05-26 Child Abductions Flashcards
Often, upon receipt of a missing child complaint, the most —— task at hand is determining whether it is an actual abduction, a runaway child, a lost child, an abandoned child, or a ——report to cover up a death or family crisis.
If there is insufficient information to formulate an assessment of the type of incident being investigated, officers should treat such a disappearance as an ——-, until information is developed to indicate otherwise.
A child that has been abducted by a stranger is clearly a ‘————-’ as defined in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act. Police officers have the authority, on reasonable and probable grounds, to enter and search any premise —— warrant, using force if necessary, to —— a child in need of protection whose health and safety is at substantial risk. A warrant must be obtained if there is no substantial —- to the child’s health and safety. This Procedure sets out the best practices of the Toronto Police Service (Service) when responding to incidents of child abduction, both parental and non–parental. The Service’s main objective is the safe —- of the child.
child in need of protection
Supervisory Officer ——mandatory
Divisional ——– attendance mandatory upon receiving a complaint of a possible abduction of a person under
the age of eighteen (18)
Supervisory Office and Divisional Detective notification mandatory
Officer in Charge mandatory notification upon receiving a complaint of a possible abduction of a person under the
age of eighteen (18)
The Criminal Code (CC) sets out the following four (4) abduction–related offences
s. —- Abduction of a person under ——– Non–Parental
s. —- Abduction of person under ——– Non–Parental
s. —- Abduction in Contravention of ———- Order Parental
s. —- Abduction ———–
Members will familiarize themselves with the relevant law when undertaking investigations into child abductions.
s. 280 Abduction of a person under sixteen (16) Non–Parental
s. 281 Abduction of person under fourteen (14) Non–Parental
s. 282 Abduction in Contravention of Custody Order Parental
s. 283 Abduction Parent
When conducting an investigation into an alleged abduction, the ———- gathering of information is critical to determine what occurred and to establish the subsequent direction of the ensuing investigation. The initial investigation must be prompt
and detailed. Guidelines to assist canvassing officers in gathering information are included in the TPS 233A. These guidelines have also been incorporated into TPS 233 for the Search Co–ordinator.
Nothing should be assumed and everything shall be verified
The activation of an AMBER Alert shall be considered in all missing children investigations, and Major Case Management
shall be implemented in all cases involving AMBER Alert activation.
Before an AMBER Alert is initiated, the following guidelines must be met
the investigator believes a child under —— years of age has been abducted
the investigator believes the child is in ——-
there is descriptive information about one or more of the following
to believe an immediate —— alert will help in locating the child.
eighteen (18)
Investigations into cases involving non–parental abduction must be conducted in accordance with the ————
Ontario Major Case
Management Manual.
Police Officer
The first police officer shall be responsible for conducting the initial investigation, preserving evidence, completing all
necessary reports and notifying a supervisory officer of all pertinent facts.
1. Upon receiving a complaint of a possible abduction involving a person under the age of eighteen (18) shall
promptly attend the scene
conduct a thorough preliminary investigation, ensuring all pertinent information is obtained using, the TPS —–
as a guideline
commence an investigation in compliance with Procedure 04–05
request the attendance of a supervisory officer, divisional detective and additional assistance, as required
when circumstances indicate a non–parental or stranger involved abduction, notify ——————
where possible, locate and preserve the scene where the person was last observed
search the home and immediate area thoroughly
where possible, locate and preserve any locations where the person normally plays or visits (—— zones such as playgrounds, places regularly visited, etc.)
conduct a Person Query, including a CPIC and CFRO check on all ———–and immediate family
Detective Operations – Sex Crimes (Sex Crimes)
Police Officer
offer the complainant/victim’s family the opportunity of having a person of their choice or a member of Victim
Services for support, for both stranger and known offender abductions
obtain ———of both the missing person and any ——–
obtain and review a copy of any Custody Orders, ——-Orders and/or any other court orders, where applicable
ensure that any —————— (CLRA) Order of Apprehension is immediately entered on CPIC
2. Once it has been determined that the child has been located and is safe shall complete the Located/Found section of
the Missing Persons details page.
Upon receiving and transcribing the person located/found update, RMS – Ops will cancel the BOLO and the missing person from CPIC.
Children’s Law Reform Act (CLRA)
Police Officer
locate and interview
the immediate family
other relatives
any witnesses
any non–family caregiver
complete the applicable eReports forthwith, selecting Yes for the BOLO option
Records Management Services – Operations (RMS – Ops) will create and post a BOLO.
scan and attach all memorandum book notes and hardcopy reports to the original eReport
check CPIC transaction history to ensure the necessary particulars have been properly entered
The window of opportunity established between the time of last ———and the time the ———was noted is critical to any subsequent canvass of the area.
