15-01 Incident Response (Use of Force/De-Escalation) Flashcards
The Toronto Police Service (Service) places the highest value on the protection of life and the safety of its members and the public, with a greater —— for human life than the protection of property. Members of the Service have a responsibility to only use that force which is reasonably necessary to bring an incident under control effectively and safely.
——- is an aid to promote continuous ——-assessment and evaluation of every situation, and can assist members to understand and make use of a variety of force options to respond to potentially violent situations. It is not intended to serve as a ——–for a member’s use of force, nor does it prescribe specific response options appropriate to any given situation. However, the Model does provide a valuable framework for understanding and ——-the events associated with an incident involving a member’s use of force.
The Ontario Use of Force Model (Model)
The decision, whether force is to be used and the amount of force required, shall rest solely with the member who is ——involved in the event. Such decisions shall be made in a manner consistent with the member’s training, the philosophy and central themes of the Ontario Use of Force Model (Model) and the law.
——– and ——— are core tools. De-escalation and communication methods must be considered continuously and used, where possible, even after use of force has occurred. Officers shall, in all situations involving the use of force, consider de-escalation tactics, including ——– predicated on the philosophy that protection of human life is a —– duty of the police.
De-escalation is defined as —— and non-verbal strategies intended to reduce the — of a conflict or crisis encountered by the police, with the intent of gaining compliance —— the application of force, or if force is necessary, reducing the amount of force so as not to exceed the amount of force reasonably required.
Supervisory Officer ——– mandatory when firearm is discharged
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory when
firearm is discharged
conducted energy weapon has been used
Officer in Charge of Division of occurrence notification mandatory when firearm is discharged
——- notification mandatory when firearm is discharged
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory for any duty to report/duty to ——- incident
Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI)
The ————- empowers every person who is required or authorized to do anything in the ——— or enforcement of the law, when acting on reasonable grounds, to use as much force as necessary for that purpose. Every person is liable, both criminally and civilly, for any ——– or excessive force used.
Criminal Code (CC)
Ontario Regulation 926/90 (O.Reg. 926/90) made under the Police Services Act (PSA) ——- a member of a police service from using force on another person, unless the member has successfully completed the prescribed training course on the use of force, and that at least once every twelve (12) months, members who may be required to use force on other persons receive a training course on the use of force. When a use of force option is employed, its application shall be in keeping with the training received. Techniques outside of the prescribed training are ————-, unless no other reasonable ———- exist.
Approved Use of Force Options
Ontario Regulation 3/99 provides that, at minimum, police officers are
issued a h——–
issued —————- aerosol spray
issued a b——– and
trained in officer safety, ————- and physical control techniques
issued a handgun
issued oleoresin capsicum (OC) aerosol spray
issued a baton, and
trained in officer safety, communication and physical control techniques
Approved Use of Force Options
Members shall not use a weapon other than a firearm unless
that type of weapon has been approved for use by the ————
the weapon conforms to ——— standards established by the Solicitor General
the weapon is ——– in accordance with standards established by the Solicitor General
the weapon, in the course of a ——- exercise, is used on another member in compliance with —— Governance
Solicitor General
Intermediate Force Options
Members may use an ———– weapon such as their issued baton, OC spray or conducted energy weapon (CEW)
as a force option
to prevent themselves from being ———- when violently attacked
to prevent a ——– being taken from police custody
to ———– an apparently dangerous person armed with an offensive weapon
to ——— a potentially violent situation when other force options are not viable
for any other lawful and ———- purpose
Weapons of Opportunity
Despite the foregoing, ———- in O.Reg. 926/90 or this Procedure —— a member from the reasonable use of weapons of opportunity when none of the approved options are available or appropriate to defend themselves or members of the
Authorized Restraining Devices
Handcuffs, leg irons, spit shields and other restraints authorized by the ——–(e.g. plastic flexi–cuffs) may be
to ——– the violent activities of a person in custody
when prisoners are being ——– from one place to another
to prevent a prisoner from ————
Chief of Police
Fleeing Suspect
A peace officer, and every person lawfully ——- the peace officer, is justified in using force that is intended or is likely to cause death or grievous ——- harm to a person to be arrested, if
a) the peace officer is proceeding ——— to arrest, with or without warrant, the person to be arrested;
b) the offence for which the person is to be arrested is one for which that person may be arrested without ————;
c) the person to be arrested takes ——— to avoid arrest;
d) the peace officer or other person using the force believes on ——— that the force is necessary for
the purpose of protecting the peace officer, the person lawfully assisting the peace officer or any other person from imminent or future death or grievous bodily harm; and
e) the flight cannot be prevented by reasonable means in a less ——- manner.
