05-16 Hate / Bias Crime Flashcards
The impact of crime motivated by hate or bias is far–reaching; extending beyond the physical and emotional trauma suffered by the victim and encompassing other members of the targeted group. Such crimes often heighten the isolation and ——– of the victim group and can cause severe stress for all members of the community. If unchecked, these
crimes can result in escalating social ——-between different groups that can destroy communities. An appropriate police response to hate/bias crime goes beyond law enforcement and must convey a strong message of our respect for, and commitment to, a diverse society. The commitment of the Toronto Police Service (Service) to the community is based upon valuing the equality and dignity of every person
Supervisory Officer mandatory notification
Supervisory Officer mandatory attendance
————– mandatory notification
———— – Hate Crime mandatory notification
Divisional Detective Sergeant
Intelligence Services
For the purposes of this procedure, hate/bias crimes and hate ——-will be reported as separate offences. Where the procedure indicates a ‘hate/bias crime’, offences under the ‘Hate Propaganda’ sections of the Criminal Code shall be substituted where appropriate.
A police officer shall be dispatched to every report of hate/bias crime or hate propaganda.
The Service is committed to the investigation of hate/bias crime and to assuming a leadership role in the co-ordination of a strong police and community response. In addition, the Service is committed to working closely with all segments of the community to provide ——- programs on hate/bias crime and hate propaganda.
The investigation of hate/bias crime is the responsibility of the d——–office but Intelligence Services – Hate Crime (INT – Hate Crime) will provide assistance and expertise to all investigations and prosecutions for these crimes.
INT – Hate Crime will complete the ——— or its equivalent and maintain the Services information database of hate/bias occurrences and arrest to assist divisional analysts and investigators. INT – Hate Crime will also
assist in developing public education programs in partnership with other members of the Service and the community.
INT – Hate Crime will be the central focus for the ——-of information and support to divisional hate crime coordinators, other police services, government agencies and the community.
divisional detective
Hate Crimes Detail Page
Police Officer
- When dispatched to the scene of a hate/bias crime shall
attend ——–
notify a supervisory officer of the circumstances
provide assistance to the victim by ensuring immediate medical attention is provided if required
offer the victim the assistance of ———- in accordance with Procedure 04–31, and document the victim’s response
conduct a Person Query, including a CPIC and Canadian Firearms Registry On–line (CFRO) check
determine whether any of the individuals involved in the occurrence own, possess, or have access to a firearm, ammunition, weapons, firearms certificate, registration certificate, permit, licence or authorization and comply with
Procedure 05–21
consider using the search and seizure provisions contained in section 117 of the Criminal Code to minimize any
subsequent risk to public safety
assess whether reasonable grounds exist for believing there is a threat to safety by obtaining the type of
information outlined in Chapter 5, Appendix A
protect the scene and secure all evidence, including such items as posters, ———-, graffiti, recordings and clothing in compliance with Procedures 04–21, 04–30 and 09–01
Victim Services Toronto
Police Officer
have the scene photographed where graffiti is found, or when evidence cannot be readily detached or retrieved
arrange with the property owner or occupier for the ——- removal or covering of any graffiti following photographs being taken
One of the most effective ways of curtailing the incidence of graffiti is have it removed or ———- over within ——- hours.
The removal of graffiti from private property is the responsibility of the property holder.
Maintenance of public property is the responsibility of the respective government agency.
- Where initial investigation determines that an offence has been committed shall
complete the applicable eReports and include
a full description of the incident, including any statements or utterances made by the suspect where possible
the cultural/ethnic ———of the victim and any past relationship with the suspect
information to assist in making further contact with victims and witnesses including addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth
the applicable information contained in Chapter 5, Appendix A
twenty four (24)
Police Officer
A Firearms Interest Police (FIP) entry will be auto-generated from the eReport entry and
uploaded to CPIC. The FIP database in CPIC flags an individual applying for a firearms licence
who has committed, or threatened to commit, an act of violence. Such a flag is not an automatic
refusal to issue a licence, but assists in the initial screening process or subsequent review by a
Chief Firearms Officer
Police Officer
ensure the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) – Crime Types – Hate Crime study flag is checked ‘yes’ or ‘———-’ in the eReport
provide the relevant eReport numbers to
INT – Hate Crime
divisional detective sergeant
consider the following criteria in determining if an incident is a hate/bias crime
——— or absence of motive
the ———of the victim and the community about the crime
the display of offensive symbols associated with hate groups (graffiti, symbols, hate literature, etc.)