Supervisory Officer
The supervisory officer shall be responsible for the quality and thoroughness of the uniform response.
3. Upon being notified of a possible abduction involving a person under the age of eighteen (18) shall
attend the scene promptly and take ——of all uniform police officers
notify the Officer in Charge
ensure a divisional detective is notified and requested to attend
ensure compliance with Procedure 04–05
organize a thorough search of the area utilizing all available resources
Supervisory Officer
ensure officers assigned to canvass are instructed to
‒ canvass every residence and business in their assigned area
‒ note each address visited
‒ interview each occupant where possible, using the questions in the TPS 233A as a guideline, recording the
result on a separate TPS 233
‒ leave a TPS 234 in the door or mail box where there is no answer to the canvass
‒ request permission to search the premises
ensure all police officers scan and attach their memorandum book notes and hardcopy reports to the original eReport
ensure Sex Crimes has been notified when circumstances indicate a non–parental or stranger involved abduction
ensure the ———– is notified
Emergency Management & Public Order should be consulted in circumstances requiring a Level
2 or Level 3 search under Procedure 04–05.
ensure that Custody Orders, Restraining Orders and/or any other court order in effect are obtained and reviewed
add supplementary information to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
on–call Search Manager – EM&PO
Divisional Detective
The divisional detective shall promptly attend the scene, notify ——- conduct a thorough and timely investigation
and request activation of the —— when appropriate.
4. Upon being notified of a possible abduction of a person under the age of eighteen (18) shall attend the scene promptly
ensure compliance with Procedure 04–05
ensure the immediate family and other relatives are interviewed
ensure the ———- or other care givers are notified and interviewed, as appropriate
ensure witnesses are isolated from each other and interviewed, in compliance with Procedure 04–32 where
in the case of a non–parental or stranger involved abduction, notify Sex Crimes to ensure the investigation is conducted in compliance with the —————-
in a case of a stranger involved abduction, contact the on–call ————-
Sex Crimes
school principal
Ontario Major Case Management Manual
Detective Sergeant – Intelligence Services (INT
Divisional Detective
The INT can assist by providing expertise relating to telephone ———-and other investigative aids and technology.
in the case of an apparent parental child abduction, ensure a thorough investigation is conducted to establish an
intent to —— the custodial parent of their rights to the child
Custody disputes may involve allegations of parental child abduction. Where no ‘intent to deprive’ is established, the matter must be documented and both parents should be referred to
—— Court for resolution of the custody dispute.
Should there be grounds to believe there was intent to deprive the custodial parent of the rights to the child and there is no evidence of a custody —— in effect, proceedings may only
commence with the consent of the ———–.
Attorney General
Divisional Detective
ensure the first police officer completes the applicable eReport forthwith so that a BOLO can be posted
where the incident meets the criteria for initiating an AMBER Alert, ensure a request has been made through the
ensure the Officer in Charge is updated on a regular basis
for each suspect and suspect vehicle, ensure a TPS 227 is completed and submitted in compliance with the
instructions on the form
ensure pertinent information is ——– to other police services, government agencies and where
appropriate, community organizations in compliance with Procedure 17–04
Officer in Charge
Divisional Detective
if practicable, consult with the S————– prior to making any attempts at recovering the abducted person and/or apprehending the suspect
ensure a ——report is completed in compliance with Procedure 05–19
ensure compliance with Procedures 05–06 and the Child Abuse Protocol, where applicable
notify Corporate Communications regarding the issuance of a news release in compliance with Procedure 17–01
ensure supplementary information is added to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
ensure all police officers scan and attach their memorandum book notes and hardcopy reports to the original
ensure charges are laid or warrants obtained where reasonable grounds exist
ensure the relevant information is entered on the RCMP ——–, where applicable
specialized Emergency Response – Emergency Task Force
Missing Child Registry
Officer in Charge
The Officer in Charge shall ensure an appropriate uniform response, and in the absence of the Detective Sergeant, an
appropriate investigative response.