[Authority: CC, ss. 25(4)]
reasonable grounds
Motor Vehicles
Discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle is an ——- method of disabling the vehicle. Discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle may present a hazard to both the officer and to the public. Police officers are ——— from discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle for the ——- purpose of disabling the vehicle.
Police officers shall not discharge a firearm at the operator or —— of a motor vehicle unless there exists an immediate threat of death or grievous bodily harm to officers and/or members of the public by a means other than the ——— .
Motor Vehicles
Police officers shall be cognizant that disabling the operator of the motor vehicle thereby disabling the control over the motor vehicle may also present a ——— to both the officer and the public.
Except while in a motor vehicle, officers shall not place themselves in the ——- of an occupied motor vehicle with the intention of preventing its ——-. Additionally, officers should not attempt to disable an occupied vehicle by —— into it.
Pursuant to Procedure 13–03 and 13–05, any apparent breach of this Procedure will be carefully considered on its ————
having regard to all the circumstances before ——– is commenced.
Excessive Force
Members who are authorized to use force, do not have an unlimited power to use that force on a person in the course of
their duties. The amount of force permitted is constrained by the principles of ———– , necessity and ——— . If an officer’s use of force is challenged there will be an evaluation of the officer’s subjective belief as to the nature of the danger, whether the subjective belief was ——-reasonable and whether the use of force was necessary and proportional to the danger.
An officer is prohibited from using force that is likely to cause death or grievous bodily harm, unless the officer believes that the force is necessary to protect themselves or another person from death, or grievous bodily harm. Any officer who is believed, upon reasonable grounds, to have used excessive force will be liable to ——-. (Authority: CC, s.25, s. 26).
criminal prosecution
Duty to Report and Duty to ———
In accordance with the values of the Service, the law, procedure and the necessity to maintain the trust of the community,
all members shall ———- the reputation of the Service and comply with the duty to intervene and the duty to report ——— of other members of the Service and members of police services that the Service may be partnered with in the course of investigations or ——— activities.
Duty to Report and Duty to Intervene
Any member who has a clear reason to believe that another member of the Service is engaging in conduct that constitutes misconduct including, but not limited to, assault or physical abuse (i.e. excessive use of force) involving any person, shall:
(a) Where feasible, ——— and take reasonable steps to prevent the behaviour from ————;
(b) Record details of the incident and substance of the complaint, including dates, times, locations, other persons present and other relevant information, including the ——– of video and/or other evidence; and
(c) Report the incident forthwith, to their immediate ——– , or another supervisor.
Duty to Report and Duty to Intervene
Under the ———-, failure to report the misconduct of another member, may constitute ———- and may be subject to
discipline as outlined in Service Procedure - Chapter 13 Appendix A, entitled “Unit Level Criteria/Conduct Penalties”
In addition to this Procedure, sworn members shall abide by applicable requirements of the Code of Conduct, Code of Offences and Conduct Requirements as outlined in Ontario Regulation 268/10 (O. Reg. 268/10) made under the PSA.
Reporting Use of Force
Ontario Regulation 926/90 compels members to submit a Use of Force Report to the ——— when a member
uses ———– force on another person that results in an injury that requires ——– attention
draws a ——– in the presence of a member of the ——–, excluding a member of the police force while on duty
———— a firearm
————-a firearm regardless if the firearm is a handgun or a long gun
uses a ———- other than a firearm on another person
Chief of Police
Reporting Use of Force
For the purpose of reporting a use of force incident, the definition of a weapon includes a police —— or police ———that comes into direct physical contact with a person.
