else to arouse suspicion
consult with the Coroner and the ————-
if suspicious circumstances exist, consult with a member of the ———- prior to leaving the scene
intimate relationship dysfunction
FIS investigator
On–Call Homicide Team
Detective Division
35.When in receipt of a request to release a suicide note to the next of kin shall consult with —————— on the appropriate course of action.
36.When the deceased cannot be readily identified shall
request that FIS ————— and photograph the deceased
consider the use of the———– to complete a reconstructed image for a media release
request that the Coroner have a dentist complete an ——–
ensure the OPC 105 is scanned and attached to the original eReport
ensure the eReport number is forwarded to RMS – Operations (RMS – Ops) for inclusion in the ————-
consider contacting FIS regarding the completion of ———— Identification forms and the gathering of samples for ——- analysis and comparison
continue efforts to locate and notify the next of kin
ensure identification is made by a relative, a close friend or a person who knows the deceased in the presence of a ———–
Records Management Services (RMS) – Information Access – Access and Privacy Section
FIS Forensic Artist
OPC 105
CPIC Dental Characteristics file
Interpol Disaster Victim
morage offical
Officer in Charge
38.When notified of an unnatural sudden death shall ensure
detective personnel are assigned and attend the scene
a copy of the completed eReport is forwarded to the Office of the Chief Coroner as soon as practicable, and prior to the post mortem examination
The Initial Officer Report is automatically e-transferred to the Office of the Chief Coroner. Any requests from the Office of the Chief Coroner for additional information must be made and approved for release by Homicide and Missing Persons.
if involving a foreign national, notify ———————-
Landed Immigrants should be considered foreign nationals as they remain citizens of the country from which they ————-
Intelligence Services – Strategic Assessment and Analysis Section
Officer in Charge
39.When notified of
the death of a child under five (5) years of age
the sudden unexpected death of a child
a suspicious death or suspected homicide, which may include
- an unexplained or unknown cause of death
- found human remains
- obvious or suspected foul play
- any other suspicious circumstances
shall treat the death as suspicious and ensure compliance with Procedure 05–01
Investigator – Detective Operations - Forensic Identification Services
40.When investigating the sudden unexpected death of a child under ——- of age, shall
———-the scene and ———-
comply with Procedure 05–01
eighteen (18) years
Major Case Manager – Detective Operations - Homicide and Missing Persons
41.When designated as the Major Case Manager shall
undertake the functions and responsibilities directed by the Ontario Major Case Management Manual
comply with Procedure 05–01
Compassionate Messages
From time–to–time, it may be necessary to notify next of kin of the death of a person involved in a police investigation.
Such messages are very traumatic to receive. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the notification is made in a compassionate yet ————–manner.
Police Officer - compassionate message
42.When it is necessary to notify next of kin shall complete the Next of Kin Information screen page.
43.When assigned to notify a next of kin of a death shall
ensure the victim has been properly ———
deliver the message in person or if unable to deliver the message in person, consult with a ——— officer
make every effort to contact the next of kin and deliver the information
make every effort to leave the next of kin in the company of a ———person or where appropriate, request the assistance of Victim Services Toronto
Police Officer - compassionate message
44.When delivering a compassionate message on behalf of the investigating officer, obtain the necessary information from the original eReport, including
as much information as possible concerning the deceased such as how, when and where the death occurred
the next of kin information
other information deemed pertinent for the notification
the name, badge number and contact information of the ————— officer
45.When assigned to notify a next of kin of a death on behalf of another police service shall contact the appropriate
member at the other police service to obtain the information listed in item 44.
Police Officer - compassionate message
46.Upon completion of the notification shall notify the ———— officer of the results.
47.If attempts to reach a relative/next of kin are unsuccessful shall
notify a ———-officer
add supplementary information to the original eReport
send the relevant information and the original eReport number by V–mail to the ——————-
RMS – Ops will create and post a BOLO.
if the deceased person is or appears to be of Aboriginal ancestry contact the ————— section by telephone or by e–mail at “Aboriginal
Peacekeeping” for assistance in locating next of kin
Prime handle
Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit (CPEU) – Aboriginal Peacekeeping
Police Officer - compassionate message
Additional assistance can be obtained from members of ——– across Canada or from social agencies dealing with Aboriginal issues. The web link to social agencies within the City of Toronto is available on the ———- webpage on the Internet.
add supplementary information to the original eReport, including the Sudden Death Detail page
48.When it is necessary to request the notification of a next of kin by another police service shall notify a ———- officer and advise of the details.
49.Upon successful notification of the relative/next of kin shall complete the notified section of the Next of Kin Information
First Nations
CPEU – Aboriginal Peacekeeping
Supervisory Officer - compassionate message
50.When it is necessary to notify a next of kin should ensure the notification is
made in ———–
made by a supervisory officer in lieu of a ———
Notification of a death as a result of a motor vehicle collision shall be the responsibility of the—————. Unless deemed inappropriate, notification of a death as a result of a homicide shall be made by an investigating officer from ———-
Traffic Services Supervisor
Detective Operations - Homicide and
Missing Persons.
Supervisory Officer - compassionate message
51.Upon receiving a request for notification of a next of kin outside the jurisdiction of the Service shall
contact a supervisor at the appropriate police service and provide the information listed in item 44
if the initial contact is by telephone, follow with a CPIC message or e–mail and include the information listed in item 44
Providing a written request to ——- a telephone request will reduce the likelihood of incorrect information being conveyed to the next of kin.
Supervisory Officer - compassionate message
52.When advised that notification of next of kin in person is unsuccessful shall
ensure compliance with item 47
notify the———- to continue the effort
divisional detective
Detective – Division
53.If the attempts of the original police officer to reach a relative/next of kin are unsuccessful shall
ensure compliance with item 47
continue efforts to notify the next of kin as soon as possible
consider contacting neighbours, friends, clergy or ——- agencies with which the deceased had contact, in order to locate the next of kin
consider contacting community–based ethnic, cultural and social agencies for assistance in locating and notifying next of kin
————– can assist by providing contact with these agencies.
contact the office of the ———— for assistance where no next of kin can be located
54.If continued efforts to notify the next of kin are still unsuccessful shall advise the ————.
55.Upon successful notification of the relative/next of kin shall ensure compliance with item 49
Victim Services Toronto
Public Trustee
detective sergeant
Detective Sergeant - Division
56.Upon receiving information that a police officer has been unable to contact a next of kin shall take the appropriate action to ensure that the next of kin is notified.