the date and time of the occurrence corresponding to a date of ———-to victim and/or suspect (i.e.historical or religious)
a review of circumstances surrounding the incident including
‒ the ——— involved in the attack
‒ the manner and ——of attack
‒ ———–incidents in the same area or against the same victim
‒ statements, comments or ———used by the suspect
Police Officer
Generally, no single factor is sufficient to make a determination of what constitutes a hate/bias crime. It is often the result of ——– information that supports such a finding. It is not enough to determine that the suspect was biased against the victim but rather that the ———- for the commission of the criminal act was hate or bias.
3. When a suspect is arrested for a hate/bias crime shall
comply with Procedure 01–01
clearly indicate ‘———-’ at the top of the eReport
ensure the eReport indicates the hate/bias nature of the charges
provide the relevant eReport numbers to
INT – Hate Crime
divisional detective sergeant
comply with Procedure 17–01, if applicable
hate/bias crime
Police Officer
- When investigating an incident that appears motivated by hate but revealing no apparent offence shall
preserve and ——– any evidence that may assist in any further investigation of the allegation in compliance with
Procedures 04–21, 04–30 and 09–01
complete the appropriate eReports
submit a TPS ——- to place the address on the Special Address System, if appropriate
provide the relevant eReport numbers to
INT – Hate Crime
divisional detective sergeant
Police Officer
- Upon conclusion of the at-scene investigation shall
enter the disposition of the call on the mobile workstation or notify the Communications Operator – Communications Services
if the situation varies from the original event type (e.g., check address, dispute, etc.)
obtain a divisional supervisory officer’s badge number and approval to change the event type
request the communications operator to change the event type to reflect the true situation
record all notifications and attendance or non-attendance of supervisor in the eReport
scan and attach all memorandum book notes and hard copy reports to the original eReport before reporting off duty
INT – Hate Crime will complete the Hate/Crime Detail Page or its equivalent.
Supervisory Officer
The supervisory officer shall be responsible for the quality and thoroughness of the uniform response.
6. Upon being notified of an incident suspected to be a hate/bias crime shall
attend the scene
assign sufficient police officers to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted
ensure all evidence is dealt with in compliance with Procedures 04–21, 04–30 and 09–01
request the attendance of investigators from the divisional detective office, Detective Operations – Forensic Identification Services, INT – Hate Crime and ——– , as appropriate
ensure compliance with Procedure 04–31, if required
assure the victim and the community that the Service will fully investigate the occurrence and assist the community
in taking measures to ——- any repetition of the offence
advise the ——– of all relevant facts
- When an officer determines a call is not for a hate/bias crime or hate/bias incident and requests to change the event
type shall, ensure the criteria in this procedure has been met and approve the request if appropriate under the
Victim Services Toronto
Officer in Charge
Case Manager
- Upon initiating an investigation of a hate/bias crime shall
ensure the relevant eReport numbers are provided to ——-
ensure the divisional hate crime coordinator is advised of significant aspects of the investigation
where applicable, consider and exercise all powers of search and seizure, with and without warrant, relating to weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives and the related licences, certificates or permits
ensure that the victim is offered the assistance of Victim Services Toronto, in accordance with Procedure 04–31
when firearms are or may be a factor
notify Organized Crime Enforcement – Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force
comply with Procedure 05–21
INT – Hate Crime
Case Manager
- When an arrest results from an investigation shall
ensure that information on the hate/bias aspect of the crime, is noted in the eReport (————-) and the —— of the report clearly indicates ‘hate/bias crime’
in cases involving stalking, threatening or harassing behaviour, and where there is an ——- target and serious potential for violence, consult with the divisional——— regarding consultation with Detective Operations – Sex Crimes – ——————-
consider contacting all persons known to police who may provide the accused access to firearms or related licences, certificates or permits
apply for a ———- order or seek a revocation where reasonable grounds exist to believe it is not desirable in the interests of safety for the offender to possess weapons
prosecution summary
detective sergeant
Behavioural Assessment Section (BAS)
Officer in Charge
10.Upon being notified of a hate/bias crime shall ensure
detective personnel attend the scene as required
in cases involving bodily harm or ——–damage, the ———and INT – Hate Crime, are notified promptly
compliance with Procedures 17–01 and 17–08, if applicable
the relevant eReport numbers are provided to the divisional detective sergeant
the particulars are recorded in the Unit Commanders Morning Report (UCMR)
11.When booking a prisoner, and before considering ——– , shall ensure all reasonable inquiries have been made into the possession by an accused of weapons, firearms, authorizations, permits, Firearms Acquisition Certificate, etc., and that such items are surrendered before release to enhance victim safety.
