14-02 Evaluations, Reclassifications and Appraisals Flashcards
The appraisal is based on demonstrated performance as it relates to behaviour, knowledge and skills that are important to the job performed by a Toronto Police Service member. In addition, it provides ——and feedback, as well as
identifying training and ———– needs
Police Officers
Details of the individual responsibilities and approval processes regarding performance appraisals for police officers are found in Appendix A. ———- and accessibility needs must be taken into account when conducting a performance
Police Officers
Police officers holding the rank of constable, sergeant/detective and staff/detective sergeant shall be subject to an ——— uniform performance appraisal during the month of their birth. The uniform performance appraisal process is a
performance review emphasizing goal setting and measurement of achievement.
Police Officer
Officers will be evaluated by one supervisor who has supervised the officer for a minimum period of —–. Where possible, the same appraiser should assess the officer throughout the ——- appraisal period. The next level supervisor shall advise which officers a supervisor will be responsible for appraising. Prior to commencing an appraisal, the assigned appraiser shall review the officer’s appraisal from the ——year to ensure performance issues have been addressed. However, this review shall not influence the year–end rating of the current appraisal.
ninety (90) days
one (1) year
Transfers and Secondments
When an officer is permanently transferred into a unit after an appraisal has been initiated, the assigned appraiser will liaise with the officer’s former supervisor. When a temporary transfer is for —– than six (6) months, the officer’s new supervisor will assume responsibility for the performance appraisal and will liaise with the officer’s former supervisor.
However, if the transfer is for a period of —— or less, the officer’s home unit will retain responsibility for the appraisal and shall liaise with the officer’s current supervisor. When an officer has transferred into a new unit, the appraiser shall review the unit/job specific duties/responsibilities for possible adjustment.
six (6) months
Transfers and Secondments
———- who have been assigned responsibility for officers on secondment will be advised of those due for appraisal. In such cases, an appraisal will be completed in ———-with the appropriate supervisor responsible for the seconded officer.
Unit Commanders
Generalist Constable Development Program
Constables assigned to the Generalist Constable Development Program shall be evaluated on their job performance within each ——assignment. At the conclusion of each training period, a TPS ——shall be completed by the constable’s immediate supervisor. The TPS 528 will be completed in addition to the —–performance evaluation.Training activity checklists (TPS 526 and TPS 527) for the investigative and interpersonal skills segments of the program
shall be maintained by the ——to assist in tracking the activities participated in or demonstrated. Checklists will be reviewed by the ——-and maintained in the officer’s personnel file.
Annual Uniform Performance Appraisal
The annual uniform performance appraisal (annual appraisal) is for one (1) year consisting of two (2) steps:
——– of the appraisal process and the ———-
Constables being ———and ———sergeants/detectives do not require an annual appraisal.
year–end summary.
Commencement of the Annual Appraisal Process
This consists of
identifying any specific ——unique to the officer’s current duties/responsibilities
discussing with the officer the sections on ——-, personal qualities, technical skills and ——–, and
completing the ———
human rights
core competencies
development plan.
Year-End Summary
After reviewing the officer’s unit/job specific duties/responsibilities and development plan, the appraiser will discuss the human rights section with the officer, and comment and rate the officer on ——- qualities, ——– skills and core competencies. The appraiser will discuss the year–end summary with the officer.
————– will forward a printout to each Unit Commander at the beginning of each month listing officers to be evaluated during the month. In addition, each unit will be responsible for providing the officer’s performance report for the previous —— police reporting periods to the —————.
Employee Services
thirteen (13)
Unit Commander
Year-End Summary
Officers may respond to their annual appraisal by preparing a TPS ——within —— days of being counselled.
Unit Commanders or, if applicable, the ——-, shall review the appraisal forms, make any appropriate comments and —–with the officer. In addition, Unit Commanders shall ensure appropriate action is taken where significant performance problems have been identified by the appraiser.
When selecting officers for training or staff development opportunities, Unit Commanders, where appropriate, should take into consideration an officer’s performance, ——— and career goals as outlined in the current and previous annual
ten (10)
second in command
Probationary Performance Appraisals
A performance appraisal shall be completed for probationary constables at the conclusion of ———- cycle – and —- by the assigned —– and at the conclusion of CWW cycle ———– by the assigned ——–officer with appropriate review and comment by the Unit Commander at each stage. One of the performance appraisals of a probationary constable shall be completed by the ———– supervisor where the probationary constable completes their —– CWW cycles.
