05-02 Robberies/Hold-Ups Flashcards
Robberies of all types are violence acts capable of ———-without notice. These incidents pose a serious danger to victims, witnesses and responding police officers.
While the initial investigation of all robbery incidents is the responsibility of the local police division, the Detective Operations – Hold-up Squad (HUS) will take the lead and provide co-ordination throughout the Service for all robberies within their mandate. These include all robberies involving; financial institutions, armoured cars, retail businesses, h———- committed with firearms or offensive weapons, money —– , and ————-committed with firearms or offensive weapons.
home invasions
This procedure was developed to meet the Police Services Act, O. Reg. 3/99, Adequacy and Effectiveness of police
Services to ensure
a) The ——- of responding officers
b) The ———- of the public
c) A ———— investigation, and
d) The collection and ———– of evidence in the approved manner.
Supervisory Officer ——– mandatory for all robberies
Officer in Charge notification mandatory for all robberies
Detective notification mandatory for all robberies
Hold-up (HUS) notification mandatory for all robberies within their mandate
HUS shall be contacted immediately in all instances of robbery involving
financial institutions
armoured cars
retail business
home invasions committed with firearms or offensive weapons
money deposits and
carjacking’s committed with firearms or offensive weapons
The ———– may, upon conclusion of the preliminary investigation, at their ———- , take charge of any
robbery investigation
FARM Home Car
financial institutions
armoured cars
retail business
home invasions committed with firearms or offensive weapons
money deposits and
carjacking’s committed with firearms or offensive weapons
Unit Commander – HUS
All Divisional Officers
1. When not designated as primary responder or back-up shall
———– on patrol of the area pending verification of the robber or hold-up alarm call
not attend the scene until ——by the first two responding officers, a supervisory officer or the ———– operator
- While traveling to the scene of a hold-up alarm shall
———-the in-car camera system in compliance with Procedure 15-17
be alert for suspects fleeing the scene on foot or in a gateway vehicle, and any persons who may be acting as ———– - At the conclusion of the at scene portion of a hold-up incident shall
complete their memorandum book in compliance with Procedure 13–17
scan and attach all memorandum book notes in the original eReport
First Police Officer
- When travelling to the scene of a robbery shall
———the in-car camera system in compliance with Procedure 15-17
upon arrival at the scene shall notify the ———— and
provide a description of any suspect and/or vehicle
request HUS be notified of any robbery that falls within their mandate
request the attendance of a supervisory officer and additional officers, as required
notify the ———– office
communications operator
divisional detective
First Police Officer
- While awaiting the arrival of a supervisory officer and/or an appropriate investigator shall be responsible for the safety and well-being of the victim, offender management, and the preservation of the crime scene
ensure immediate medical attention is provided to any injured parties
comply with Procedure 04–31, if required
preserve the crime scene and secure all potential evidence in compliance with Procedure 04–21
request attendance of FIS personnel or a divisional Scenes of Crime Officer (SOCO), if required
———-all victims and witnesses
whenever possible, and having regard for all circumstances, ——-interviews in compliance with Procedure 04–
First Police Officer
- Complete and submit the applicable eReports, including the applicable —- Detail page
comply with Procedure 17–01 - Upon arrival at the scene of a hold-up alarm shall
comply with item 4
not enter the premises —-
if not already on scene, request and await the arrival of back up officers
observe the entrances and exits of the premises from a —– location while awaiting arrival of back-up officers
upon arrival of back-up officers, check the exterior of the premises ——-
enter with caution to determine the status of the alarm
notify back-up officers and the communications operator of —–status
upon determining that the hold–up alarm is false shall immediately notify the communications operator
First Police Officer
- Where it is determined that a hold–up is in progress shall
in addition to complying with item 4, request the communications operator contact
Specialized Emergency Response – ———–
Officer in Charge
remain outside the premises, maintaining observation from a protected location
take charge of the scene until arrival of a ——–officer
ensure that a control perimeter around the premises and other measures are established in compliance with
Procedures 10–01 and 10–05
for public safety reasons, only permit emergency service personnel within the established perimeter
frequently update the communications operator with pertinent information about the circumstances
Emergency Task Force (ETF)
First Police Officer
- After verifying that a hold–up has occurred and the suspect has left the scene shall
notify the communications operator by ———-and maintain an open line
in addition to complying with item 4 request the —— of
divisional detectives
Detective Operations – ———— personnel
ensure compliance with item 5
search the premises thoroughly, including waste ——–, for discarded evidence such as a hold–up ——-
determine if surveillance cameras were operational and as applicable, comply with item 12
if bait money was given to the suspect, send the serial numbers of the bills and the original eReport number by V–mail to the ——handle, requesting they be entered onto ———
if a suspect can be identified and/or an accurate description is available, select —-for the BOLO option when completing the suspect Entities page
Records Management Services – Operations will create and post a BOLO.