Additionally, officers are required to submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the Chief of Police when the officer uses a ——
as a “———— force presence”
in drive stun mode or full deployment, whether ——— or otherwise.
Use of force reports are collected and used to ——— individual and group training requirements, or Service use of force
———– requirements.
Race and Identity-Based Data Collection
Ontario Regulation 267/18, made under the —————-, requires the Ministry of the ———- ———–to collect
police service member’s perception regarding the race of individuals about whom a Use of Force Report is completed. As outlined in Procedure 16–07, the Toronto Police Services Board Policy entitled “Race-Based Data Collection, Analysis
and ——-Reporting” requires the Toronto Police Service (Service) to collect, analyze and publicly report on data related to the race of those individuals with whom Service members interact. When officers are required to complete a Use of
Force Report, in accordance with this Procedure, they shall record their ——— race of the individual(s) about whom the report is completed in the designated section of the report.
Anti-Racism Act, 2017
Solicitor General
Team Reports
Specialized Emergency Response – Emergency Task Force (ETF) and ———– – Public Safety (Public Safety), when operating/responding as a team, shall submit a ——— ——— UFR Form 1 in situations where
force, meeting the reporting requirements, is merely ——- . An incident in which force was actually used, including the Demonstrated Force Presence of a CEW, requires a ——— Use of Force Report from each individual officer involved.
Emergency Management & Public Order
Team Report
Exemptions to the Reporting Criteria
A Use of Force Report is not required when
a firearm, other than an issued handgun, is merely ——– or displayed by an officer
a handgun is drawn or a firearm pointed at a person or is discharged in the course of a ——— exercise, target practice or ordinary firearm ——– in accordance with Service Governance
a ——— other than a firearm is used on another member of the Service in the course of a training exercise
——– force is used on another member of the Service in the course of a training exercise
Use of Force Reports – Prohibited Uses
Under no circumstances shall the Use of Force Report, or the personal identifiers associated with Part B be retained beyond the limitations dictated by O.Reg. 926/90, and in accordance with Board Policy.
The Use of Force Report shall not be admitted in —— at any hearing under Part V of the PSA, other than a hearing to determine whether the police officer has —–ss. 14.5 of O.Reg. 926/90 and Service ———- on use of
force reporting
Use of Force Reports - prohibited uses
The information from the Use of Force Report shall not be contained in an officer’s ———- file.
The Use of Force Report shall not be introduced, quoted from, or in any way referred to, during considerations of ———-
or job assignment without the ———- of the reporting officer.
Duplication / Disclosure / Retention
Members shall not make or —— a copy of the Use of Force Report for any purpose, except as required to conduct a
proper analysis for ———– purposes and Service Governance review.261
Where a court order, subpoena, or prosecutor’s request for disclosure of the Use of Force Report is received, such request shall be directed to——— ———. Where the request is made under the ————– and not by a court order, subpoena, or ————- request for disclosure, such request shall be directed
to the Coordinator – ——————————————.
Legal Services
Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection
of Privacy Act
Records Management Services – Access and Privacy Section
Additional Training
The Unit Commander of a member who has been identified with a training issue shall submit a TPS 649 to the ————— detailing the issue. The TPC shall be responsible for liaising with a Unit Commander recommending individual training for a member, and shall schedule the required training in accordance with
unit specific guidelines. Final determination on individual training will be made by the —————–
Unit Commander – Toronto Police College (TPC)
Unit Commander – TPC.
Additional Investigative Requirements – Firearm Discharge
When a Service firearm has been discharged, the ———– shall be notified forthwith.
The ————— shall be responsible for all administrative investigations pertaining to firearm discharges.
The discharging officer’s ———- officer is required to complete a ————–
A supervisory officer from the involved officer’s unit may be assigned to support and assist the FDI in the investigation.
Senior Duty Officer
Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI)
Firearm Discharge Report.
Exemption to the Additional Investigative Requirements
A FDI is not required when investigating the discharge of a device designed for the application of ———- ———– (tear gas guns and muzzle blast devices).