Compressed Work Week (CWW)
1 and 2
coach officer
3, 5, 7 and 9
Community Response Unit
Probationary Performance Appraisals
Reclassification from 4th to 3rd class will take place as part of the —— process for probationary constables. The Unit Commander will review the final probationary constable performance appraisal and if the constable’s performance is deemed satisfactory, recommend reclassification.
Cadets–in–training who stand in the top —% of their recruit class and pass all examinations without rewrite during the probationary training program shall be granted —- months service towards reclassification from 4th to 3rd class constable subject to satisfactory performance during the probationary period
two (2)
Probationary Performance Appraisals
Former Police Constables of the Service who did not continue as a police officer and have been rehired will undergo a performance appraisal after the completion of the — CWW cycle or the equivalent of – months to determine appropriate classification as per Procedure 14–30 Appendix A. This is to be effective at the commencement of the –CWW. The recommended classification will be no –than the rank level held prior to separation and must be supported by the member’s Unit Commander and —Superintendent with approval by the Director of ———.
six (6)
People and Culture
Constables promoted to the rank of sergeant or detective shall be on probation for a period of —- year from the date of promotion as published on —. During the probationary period, duties shall be performed in uniform unless, otherwise directed in writing by the Chief of Police.
one (1)
Routine Orders
Probationary sergeants who are absent from work due to —– leave, family care leave, long-term disability, —– sick bank, suspension, or an — injury will not be considered on —–service. Such absences will not be considered as time served in the rank. Such probationary sergeants will resume their probationary period and will not be eligible to
be confirmed in the rank of sergeant until they have completed at least one (1) year of active service in the rank.
Probationary sergeants/detectives will have a performance appraisal completed by the assigned supervisory officer prior to the completion of the ——-,—-,——- following promotion. No ——– appraisal is required for probationary sergeants
3rd, 6th and 10th month
Probationary sergeants/detectives will use the TPS —- to ensure that critical supervisory experiences are undertaken or reviewed during the probationary period. The TPS 508 will be completed in —– to the schedule for performance appraisals noted in this procedure.
Sergeants/detectives, who have satisfactorily completed their probationary period, including completion of all required supervisory training during their qualifying period, shall be confirmed in the rank on the recommendation of the —– and approval of the —-.
Chief of
During the probationary period, a ——-may recommend a probationary sergeant not be confirmed in the rank of sergeant, due to unsatisfactory work performance or —–, in which case, sergeants or detectives may be reclassified to the rank of constable (1st class) on the recommendation of the Chief of Police and approval of the Toronto Police Services Board.
Unit Commander
When not confirming a sergeant in the rank, the Unit Commander shall ensure —— and —— are immediately advised of the recommendation via e–mail. The Unit Commander shall then ensure a TPS ——- is completed and submitted to Employee Services, who shall ensure that the Director, ———- is advised of the recommendation. If concurring with the recommendation, the Director, People and Culture will issue the official notification to the probationary sergeant concerned and the respective Unit Commander.
Only the first and last page of the TPS 810 shall be completed when a sergeant will not be confirmed in the rank due to the member being on a ——
Labour Relations and Employee Services
People and Culture
leave of absence.
Confirmation in the rank of sergeant will be automatically withheld if a probationary sergeant is
the subject of a legal inquiry such as but not limited
to an investigation by
the Special Investigations Unit (SIU);
the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD); or
Professional Standards
charged with a ——–offence
charges laid ———-;
by the SIU;
other police ——-; or
by ——information.
charged under the ————–
Police Services Act (PSA)
Unit Commanders shall ensure that ————and ——–are advised immediately by e–mail when any probationary sergeant eligible to be confirmed in the rank has been so ——-. Charges laid internally, or by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), other police agencies, or by private information, will also result in not confirming a sergeant in the rank.
A probationary sergeant will not be confirmed in the rank until the underlying ————
is resolved in ——— of the officer.
Labour Relations and Employee Services
Staff sergeants may be reclassified to the rank of detective sergeant and sergeants may be reclassified to the rank of detective and vice versa, as deemed necessary by the ——–. Such reclassifications shall be ——— on
Routine Orders.
Chief of Police
The appraisal process includes constable reclassification from 3rd to 2nd, and 2nd to 1st class. The appraisals will be completed ——- to the officer being reclassified.