ensure compliance with item 6
Forensic Identification Services (FIS)
First Police Officer
10.Upon receiving information that a GPS tracking device has been activated, or GPS tracking capability is available in a
vehicle taken in a carjacking, and can be monitored
shall notify the
attending ——-officer
attending divisional ———
First Police Officer
- Where a hold–up note is located shall, in the absence of HUS officers
——the note for expert examination
scan and attach the ——- to the original eReport
provide the eReport number to the HUS and the Officer in Charge, advising a scanned copy of the hold–up note is attached to the eReport
—– deliver the original hold–up note and provide the eReport number to ——————
If in attendance, it is the responsibility of ——- officers to seize all hold–up notes.
hold–up note
FIS – Document Section (FIS –Documents)
First Police Officer
12.If a surveillance recording is available shall
at other robbery scenes, when HUS officers are not in attendance
seize the surveillance recording
obtain an XXVA number from ———–
if video tape complete a TPS 189a and a TPS 405
if DVD or CD insert into a jewel case and complete all fields of the TPS 189a
package the recording, the TPS 189a and TPS 405 in a property bag
when HUS officers are not available, hand deliver or ensure the hand delivery of the surveillance recording to the front desk at ——- and place in the HUS video evidence drop box
if unable to seize or download the electronic recording, arrange for an officer to seize the surveillance recording at the earliest opportunity, and immediately hand deliver the electronic recording to the front desk at 33 Division and place in the HUS video evidence drop box
If in attendance, it is the ——- of HUS officers to seize all surveillance recordings.
Property and Video Evidence Management Unit
33 Division
First Police Officer
- When arresting a suspect of a robbery shall
comply with the applicable procedures in Chapter 1
———- the person from witnesses, other suspects and police officers not involved in the arrest
ensure that all evidence and the crime scene, where applicable, are dealt with in compliance with Procedure 04–21
immediately ——– the HUS regarding all robbery arrests that fall within their mandate
First Police Officer
Second Officer
The second police officer is responsible for —— the first officer, assisting to secure the crime scene and interviewing witnesses when required.
14.Upon arrival at the scene of a robbery shall
ensure compliance with item 5
15.Upon arrival at the scene of a hold–up alarm shall
notify the communications operator
locate the first officer and take direction from them until the arrival of a supervisory officer
——– appropriate entrances and exits
remain outside the premises and maintain communication
in the event of a false alarm, clear the scene
First Police Officer
16.When notified that a hold–up has occurred and the suspect has left the scene shall
——the premises to prevent unauthorized persons from entering or leaving
interview each witness ——–
——— any surface area which the suspect may have touched, such as service counters, teller wickets and exit doors, if necessary
Supervisory Officer
The supervisory officer shall be responsible for the quality and thoroughness of the uniform response.
17.When notified of a robbery shall
——- at the scene forthwith
take charge of all uniformed police officers
assign sufficient police officers
ensure the Officer in Charge is notified of all particulars
ensure the HUS are notified of all particulars, if the robbery falls within their mandate
ensure police officers comply with the applicable sections in this Procedure
18. When notified that a GPS tracking device has been activated, or available in a vehicle taken in a carjacking shall
ensure the ——– station is contacted to obtain GPS tracking information
communicate the tracking information, as appropriate
ensure the attending divisional investigator and the HUS are notified
Divisional Detective
The divisional investigator shall be responsible for ensuring the —- and ——-are notified to attend and take charge of the investigation until the arrival of the HUS.
19.When attending at the scene shall
advise the communications operator upon arrival and
ensure the HUS is notified to attend, if required
ensure FIS is notified and either FIS or divisional SOCO attend the scene, as required
take charge of the investigation until the arrival of HUS officers
consult with the attending supervisory officer regarding GPS tracking information obtained, as applicable
ensure compliance with Procedure 17–01, as appropriate
Officer in Charge – Division
The divisional Officer in Charge is responsible for ensuring an appropriate uniform response, and in the absence of the detective sergeant, an appropriate investigative response.
20.Upon being notified of a robbery shall
if confirmed hold-up, notify ————
ensure the particulars are recorded in the Unit Commanders Morning Report (UCMR), as required
21.Upon receiving an eReport for a robbery occurrence shall ensure
compliance with Procedure 17–01
all involved police officers have scanned and attached all memorandum book notes to the original eReport prior to the completion of their tour of duty
the eReport number is provided to the ———
Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC)
Unit Analyst – HUS
Financial Institution means any bank, ——- and loan company, or credit union
Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking Device in reference to hold–ups, means a tracking device used primarily by the —— and financial industries to assist with the apprehension of suspects and ——– of stolen property when a hold–up has occurred
Hold-Up (HUS) Mandate HUS will take charge and attend all robberies that fall within their mandate including: financial institutions; armoured cars; retail business; home invasions committed with firearms or offensive weapons, money deposits, and carjacking’s committed with firearms or offensive weapons.
only HOme invaisions and car jjackings with offensive weapons