The investigation and report on the incident shall be the responsibility of the ————, in conjunction with the training staff, of the unit responsible for the discharge.
chemical munitions
Unit Commander
Special Constables (Court Officers, Divisional Bookers, District Special Constables) and Auxiliary Members
Special Constables and Auxiliary Members are not issued firearms. The following use of force options are issued to
Special Constables and Auxiliary Members
S—————— (available for use)
With the exception of firearms, the provisions of this Procedure regarding training, use of force options and the reporting
of force used shall also govern Special Constables and Auxiliary Members.
Pepper Gel
Handcuff Restraints
Soft Leg Restraints (available for use)
1. Members shall not use force on another person unless they have successfully completed the prescribed training course on the use of force (which includes de-escalation techniques and ———-)
2. Members who may be required to use force on other persons shall complete a training course on the use of force (which includes de-escalation techniques and communication) at least once every ————
twelve (12) months
3. Members
unless otherwise authorized, shall only use the use of force options identified in the Approved Use of Force Options and Intermediate Force Options sections in this Procedure
are reminded that de-escalation and communication methods must be considered —————-and used, where
possible, even after a use of force has occurred
may use ———- when none of the approved options are available or appropriate to defend themselves or members of the public
weapons of opportunity
- Unless otherwise authorized, members shall
only use their Service issued baton
not use impact devices commonly known as ‘saps’ or ‘————-
Batons are the only impact weapon permitted for use when dealing directly with the public
- When authorized to use OC aerosol spray shall
only use it when other options reasonably present a risk of injury to a ——- or themselves
make all reasonable efforts to decontaminate sprayed individuals at the earliest safe or practicable opportunity,
including the consideration of aerosol water ——- decontamination devices
- Police officers issued with and/or authorized to carry firearms or ammunition shall
not draw a handgun, point a firearm at a person, or discharge a firearm unless
there are reasonable grounds to believe that to do so is necessary to protect against loss of life or ——— (Authority: O. Reg. 926/90, s. 9)
engaged in a ———– exercise, target practice or ordinary weapon maintenance (Authority: O. Reg. 926/90,
ss. 9.1)
the discharge of a handgun or other firearm is to ——- for assistance in a critical situation, if there is no reasonable alternative [Authority: O. Reg. 926/90, ss. 10(a)]
serious bodily harm
the discharge of a handgun or other firearm is to destroy an —— that is potentially dangerous or is so badly injured that humanity dictates that its ———be ended [Authority: O. Reg. 926/90, ss. 10(b)]
not discharge a firearm
at a motor vehicle for the sole purpose of ———- the vehicle
at the operator or —— of a motor vehicle unless there exists an immediate threat of death or grievous bodily harm to the officers and/or members of the public by a means other than the vehicle - as a ———- shot
Warning shots present an unacceptable hazard to both the public and the police.
Pursuant to Procedure 13-03 and 13-05, any apparent breach of this Procedure will be carefully considered on the ——— having regard to all the circumstances before discipline is commenced.
- When it is necessary to discharge a Service issued firearm for the purpose of dispatching an animal shall comply with
Procedure 15–03. - In critical situations shall, when tactically appropriate
avoid confrontation by ———- to a place of safety
take all reasonable measures to ——- the scene
notify the———— and request the attendance of
a ——— officer
——————, if required
communications operator
Toronto Paramedic Services (Paramedics)
- When the use of force results in an injury to a person shall
comply with Procedure 10–06
ensure the person receives proper ——- attention, making all reasonable efforts to relieve their discomfort
notify the communications operator and request the attendance of
a ———– officer
Paramedics, if required
10.Members unless engaged in an approved training exercise shall submit a Use of Force Report to their supervisor prior to the completion of the tour of duty when they
use physical force on another person that results in an injury that requires medical attention
———- a handgun in the presence of a member of the public, excluding a member of the police force while on duty
discharge a firearm
——– a firearm regardless if the firearm is a handgun or a ———-
use a weapon other than a firearm on another person
use a CEW as Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, Full Deployment or when an ———– discharge occurs
long gun
11.When a CEW is used as a Demonstrated Force Presence, in Full Deployment, Drive Stun Mode, or when an unintentional discharge occurs shall comply with Procedure 15–09.