Constables holding the classification of 3rd and 2nd class are eligible for reclassification to the next higher constable classification after serving twelve —— in their classification. Upon recommendation of a constable’s ——-, the Chief of Police shall make a recommendation for reclassification to the ——-.
prior (12) months
Unit Commander
For constables who are eligible for reclassification from 3rd to 2nd class, and 2nd to 1st class, a performance appraisal shall be completed by the assigned supervisory officer —– in advance of the reclassification date. No —— appraisal is required for constables being reclassified.
The time spent by constables on light duties for reasons such as ——- , sickness, or injury will be considered time served in the rank for reclassification purposes provided they are performing a ——– function which is customarily
performed by officers such as ———response, station duty or divisional ——–.
two (2) months
In instances where a constable is absent from work due to an injury on duty, the period of absence will be counted as active service and the original eligibility date shall be used for reclassification purposes, provided that
the minimum —— required period of service between classifications has been met
the constable has returned to a policing function for at least ——–days
the constable has been evaluated by supervisors and the evaluations indicate that the constable possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities required for reclassification
twelve (12) months
ninety (90)
Lateral entry constables from other Canadian police services who are eligible for reclassification to the next higher constable classification will undergo a performance appraisal after completing —— in a
policing function at a Toronto Police Service unit/division. Recommendations for reclassification will be effective on the date the officer completed —–of active service in the rank/classification as per
Procedure 14–30 Appendix A. Active service shall include time spent in the ranks at other Canadian police services prior to hire at the Toronto Police Service, as specified on the officer’s Conditional Offer of Employment. The recommended classification will need to be supported by the member’s Unit Commander and ——- with approval by the ——- of People and Culture.
ninety (90) days
one (1) year
Staff Superintendent
Withholding of Reclassification
A Unit Commander may recommend a constable be withheld from reclassification for a particular reason such as unsatisfactory work performance.
Constables who are absent from work due to parental leave, ——-care leave, —- disability, central sick bank, suspension, or an off–duty injury will not be considered on active service. Such absences will not be considered as time served in the rank for reclassification purposes. Such constables will continue to be reconsidered for reclassification every —— and will not be eligible for reclassification until they have completed at least —— of active service in the rank/classification.
ninety (90) days
one (1) year
Withholding of Reclassification
When recommending the withholding of a constable’s reclassification, the Unit Commander shall ensure Labour Relations and Employee Services are immediately advised of the recommendation via e–mail. The Unit Commander shall then ensure a TPS —– is completed and submitted to ———-, who shall ensure that the Director, ——– is advised of the recommendation. If concurring with the recommendation, the Director, People and Culture will issue the official notification to the ———and the respective Unit Commander
Employee Services
People and Culture
Withholding of Reclassification
Only the first and last page of the TPS 809 shall be completed when the withholding of the constable’s reclassification is
the result of a leave of absence.
Reclassification will be automatically withheld if a constable is
the subject of a legal inquiry such as but not limited to an investigation by
the SIU;
the OIPRD; or
Professional Standards.
charged with a criminal offence
charges laid internally;
by the SIU;
other police agencies; or
by private information.
charged under the PSA
same as sergenat
Withholding of Reclassification
Unit Commanders shall ensure that ——- are advised immediately by e–mail when any constable has been so charged. Charges laid internally, or by the SIU, other police agencies, or by private information, will also result in the withholding of the reclassification. An officer will not be reclassified until the underlying misconduct/complaint is resolved in favour of the officer.
Labour Relations and Employee Services
Withholding of Reclassification
A constable whose reclassification is withheld may exercise their rights under Item 2 of the Memorandum of Understanding of the ——–. When a constable chooses to appeal or dispute a recommendation under this
section, the constable shall notify their Unit Commander and the ——- within —— of the time the constable was informed that the reclassification was being withheld.
Uniform Collective Agreement
Toronto Police Association
seventy two (72) hours
Civilian Members
Civilian positions have a qualifying period from —— to ——, depending on the job classification. Probationary civilians covered by Units “A”, “B” and “C” Collective Agreements shall be appraised on a TPS —- at the conclusion of their — and —months of employment. Civilian members covered by Units “D” and “E” Collective Agreements shall be appraised on a TPS 535 after completing —-hours (equivalent of two (2) months) and ——hours
(equivalent of four (4) months). Civilians shall be appraised on a TPS 535 as follows
six (6) month qualifying period – at the conclusion of the 2nd and 4th month in the new position
one (1) year qualifying period – at the conclusion of the 2nd, 4th and — month in the new position
six (6) months to one (1) year
2nd and 4th