5. Upon being notified of a possible child abduction shall
ensure a supervisory officer and a divisional detective attend the scene
ensure Sex Crimes has been notified when circumstances indicate a non–parental or stranger involved abduction
ensure the on–call Search Manager – EM&PO is notified
- the ———–
- the ———–
- all ———personnel
ensure Communications Services broadcast all pertinent information
ensure Corporate Communications is notified regarding the issuance of a news release in compliance with
Procedure 17–01
ensure the investigating officer disseminates all pertinent information to other police services, government
agencies and community organizations where appropriate, in compliance with Procedure 17–04
ensure the particulars are recorded in the Unit Commanders Morning Report (UCMR)
Unit Commander
Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC)
Officer in Charge
- When requesting an AMBER Alert based on the criteria outlined in this Procedure shall
contact the ——with as much of the following information as possible, keeping in mind that additional
supplementary information can be provided as it becomes available
abducted person’s name
abducted person’s age
abducted person’s description (and ——- if available)
location and time of the person’s abduction
description of the suspect
description of vehicle and ——– plate of the suspect
advise the ———
The Duty Senior Officer – TPOC (Duty Senior Officer) will contact the ———-, or designate. The Chief of Police or designate will make the final decision if an AMBER Alert will be initiated. If approved, the Duty Senior Officer will initiate the Alert through the ——-.
ensure supplementary information is added to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
Unit Commander
Chief of Police
Officer in Charge
- Once it has been determined that the child has been located and is safe shall
if an AMBER Alert has been initiated, advise the —-to cancel the Alert
ensure the Located/Found section of the Missing Persons details page is completed
ensure the information is removed from the RCMP Missing Child Registry, if applicable
Detective Sergeant
The Detective Sergeant is responsible for ensuring an appropriate investigative response.
8. Upon being notified of a possible child abduction shall
in the case of a non–parental child abduction, ensure a Major Case Manager is assigned to lead and conduct the investigation in compliance with the Ontario Major Case Management Manual
ensure Sex Crimes has been notified when circumstances indicate a non–parental or stranger involved abduction
ensure the on–call Search Manager – EM&PO is notified
co–ordinate the divisional response in conjunction with the case manager
ensure compliance with Procedure 04–05
ensure that a divisional ——-attends the scene
Detective Sergeant
assign additional divisional investigative personnel, as required
ensure the assistance of the INT, Sex Crimes or ———- is
requested, where appropriate
ensure that a file is maintained in compliance with the Ontario Major Case Management Manual consisting of the applicable reports, a photo of the abducted child, press —– and all other documents deemed relevant
ensure that measures are taken to contact —– outside of Canada, where appropriate
ensure supplementary information is added to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
Detective Operations – Homicide and Missing Persons
Investigator – Detective Operations – Sex Crimes
- Upon being notified of a possible abduction of a person under the age of eighteen (18), in addition to unit specific
policies shall
- immediately liaise with the ——– investigators
- ensure supplementary information is added to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
on–call Homicide
Detective Sergeant – Intelligence Services
10.Upon being notified of a possible stranger – child abduction shall consult with the investigating officer and offer such
support as required.
Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations
The Duty Senior Officer is responsible for consulting with the investigating officer and contacting the Chief of Police or
designate to receive authorization to activate an AMBER Alert when appropriate.
11.Upon being notified of an abduction of a person under eighteen (18) years of age shall consult with the investigating
officer to determine if an AMBER Alert should be initiated.
12.If after consultation with the investigating officer it is determined that an AMBER Alert should be initiated shall contact
the Chief of Police or designate.
The Chief of Police or designate will make the final decision whether to initiate an AMBER Alert.
already know
Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations
13.Upon authorization from the Chief of Police or designate to initiate an AMBER Alert, shall ensure
a Ontario Amber Alert – Request for Activation is completed with as much information as possible, keeping in mind that additional supplementary information can be provided at a later time as it becomes available
the Ontario Amber Alert – Request for Activation is forwarded by facsimile or electronic mail to the ———-, requesting the activation of an AMBER Alert
The RCMP Missing Child Registry can be accessed by calling toll free to 1–877–318–3567. The automated system will assist investigators in notifying ——- law enforcement agencies in both
Canada and the U.S. including all border points.
14.Once it has been determined that either the child has been located and is safe, or the duration time of the AMBER
Alert has expired and no extension has been requested, shall
ensure the Duty Office – OPP GHQ is notified
ensure supplementary information is added to the original eReport, detailing all action taken
Duty Officer – OPP GHQ
Child means a person younger than —–). [Source: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, ss. 2(1)]
eighteen (18)
Custody Order means an order of the Court (Ontario Court of Justice), which sets out the particulars of —- shall have
custody or access to a child and under what circumstances.
Non-Parental Abduction means the unlawful removal of a child by a person other than a parent, guardian, or person having —– care or charge of the child.
Restraining Order means an order of the Court (Ontario Court of Justice), which restrains one —— from having contact
with the other parent and/or children. This could also include restraining —- parents from having contact with their
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Missing Child Registry means the national registry created and maintained
by the ———-to compile data on missing and abducted children. The Toronto Police
Service supports the registry and encourages officers to forward pertinent information to the RCMP to assist in matters of
both parental and non–parental abduction.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Window of Opportunity means the interval between the time the missing person was last seen and the time they were
———- to be missing