12.When discharging any firearm other than at an authorized range or under the exemption provisions shall immediately
- their ———– officer
- the ————- of the division in which the discharge occurred.
As per the Firearm Discharge definition, when a Service member discharges a firearm in the performance of their duty, and/or discharges a Service issued firearm at any time, intentionally or unintentionally, regardless of whether it causes injury or death. This does not include discharges that occur at an authorized range or under the exemption provisions.
Officer in Charge
13.After the at–scene portion of the event has concluded shall
complete a
—————-when force has been used
TPS —— when injury or illness has occurred
TPS —— when a CEW is used as Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, Full Deployment or unintentional discharges
Members shall not make, retain or release a copy of the Use of Force Report for any purpose except as required in this Procedure.
Use of Force Report when force has been used
TPS 105 when injury or illness has occurred
TPS 584 when a CEW is used as Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun
attach the TPS 105 and TPS 584 , as applicable, to the Use of Force Report and submit to their ——– prior to the completion of the tour of duty
when approved by a supervisor, submit the completed Use of Force Report electronically via internal e-mail to the ———– at the TPC
where critical incident stress may have occurred, comply with 08–04
Training Analys
14.When additional use of force training has been recommended by the Unit Commander shall attend as directed.
15.When becoming aware of a firearm discharge by a law enforcement officer from another law enforcement agency shall immediately notify their ——— .
16.When making recommendations regarding training, equipment or policy issues related to the use of force shall submit details of the recommendations on a TPS 649 to the ———-
Unit Commander.
Supervisory Officer
17. When notified of a firearm discharge incident shall
attend the scene ———–
ensure the scene and all evidence are ———– and collected in compliance with Procedure 04–21
exercise all due caution to ensure the evidence is not contaminated, ——– or destroyed
advise the ———- at the first available opportunity and provide regular updates
ensure the ———-of the division in which the firearm discharge occurred has been notified, if the discharge did not occur in the members home unit
support and assist the FDI and investigate as required
submit a ——- to the Officer in Charge prior to the completion of the tour of duty
Officer in Charge
Officer in Charge
TPS 586
Supervisory Officer
18.Upon receipt of a Use of Force Report shall
where critical incident stress may have occurred, comply with 08–04
ensure the report is accurate and completed in accordance with this Procedure
direct the submitting officer to email the electronic version of the report to the ———-, as required
ensure the TPS 105, TPS 584 and TPS 586, as applicable, are attached to the Use of Force Report
review all available ——— and in Car Camera footage of the officers involved in the incident
notify the ———— and/or Unit Complaint Co-ordinator (UCC) of the submission of the Use of Force Report
Training Analyst
Body Worn Camera
Unit Investigating Officer
Supervisory Officer
Where a probationary constable has been involved in a Use of Force incident, a review of the incident, the Body Worn Camera and the in Car Camera footage (if applicable) shall be conducted with the —————
This review is to ensure alignment with prescribed training and regulations. The review shall consider the principles of fair and impartial policing, to recognize implicit biases and implement ——– responses in decision making.