major property
Unit Commander
Detective Sergeant
12.Upon being notified of a hate/bias crime shall
review the circumstances to determine if further action is required
ensure the eReport number is provided to the divisional hate crime coordinator
13.If further investigation is not warranted or a charge is not supported shall
add supplementary information to the original eReport detailing the reasons for the decision
ensure the victim and ——– are advised of the decision
14.If further investigation is warranted shall
assign the appropriate resources to the investigation including assistance from ———-
ensure all evidence is dealt with in compliance with Procedures 04–21, 04–30 and 09–01
INT – Hate Crime
INT – Hate Crime
Detective Sergeant
15.In all cases where a charge is supported shall ensure
the investigation is completed in compliance with the applicable Service Governance
evidence is submitted for expert examination, if necessary
compliance with Procedure 17–04, if applicable
the victim is informed of ——— in the investigation
at the conclusion of any court proceeding
supplementary information is added to the original eReport, indicating the ———– of the case
————- is advised of the disposition
16.When an arrest has been made in a hate/bias crime case involving stalking, threatening or harassing behaviour; and
where there is an identifiable target and serious potential for violence shall contact the ——for advice, referral or an assessment of risk, if appropriate.
INT – Hate Crime
Divisional Hate Crime Coordinator
17.When designated by the Unit Commander shall
notify and ———- with INT – Hate Crime Unit of all hate-related occurrences
maintain a unit specific ——– of all hate-related occurrences to ensure proper review and classification for the
purpose of consistency
—– all hate crime cases to ensure proper application of the increased sentencing provisions of section 718.2
(a)(i) of the Criminal Code
provide information and assistance to divisional personnel on hate-related occurrences
Divisional Hate Crime Coordinator
18.Upon notification of an incident suspected to be a hate/bias crime shall ensure
appropriate ——–are made to community based agencies to assist in resolving/defusing the incident
that the victim is offered the assistance of Victim Services Toronto, in accordance with Procedure 04–31
a TPS 228 is completed to place the address on the Special Address System, if appropriate
supplementary information is added to the original eReport occurrence, outlining the action taken and any
resolution achieved
the CCJS – Crime Types – Hate Crime study flag is checked ‘yes’ or ‘suspected’ in the eReport
Hate/Bias Crime means a criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by hate, bias, or prejudice based on the victim’s race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or on any other similar factor.
This is found in s. ——– (a)(i) of the Criminal Code, which contains increased sentencing provisions for the aggravating
Hate Incident is a non-criminal action or behaviour that is motivated by hate against an identifiable group. Examples of hate incidents include using racial ——– , or insulting a person because of their ethnic or religious dress or how they identify.
(For example, a neighbour dispute or a dispute in a parking lot, which escalates to verbal abuse, derogatory or racial
Hate Propaganda means any communication that advocates or promotes ———– against any identifiable group or makes statements that are likely to promote hate against any ———- group because of colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.
Hate propaganda offences are found in s. 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code. Advocate genocide and ——–promotion of hatred require the permission of the ———– to proceed with prosecution.
Public incitement of hatred does not require the consent of the Attorney General.
Intelligence Services – Hate Crime will ———with the Ministry of the Attorney General and advise the respective detective
office when a decision by the Attorney General has been made concerning the commencement of legal proceedings in
cases of hate propaganda.
Attorney General