probationary constable
Supervisory Officer
submit the completed Use of Force Report and TPS forms to the Officer in Charge prior to the completion of the tour of duty
where a member is incapable of completing the Use of Force Report, as the immediate supervisor, complete the ———- portion
notify the unit investigating Supervisor and/or UCC of the submission
if recommending additional training, complete the applicable section of the ——–
comply with Procedure 15-03, if applicable
Use of Force Report
Unit Investigating Supervisor/Unit Complaint Coordinator
19.Upon being notified of a Use of Force Report submission shall
commence a review of the circumstances and the appropriateness of the level of force used during an incident
review all available Body Worn Camera footage of the officers involved in the incident
take appropriate action, if a training issue has been identified, or a ——– has occurred
Officer in Charge
20.Upon being notified of a firearm discharge shall
ensure a ——– officer is assigned to support and assist the FDI during the course of the firearm discharge investigation in accordance with the ‘————- – Firearm Discharge’ section of this Procedure
whether or not the firearm discharge results in injury or death to a person, notify the ———- and comply
with Procedure 04-02 and 13-16 as applicable
notify the ————– forthwith
ensure a description of the event is detailed in the Unit Commander’s Morning Report (UCMR)
Additional Investigative Requirements
Unit Commander
Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC)
Officer in Charge
21.Upon receipt of a Use of Force Report shall
where critical incident stress may have occurred, comply with 08–04
ensure the TPS 105, TPS 584 and TPS 586, as applicable, are attached to the Use of Force Report
ensure the reports are accurate and complete
ensure that the Unit Investigating Supervisor and/or UCC has been notified
ensure that the Supervisor has conducted a review when a probationary constable was involved in a use of force incident
if recommending additional training, complete the applicable section of the Use of Force Report
submit the completed reports to the Unit Commander prior to the completion of the tour of duty
comply with Procedure 15-03. if applicable
Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre
22.Upon being notified of a firearm discharge by an officer from another law enforcement agency shall notify the ———- and ———– .
Duty Senior Officer
on–call FDI forthwith
Firearm Discharge Investigator – Professional Standards
23.When advised that a firearm discharge incident has occurred shall
take ——- of the investigation
direct all required resources to ensure compliance with the additional investigative requirements
conduct a thorough investigation and submit the appropriate report
comply with Procedure 13–16
Authorized Range means a range
operated by the Service, or;
operated by another Ontario ———– , or;
that is a privately owned and ———- approved shooting range, or;
operated by the ————————
police service
Department of National Defence (DND
Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) means a weapon that primarily uses propelled wires to conduct energy that affects the ——— functions of the central nervous system.
sensory and/or motor
Dispatching of an Animal means the discharge of a firearm for the purpose of ending the life of an animal that is potentially ——— , or is so badly injured that ————dictates that its suffering be ended.
Firearm for the purposes of use of force, means a Service issued or ———–firearm.
Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI) means a detective or ——– assigned to Professional Standards who has completed the ——- Firearm Discharge Investigators Course.
detective sergeant
Handgun means a firearm that is designed, altered or intended to be aimed and fired by the action of ——-
[Source: Police Services Act, O.Reg. 926/90, S.2].
one hand.
Service Members’ Perception Data means information derived from a member making a determination with respect to the race of an individual by observation, solely on the basis of that member’s own ———
(IRC) ——— ——— ———- means a panel consisting of, but not limited to the:
Unit Commander or designate – Specialized Emergency Response – ———–
Unit Commander or designate – S———- & ————-
Unit Commander or designate - P——————
Section Head – Toronto —————————-
Section Head – TPC – ———————-
Training Analyst – TPC – —————–
Representative – East Field
Representative – West Field
Representative – E—————————————————
Representative – Analysis and Assessment Section
Representative – Equity, Inclusion & Human Rights Section
3 UC’s, 2 SH, 1T, 5RS
Section heads ref to TPC
Incident Review Committee
Unit Commander or designate – Specialized Emergency Response – Emergency Task Force
Unit Commander or designate – Strategy & Risk Management
Unit Commander or designate - Professional Standards
Section Head – Toronto Police College (TPC) – Armament Section
Section Head – TPC – In–Service Training Section
Training Analyst – TPC – Armament Section
Representative – East Field
Representative – West Field
Representative – Emergency Management & Public Order – Public Safety
Representative – Analysis and Assessment Section
Representative – Equity, Inclusion & Human Rights Section
The mandate of the (IRC) is:
———— incidents other than those listed in the exempted areas, where force was used by members of the Service
assess the ———- of the Service’s training, practices and associated Service Governance within the limitations of the SIU Act, and
if applicable, report its findings to the ————-.
Senior Management Team (SMT)
Unit Investigating Supervisor (in reference to Use of Force) means a supervisor assigned to the Unit —–, or a Unit Complaint Coordinator (UCC).
quality control